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Created August 2, 2013 13:12
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/home/jacqueline/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.3-p392/bin/ruby -S rspec ./spec/controllers/blog_controller_spec.rb ./spec/controllers/questions_controller_spec.rb ./spec/following_policy_spec.rb ./spec/helpers/blog_helper_spec.rb ./spec/mailers/notification_spec.rb ./spec/models/blog_post_spec.rb ./spec/unit/program_spec.rb ./spec/unit/sluggifier_spec.rb ./spec/views/questions/index.atom.builder_spec.rb ./spec/views/questions/index.html.haml_spec.rb -r./spec/spec_helper.rb
/home/jacqueline/project/ warning: already initialized constant Mocha
BlogHelper add some examples to (or delete) /home/jacqueline/project/
# No reason given
# ./spec/helpers/blog_helper_spec.rb:14
BlogPost add some examples to (or delete) /home/jacqueline/project/
# No reason given
# ./spec/models/blog_post_spec.rb:4
Finished in 1.82 seconds
34 examples, 0 failures, 2 pending
/home/jacqueline/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.3-p392/bin/ruby -S bundle exec cucumber --profile default
Using the default profile...
/home/jacqueline/project/ warning: already initialized constant Mocha
Feature: CRUD actions for answers
As a user of the site, I can perform standard CRUD actions on answers
Scenario: Create an answer # features/answers.feature:5
Given a question exists # features/step_definitions/answer_steps.rb:1
And I answer that question # features/step_definitions/answer_steps.rb:6
Then I should be notified that my answer was submitted # features/step_definitions/answer_steps.rb:12
And an email should be sent to the author # features/step_definitions/answer_steps.rb:27
And I should be able to see my answer # features/step_definitions/answer_steps.rb:16
And my answer should show on my profile page # features/step_definitions/answer_steps.rb:21
Scenario: Edit an answer # features/answers.feature:13
Given a question exists # features/step_definitions/answer_steps.rb:1
And I answer that question # features/step_definitions/answer_steps.rb:6
When I edit that answer # features/step_definitions/answer_steps.rb:31
Then I should see the updated answer # features/step_definitions/answer_steps.rb:38
Feature: Hackety Blog
As an admin, I can post to the hackety blog.
Scenario: Read the blog # features/blog.feature:5
Given a blog post exists # features/step_definitions/blog_steps.rb:1
When I visit the blog # features/step_definitions/blog_steps.rb:5
Then I should see the title of that post # features/step_definitions/blog_steps.rb:13
And I should see the content of that post # features/step_definitions/blog_steps.rb:9
Scenario: Read a post # features/blog.feature:11
Given a blog post exists # features/step_definitions/blog_steps.rb:1
When I visit a blog post # features/step_definitions/blog_steps.rb:44
Then I should see the title of that post # features/step_definitions/blog_steps.rb:13
And I should see the content of that post # features/step_definitions/blog_steps.rb:9
Scenario: Post to the blog # features/blog.feature:17
Given I'm logged in as someone who can post to the blog # features/step_definitions/blog_steps.rb:17
When I visit the blog admin page # features/step_definitions/blog_steps.rb:23
And I fill out the new blog form # features/step_definitions/blog_steps.rb:27
And I press "Create Blog post" # features/step_definitions/blog_steps.rb:36
Then I should see that my post has been created # features/step_definitions/blog_steps.rb:40
Feature: Moderate questions
As a moderator, I should be able to delete questions from the site.
Background: # features/moderator.feature:5
Given there is a question from someone else # features/step_definitions/question_steps.rb:64
Scenario: Delete a question # features/moderator.feature:8
Given I am a moderator # features/step_definitions/question_steps.rb:52
Then I can delete that question # features/step_definitions/question_steps.rb:69
Scenario: Normal users cannot moderate # features/moderator.feature:12
Given I am not a moderator # features/step_definitions/question_steps.rb:58
Then I cannot delete that question # features/step_definitions/question_steps.rb:74
Feature: Access Programs
As a user of the site, I want to access users' programs
Scenario: View a featured program # features/programs.feature:5
Given there is a featured program # features/step_definitions/program_steps.rb:1
Then I should be able to view a highlighted program # features/step_definitions/program_steps.rb:8
Scenario: View my programs # features/programs.feature:9
Given a logged in user # features/step_definitions/user_steps.rb:19
And I have uploaded a program # features/step_definitions/program_steps.rb:22
Then I should be able to view my programs # features/step_definitions/program_steps.rb:49
Scenario: View another user's programs # features/programs.feature:14
Given a user has uploaded a program # features/step_definitions/program_steps.rb:26
Then I should be able to view their programs # features/step_definitions/program_steps.rb:53
Scenario: View an individual program # features/programs.feature:18
Given a user has uploaded a program # features/step_definitions/program_steps.rb:26
And I should be able to view their programs # features/step_definitions/program_steps.rb:53
When I click the first program link # features/step_definitions/program_steps.rb:57
Then I should see the program source # features/step_definitions/program_steps.rb:63
Scenario: View a program with a description # features/programs.feature:24
Given a user has uploaded a program # features/step_definitions/program_steps.rb:26
And they have given their program a description # features/step_definitions/program_steps.rb:34
And I should be able to view their programs # features/step_definitions/program_steps.rb:53
When I click the first program link # features/step_definitions/program_steps.rb:57
Then I should see the description of their program # features/step_definitions/program_steps.rb:69
Feature: CRUD actions for question
As a user of the site, I can perform standard CRUD actions on questions
Scenario: Create a question # features/questions.feature:5
When I create a new question # features/step_definitions/question_steps.rb:8
Then I should be told the question was created # features/step_definitions/question_steps.rb:16
And I should be able to see the new question # features/step_definitions/question_steps.rb:20
And I should be able to see the question on my profile page # features/step_definitions/question_steps.rb:47
Scenario: Update a question # features/questions.feature:11
Given I am a user that has created a question # features/step_definitions/question_steps.rb:26
When I edit that question # features/step_definitions/question_steps.rb:31
Then I should be told the question was updated # features/step_definitions/question_steps.rb:38
And I should see that the question was updated # features/step_definitions/question_steps.rb:42
Feature: Sign up for an account
As a new Hackety user, I want to create a new account and log in with it
Scenario: Create an account via the signup form # features/signup.feature:5
When I register a new account # features/step_definitions/signup_steps.rb:11
Then I should be logged in with my new account # features/step_definitions/signup_steps.rb:24
Scenario: Try to sign up using existing user name # features/signup.feature:9
When I register a duplicate account # features/step_definitions/signup_steps.rb:16
Then I should see validation errors # features/step_definitions/signup_steps.rb:29
Feature: Manage account
As a user of this site, I can view and update my profile, see my followers
Background: The user is logged in # features/users.feature:5
Given a logged in user # features/step_definitions/user_steps.rb:19
Scenario: View my profile # features/users.feature:8
When I go to look at my profile page # features/step_definitions/user_steps.rb:23
Then it should have the right information # features/step_definitions/user_steps.rb:27
Scenario: Edit my profile # features/users.feature:12
When I edit my profile # features/step_definitions/user_steps.rb:32
Then I should be notified that my profile was updated # features/step_definitions/user_steps.rb:67
And I should see my changes reflected on my profile page # features/step_definitions/user_steps.rb:71
Scenario: See my followers # features/users.feature:17
When I have a follower # features/step_definitions/user_steps.rb:39
And I click on the number of followers on my profile # features/step_definitions/user_steps.rb:49
Then I should see my follower # features/step_definitions/user_steps.rb:63
Scenario: See who I am following # features/users.feature:22
When I am following someone # features/step_definitions/user_steps.rb:44
And I click on the number of people I am following on my profile # features/step_definitions/user_steps.rb:54
Then I should see someone I'm following # features/step_definitions/user_steps.rb:59
20 scenarios (20 passed)
72 steps (72 passed)
jacqueline@jacqueline-Satellite-S55-A:~/project/$ rspec spec
/home/jacqueline/project/ warning: already initialized constant Mocha
BlogPost add some examples to (or delete) /home/jacqueline/project/
# No reason given
# ./spec/models/blog_post_spec.rb:4
BlogHelper add some examples to (or delete) /home/jacqueline/project/
# No reason given
# ./spec/helpers/blog_helper_spec.rb:14
1) FollowingPolicy can follow another
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined local variable or method `reset_email' for #<RSpec::Core::ExampleGroup::Nested_1:0x00000003d06fd0>
# /home/jacqueline/project/ `method_missing'
# /home/jacqueline/project/ `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
# /home/jacqueline/project/ `instance_eval'
# /home/jacqueline/project/ `run_in'
# /home/jacqueline/project/ `block in run_all'
# /home/jacqueline/project/ `each'
# /home/jacqueline/project/ `run_all'
# /home/jacqueline/project/ `run_hook_filtered'
# /home/jacqueline/project/ `run_before_each_hooks'
# /home/jacqueline/project/ `run_before_each'
# /home/jacqueline/project/ `block in run'
# /home/jacqueline/project/ `with_around_hooks'
# /home/jacqueline/project/ `run'
# /home/jacqueline/project/ `block in run_examples'
# /home/jacqueline/project/ `map'
# /home/jacqueline/project/ `run_examples'
# /home/jacqueline/project/ `run'
# /home/jacqueline/project/ `block (2 levels) in run'
# /home/jacqueline/project/ `map'
# /home/jacqueline/project/ `block in run'
# /home/jacqueline/project/ `report'
# /home/jacqueline/project/ `run'
# /home/jacqueline/project/ `run_in_process'
# /home/jacqueline/project/ `run'
# /home/jacqueline/project/ `block in autorun'
2) FollowingPolicy cannot follow self
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined local variable or method `reset_email' for #<RSpec::Core::ExampleGroup::Nested_1:0x00000003e52da8>
# /home/jacqueline/project/ `method_missing'
# /home/jacqueline/project/ `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
# /home/jacqueline/project/ `instance_eval'
# /home/jacqueline/project/ `run_in'
# /home/jacqueline/project/ `block in run_all'
# /home/jacqueline/project/ `each'
# /home/jacqueline/project/ `run_all'
# /home/jacqueline/project/ `run_hook_filtered'
# /home/jacqueline/project/ `run_before_each_hooks'
# /home/jacqueline/project/ `run_before_each'
# /home/jacqueline/project/ `block in run'
# /home/jacqueline/project/ `with_around_hooks'
# /home/jacqueline/project/ `run'
# /home/jacqueline/project/ `block in run_examples'
# /home/jacqueline/project/ `map'
# /home/jacqueline/project/ `run_examples'
# /home/jacqueline/project/ `run'
# /home/jacqueline/project/ `block (2 levels) in run'
# /home/jacqueline/project/ `map'
# /home/jacqueline/project/ `block in run'
# /home/jacqueline/project/ `report'
# /home/jacqueline/project/ `run'
# /home/jacqueline/project/ `run_in_process'
# /home/jacqueline/project/ `run'
# /home/jacqueline/project/ `block in autorun'
3) FollowingPolicy cannot follow twice
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
undefined local variable or method `reset_email' for #<RSpec::Core::ExampleGroup::Nested_1:0x00000003f09cb0>
# /home/jacqueline/project/ `method_missing'
# /home/jacqueline/project/ `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
# /home/jacqueline/project/ `instance_eval'
# /home/jacqueline/project/ `run_in'
# /home/jacqueline/project/ `block in run_all'
# /home/jacqueline/project/ `each'
# /home/jacqueline/project/ `run_all'
# /home/jacqueline/project/ `run_hook_filtered'
# /home/jacqueline/project/ `run_before_each_hooks'
# /home/jacqueline/project/ `run_before_each'
# /home/jacqueline/project/ `block in run'
# /home/jacqueline/project/ `with_around_hooks'
# /home/jacqueline/project/ `run'
# /home/jacqueline/project/ `block in run_examples'
# /home/jacqueline/project/ `map'
# /home/jacqueline/project/ `run_examples'
# /home/jacqueline/project/ `run'
# /home/jacqueline/project/ `block (2 levels) in run'
# /home/jacqueline/project/ `map'
# /home/jacqueline/project/ `block in run'
# /home/jacqueline/project/ `report'
# /home/jacqueline/project/ `run'
# /home/jacqueline/project/ `run_in_process'
# /home/jacqueline/project/ `run'
# /home/jacqueline/project/ `block in autorun'
Finished in 1.74 seconds
34 examples, 3 failures, 2 pending
Failed examples:
rspec ./spec/following_policy_spec.rb:9 # FollowingPolicy can follow another
rspec ./spec/following_policy_spec.rb:15 # FollowingPolicy cannot follow self
rspec ./spec/following_policy_spec.rb:21 # FollowingPolicy cannot follow twice
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