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Created April 13, 2015 00:09
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Simulate p-value fallacy
# simulate pvalue fallacy
# See
# and
sim.pval = function(pi = 0.5, theta.input = 1, sigma.input = 1, n = 100, max = 1000){
alpha = 0
beta = 0
while(alpha + beta < max){
rand = runif(1)
if(rand > pi){
theta = 0
sigma = 1
null.true = TRUE
} else {
theta = theta.input
sigma = sigma.input
null.true = FALSE
samp = rnorm(n,theta,sigma)
t = sqrt(n) * abs(mean(samp))/sigma
p.value = 2 * (1 - pnorm(t))
if(p.value < 0.05 & p.value > 0.049){
alpha = alpha + 1
} else {
beta = beta + 1
##### Do simulation
y = sim.pval(theta=2,sigma=3,n=20,max=1000);
# Graph stuff
y.mean = y$alpha/(y$alpha+y$beta) = sqrt((y$alpha*y$beta) / ((y$alpha + y$beta)^2 * (y$alpha + y$beta + 1)))
curve(dbeta(x,y$alpha,y$beta),*5,*5,main=paste("Estimated type 1 error rate =",y.mean))
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