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Last active December 16, 2018 23:38
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;; I think technically this works, but the algorithm is very slow and you won't see the solution in your lifetime.
(def digits (range 9))
(defn find-open-position [puzzle]
(remove nil?
(for [i digits j digits]
(cond (nil? (puzzle [i j])) [i j]
:else nil)))))
(defn nums-in-row [puzzle position]
(remove nil? (for [i digits] (puzzle [i (last position)]))))
(defn nums-in-col [puzzle position]
(remove nil? (for [j digits] (puzzle [(first position) j]))))
(defn get-squ-digits [x]
(let [val (/ x 3)]
(> val 2) [6 7 8]
(> val 1) [3 4 5]
(> val 0) [0 1 2])))
(defn nums-in-squ [puzzle position]
(remove nil? (for [i (get-squ-digits (first position)) j (get-squ-digits (last position))] (puzzle [i j]))))
(defn used-numbers [puzzle position]
(concat (nums-in-row puzzle position)
(nums-in-col puzzle position)
(nums-in-squ puzzle position)))
(defn open-positions [puzzle]
(remove nil? (for [i digits j digits] (cond (nil? (puzzle [i j])) [i j] :else nil))))
(defn free-numbers [puzzle position]
(remove (fn [num] (contains? (set (used-numbers puzzle position)) num)) digits))
(defn find-next-moves [puzzle]
(for [position (open-positions puzzle) number (free-numbers puzzle position)]
{:position position :number number}))
(defn solved? [puzzle]
(do (println (count puzzle))
(= (count puzzle) 81)))
(defn get-solved-puzzle [puzzles]
(loop [puzzles puzzles]
(let [p puzzles first-p (first p) rest-p (rest p)]
(cond (solved? first-p) first-p
(empty? rest-p) nil
:else (recur rest-p)))))
(defn next-puzzle [puzzle]
(map (fn [next-move] (assoc puzzle (next-move :position) (next-move :number))) (find-next-moves puzzle)))
(defn next-puzzles [puzzles]
(flatten (map next-puzzle puzzles)))
(defn solve [puzzles]
(loop [p puzzles]
(let [solved-puzzle (get-solved-puzzle p)]
(if (not (nil? solved-puzzle))
(recur (next-puzzles p))))))
; test puzzle
(def puzzle {[0 4] 4
[0 8] 3
[1 1] 5
[1 2] 3
[1 3] 8
[1 4] 2
[2 2] 1
[2 5] 6
[2 6] 2
[2 7] 8
[3 0] 2
[3 1] 6
[3 6] 3
[3 8] 1
[4 0] 1
[4 1] 8
[4 3] 5
[4 5] 2
[4 7] 6
[4 8] 9
[5 0] 3
[5 2] 5
[5 7] 7
[5 8] 2
[6 1] 1
[6 2] 9
[6 3] 2
[6 6] 7
[7 4] 8
[7 5] 1
[7 6] 9
[7 7] 4
[8 0] 6
[8 4] 9})
(solve [puzzle])
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