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Created October 1, 2010 18:58
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Liquid Rendering
with 'values' => ["foo", "bar", "baz"]
"{% assign foo = values %}.{{ foo[0] }}."
should == ".foo."
"{% assign foo = values %}.{{ foo[1] }}."
should == ".bar."
"{% assign foo = values %}.{{ foo[2] }}."
should == ".baz."
Liquid Rendering
assigning a capture block
render the captured block
capturing to a variable from outer scope (if existing)
should render the captured variable
assigning from a capture block
should render the captured variable
Liquid Rendering
allow rendering with a product
should render drops within drops
should render the text returned from a catchall method
should cycle through an array of text
should not allow protected methods to be called
should allow using the context within a drop
should allow the use of context within nested drops
should allow access to context scope from within a drop
should allow access to context scope from within a drop through a scope
should allow access to assigned variables through as scope
should allow access to scope from within tags
should allow access to the forloop index within a drop
enumerable drop
should allow iteration through the drop
should return the drops size
Liquid Rendering
Error Handling
template throws a standard error
should render the standard error message
template throws a syntax error
should render the syntax error message
template throws an argument error
should render the argument error message
template has a missing endtag
should raise an exception when parsing
template has an unrecognized operator
should render the unrecognized argument error message
Liquid Rendering
Template Inheritance
should allow extending a path
should allow include blocks within the parent template
should allow access to the context from the inherited template
should allow deep nesting of inherited templates
inherited blocks
should allow overriding blocks from an inherited template
should allow an overriding block to call super
should allow deep nested includes to call super within overriden blocks
Liquid Rendering
standard filters
should return the size of a string
should return the size of an array
should return the size of a hash
should join an array
should join a hash
should join a hash with custom field and value separators
should join a string
should sort a single value
should sort an array of numbers
should sort an array of words
should sort an array of arrays
should strip out tags around a <b>
should remove script tags entirely
should capitalize the first character
should remove newlines from a string
should convert line breaks to html <br>'s
should increment a number by the specified amount
should decrement a number by the specified amount
should multiply a number by the specified amount
should divide a number the specified amount
should chop off the remainder when dividing by an integer
should return a float when dividing by another float
should return an errorm essage if divided by 0
should append a string to another string
should prepend a string onto another string
with custom filters added to context
should use the local filters
should allow filters to overwrite previous ones
filters in template
should use globally registered filters
should allow custom filters to override registered filters
should allow pipes in string arguments
cannot access private methods
should ignore nonexistant filters
Liquid Rendering
{% if %}
should show/hide content correctly when passed a boolean constant
should show/hide content correctly when passed a variable
should allow nested if conditionals
should allow if comparisons against null
should raise a syntax error if there's no closing endif
should raise a syntax error if there's variable argument
should work with custom conditions
or conditionals
should work correctly when passed 2 variables
should work correctly when passed 3 variables
should work correctly when passed comparison operators
should handle correctly when used with string comparisons
should handle correctly when using nested expression comparisons
and conditionals
should work correctly when passed 2 variables
{% if %} {% else %}
should render the right block based on the input
should allow elsif helper
{% unless %}
should show/hide content correctly when passed a boolean constant
should work within a loop
{% unless %} {% else %}
should show/hide the section based on the passed in data
should work within a loop
Liquid Rendering
include tag
should look for file system in registers first
should take a with option
should use a default name
should allow cycling through a collection with the 'for' keyword
should allow passing local variables
should allow nested includes
should allow nested includes with a variable
should raise an error if there's an endless loop
should allow dynamically choosing templates
Liquid Rendering
literal tag: {% literal %}
should render an empty literal
should render a literal with a simple value
should ignore liquid markup
literal shorthand: {{{}}}
should render an empty literal
should render a literal with a simple value
should ignore liquid markup
Liquid Rendering
Basic Output
should not transform plaintext
should render a variable's value
should render a traversed variable's value
should output an array's size
should output a hash's size
should allow piping to activate filters
should allow filters to read the input
should allow filters to take in parameters
should allow filters with no parameters and a default argument
should allow multiple filters with parameters
should allow filters with multiple parameters
should allow filters with variable parameters
should allow multiple chained filters
Liquid Rendering
should not allow instance eval
should not allow existing instance eval
should not allow instance eval later in chain
Liquid Rendering
{% if true == true %}
should == " true "
{% if true != true %}
should == " false "
{% if 0 > 0 %}
should == " false "
{% if 1 > 0 %}
should == " true "
{% if 0 < 1 %}
should == " true "
{% if 0 <= 0 %}
should == " true "
{% if null <= 0 %}
should == " false "
{% if 0 <= null %}
should == " false "
{% if 0 >= 0 %}
should == " true "
{% if 'test' == 'test' %}
should == " true "
{% if 'test' != 'test' %}
should == " false "
when var is assigned to "hello there!"
{% if var == "hello there!" %}
should == " true "
{% if "hello there!" == var %}
should == " true "
{% if var == 'hello there!' %}
should == " true "
{% if 'hello there!' == var %}
should == " true "
when array is assigned to []
{% if array == empty %}
should == " true "
when array is assigned to [1,2,3]
{% if array == empty %}
should == " false "
when var is assigned to nil
{% if var == nil %}
should == " true "
{% if var == null %}
should == " true "
when var is assigned to 1
{% if var != nil %}
should == " true "
{% if var != null %}
should == " true "
Liquid Rendering
Table helpers
should render a table with rows of 3 columns each
should render an empty table row of columns
should render a table with rows of 5 columns each
should provide a tablerowloop.col counter within the tablerow
Liquid Rendering
{% comment %}
should not render comment blocks
should render the other content that isnt inside the comment block
{% if %}
should allow illegal symbols in the condition
{% for item in collection %}
should repeat the block for each item in the collection
should allow access to the current item via {{item}}
should allow deep nesting
should expose {{}} to get the name of the collection
should expose {{forloop.length}} for the overall size of the collection being looped
should expose {{forloop.index}} for the current item's position in the collection (1 based)
should expose {{forloop.index0}} for the current item's position in the collection (0 based)
should expose {{forloop.rindex}} for the number of items remaining in the collection (1 based)
should expose {{forloop.rindex0}} for the number of items remaining in the collection (0 based)
should expose {{forloop.first}} for the first item in the collection
should expose {{forloop.last}} for the last item in the collection
{% for item in collection reversed %}
should reverse the loop
with limit and offset
{% for item in collection limit: 4 %}
should only cycle through the first 4 items of the collection
{% for item in collection offset:8 %}
should cycle throughthe collection starting on the 9th item
{% for item in collection limit:4 offset:2}
should only cycle through the 4 items of the collection, starting on the 3rd item
{% for item in collection limit:limit offset:offset}
{% for item in collection offset:continue limit: 3}
should resume the iteration from where it ended earlier
edge cases
limit: -1
should ignore the limit
offset: -1
should ignore the offset
offset: 100
should render an empty string
resume with big limit
should complete the rest of the items
resume with big offset
should complete the rest of the items
{% for item in (1..3) %}
should repeat the block for each item in the range
{% ifchanged %}
should render the block only if the for item is different than the last
{% assign %}
should assign a variable to a string
should assign a variable to an integer
should assign a variable to a float
should assign a variable that includes a hyphen
should assign a variable to a complex accessor
should assign var2 to 'hello' when var is 'hello'
should assign the variable in a global context, even if it is in a block
{% capture %}
should capture the result of a block into a variable
should throw an error when it detects bad syntax
{% case %}
should render the first block with a matching {% when %} argument
should match strings correctly
should not render anything if no matches found
should evaluate variables and expressions
should allow assignment from within a {% when %} block
should allow the use of 'or' to chain parameters with {% when %}
should allow the use of commas to chain parameters with {% when %}
should raise an error when theres bad syntax
with {% else %}
should render the {% else %} block when no matches found
should evaluate variables and expressions
{% cycle %}
should cycle through a list of strings
should keep track of multiple cycles
should keep track of multiple named cycles
should allow multiple named cycles with names from context
Liquid Rendering
should render simple variables
should render variables with whitespace
should ignore unknown variables
should scope hash variables
should render preset assigned variables
should reuse parsed template
should not get polluted with assignments from templates
should allow a hash with a default proc
should check basic equality conditions
should check expressions
Default Operators (==, !=, <>, <, >, >=, <=)
should evaluate true when appropriate
should evaluate false when appropriate
should return false for all nil operands
when operating on strings
should evaluate to true when appropriate
should evaluate to false when appropriate
when operating on arrays
should evaluate to true when appropriate
should evaluate to false when appropriate
should not equate strings to integers
Chaining with "or"
should return true when it you add a single condition that evaluates to true
Chaining with "and"
should return false when it you add a single condition that evaluates to false
Custom proc operator
should use the assigned proc to evalue the operator
should allow assigning variables
should return nil for variables that don't exist
should return the size of an array
should return the size of an hash
should allow acess on a hash value by key
should handle hyphenated variables
should merge data
should invoke a filter if found
should ignore a filter thats not found
should override a global filter
should only include intended filters methods
should handle scoping properly
should allow access to items from outer scope within an inner scope
should not allow access to items from inner scope with an outer scope
should recognize boolean keywords
should recognize integers and floats
should recognize strings
should recognize ranges
hierarchical data
should allow access to hierarchical data
should allow access to arrays
should allow access to an array within a hash
should allow access to a hash within an array
should provide first and last helpers for arrays
should allow arbitrary depth chaining of hash and array notation
should allow variable access with hash notation
should allow hash access with hash variables
should use hash notification only for hash access
should allow helpers (such as first and last) in the middle of a callchain
Custom Object with a to_liquid method
should resolve to whatever to_liquid returns from the object
should allow access to the custom object within a hash
Liquid Drops
should allow access to the drop's methods
should allow access to the drop's methods when nested in a hash
should allow access to the a drop's methods that ends in a question mark
should allow access to drop methods even when deeply nested
should allow access to the current context from within a drop
should allow access to the current context even when nested in a hash
should trigger a drop's autoincrementing variable
should trigger a drop's autoincrementing variable using hash syntax
lambas and procs
should trigger a proc if accessed as a variable
should trigger a proc within a hash
should trigger a proc within an array
should trigger the proc only the first time it's accessed
should trigger the proc within a hash only the first time it's accessed
should trigger the proc within an array only the first time it's accessed
should allow access to context from within proc
to_liquid returning a drop
should return a drop
should error out when trying to ready any file
should translate partial paths to the full filesystem path
should raise errors if we try to go outside of the root
should not allow absolute paths
should return the size of the collection
should return 0 for nil
should make the string lower case
should return empty string for nil
should make the string upper case
should return empty string for nil
should truncate string to the specified length, replacing with ellipsis
should not truncate if no length is passed in
should allow overriding of the truncate character
should escape html characters
should be aliased with 'h'
should truncate the string to the amount of words specified
should be ignored if no length is specified
should work with crazy special characters
should strip out the html tags but leave the content
should completely remove the content of script tags
should return empty string for nil
should default to joining an array by a space
should allow you to specify the join character
should join a hash
should join a hash with a character
should join a hash with separate characters for fields, and keys
should sort an array
should return a list of values that have a key matching the argument
should format a date using a specified format string
should return the first item in an array
should return nil for an empty array
should return the last item in an array
should return nil for an empty array
should replace all matches in a string with the new string
should replace the first match in a string with the new string
should remove all matching strings
should remove the first matching string
Liquid Methods
should create liquid drop classes
should respond to to_liquid
should return the liquid drop class
should respond to liquid methods
should not respond to restricted methods
should use regular objects as drops
should convert shorthand syntax to the tag
should ignore improper syntax
Liquid Parsing
should render whitespace properly
"{{funk}} "
should have 2 nodes
should parse to: Variable,String
" {{funk}}"
should have 2 nodes
should parse to: String,Variable
" {{funk}} "
should have 3 nodes
should parse to: String,Variable,String
" {{funk}} {{so}} {{brother}} "
should have 7 nodes
should parse to: String,Variable,String,Variable,String,Variable,String
" {% comment %} {% endcomment %} "
should have 3 nodes
should parse to: String,Comment,String
when the custom tag 'somethingaweful' is defined
"{% somethingaweful %} {% endsomethingaweful %}"
should parse successfully
Liquid Parsing Quirks
should work with css syntax
should raise an error on a single close brace
should raise an error with double braces and no matcing closing double braces
should raise an error with open tag and no matching close tag
should allow empty filters
should allow meaningless parens
should allow unexpected characters to silently eat logic
Liquid Regular Expressions
empty string
should == []
quoted string: "arg 1"
should == ["\"arg 1\""]
arg1 arg2
should == ["arg1", "arg2"]
<tr> </tr>
should == ["<tr>", "</tr>"]
should == ["<tr></tr>"]
<style class="hello">' </style>
should == ["<style", "class=\"hello\">", "</style>"]
arg1 arg2 "arg 3"
should == ["arg1", "arg2", "\"arg 3\""]
arg1 arg2 'arg 3'
should == ["arg1", "arg2", "'arg 3'"]
arg1 arg2 "arg 3" arg4
should == ["arg1", "arg2", "\"arg 3\"", "arg4"]
should == ["var"]
should == ["var", "method"]
should == ["var", "[method]"]
should == ["var", "[method]", "[0]"]
should == ["var", "[\"method\"]", "[0]"]
should == ["var", "['method']", "[0]"]
should == ["var", "[method]", "[0]", "method"]
{{{ something }}}
should == [["something"]]
should == [["something"]]
{{{ {% if false %} false {% endif %} }}}
should == [["{% if false %} false {% endif %}"]]
should remove standard Object methods
should respond_to with 2 params
should repond_to_missing properly
empty tag
should return the name of the tag
should render an empty string
tag with context
should store context at parse time
should tokenize strings
should tokenize variables
should tokenize blocks
should persist instance assignment on the same template object between parses
should persist instance assingment on the same template object between renders
should not persist custom assignments on the same template
should squash instance assignments with custom assignments when specified
should squash instance assignments with persistent assignments
should call lambda only once from persistent assigns over multiple parses and renders
should call lambda only once from custom assigns over multiple parses and renders
should parse and store filters
should store filters with parameters
should allow filters without whitespace
should allow special characters
should allow double quoted strings
should allow single quoted strings
should allow integers
should allow floats
should allow strings with special characters
should allow strings with dots
Finished in 0.4055 seconds
366 examples, 0 failures
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