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Last active June 18, 2017 17:00
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  • Save jacqui/0710f7eb8fbe585d1b4734776d98c545 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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animated svg on scroll
license: mit

Pop open in new, full screen window to see the line get drawn as you scroll, connecting the points.

Built with

<script src=""></script>
<script src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
* {
font-family: Helvetica, Verdana, sans-serif;
.marker {
position: fixed;
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 400px;
border: 1px solid #ccc;
<svg width="1000" height="20000"></svg>
<div class="marker"></div>
var data = {categoryX: 300, points: [
var svg ='svg');
var distancePath = svg.append('path')
.attr('fill', 'none')
.attr('stroke', 'none').node();
var source;
var target;
var gap = 100;
var totalDistance = 0;
_.each(data.points, function(target) {
if (!source) {
target.d = 'M' + target.x + ',' + target.y;
} else {
if (source.y > target.y - gap) {
// if they're sufficiently close to each other
if (source.x === target.x) {
target.d = drawLine(target.x, target.y);
setDistance(source, target);
} else {
target.d = drawCurve(source.x, source.y, target.x, target.y);
setDistance(source, target);
target.y1 = target.y - source.y;
target.interpolate1 = d3.interpolate(0, target.distance);
} else {
target.d = '';
if (source.x !== data.categoryX) {
// if the source repo owner isn't the same as the contributor, move the line back
target.d += drawCurve(source.x, source.y, data.categoryX, source.y + gap / 3);
setDistance(source, target);
target.y1 = gap / 3;
target.interpolate1 = d3.interpolate(0, target.distance);
x = target.x;
y = target.y;
if (target.x !== data.categoryX) {
x = data.categoryX;
y = target.y - gap / 3;
target.d += drawLine(x, y);
target.y2 = y - (target.y1 || 0);
setDistance(source, target);
if (target.x !== data.categoryX) {
target.d += drawCurve(x, y, target.x, target.y);
var currentDistance = target.distance;
setDistance(source, target);
target.y3 = gap / 3;
target.interpolate2 = d3.interpolate(0, target.distance - currentDistance);
target.totalDistance = (totalDistance += target.distance);
source = target;
var path = svg.append('path')
.attr('d', _.pluck(data.points, 'd').join(' '))
.attr('fill-opacity', 0)
.attr('stroke', '#000000')
.attr('stroke-width', 2)
.attr('stroke-linecap', 'round')
.attr('stroke-dasharray', totalDistance)
.attr('stroke-dashoffset', totalDistance);
var circle = svg.selectAll('circle')
.attr('fill', '#fff')
.attr('stroke', '#000000')
.attr('stroke-width', 1)
.attr('cx', function(d) {return d.x})
.attr('cy', function(d) {return d.y})
.attr('r', 4);
window.addEventListener('scroll', _.throttle(windowScroll, 200));
function windowScroll() {
var top = scrollY + 400;
var source;
var target = _.find(data.points, function(point) {
if (point.y >= top) {
return true;
source = point;
return false;
if (source && target) {
var distance = 0;
var distanceFromSource = top - source.y;
if (!target.interpolate1) {
// if there's no interpolate1
if (!target.interpolate2) {
// and there's no interpolate2, must mean it's a straight line
distance = distanceFromSource + source.totalDistance;
} else {
// if there's a interpolate2, must mean there's a straight line
// and then a curve at the end, so figure out if we're in straight line or curve part
if (distanceFromSource <= target.y2) {
// it's in straight line part
distance = distanceFromSource + source.totalDistance;
} else {
// if it's in last curve part, first interpolate the curve
// and then add that back to the straight part and the previous total distance
var partialDistance = (distanceFromSource - target.y2) / target.y3;
distance = target.interpolate2(partialDistance) + target.y2 + source.totalDistance;
} else {
// if there's interpolate1, must mean there's a first curve
if (distanceFromSource <= target.y1) {
// so if it's within the first curve, interpolate that and add it to total distance
var partialDistance = distanceFromSource / target.y1;
distance = target.interpolate1(partialDistance) + source.totalDistance;
} else if (distanceFromSource <= (target.y1 + target.y2)) {
// if we're in line part, add curve to it
distance = target.interpolate1(1) + (distanceFromSource - target.y1) + source.totalDistance;
} else if (interpolate2) {
var partialDistance = (distanceFromSource - target.y2 - target.y1) / target.y3;
distance = target.interpolate1(1) + target.y2 + target.interpolate2(partialDistance);
// var partialDistance = (top - source.y) / (target.y - source.y);
// var distance = target.interpolater(partialDistance) + source.totalDistance;
.attr('stroke-dashoffset', totalDistance - (distance || 0));
function drawLine(x, y) {
return 'L' + x + ',' + y;
function drawCurve(x1, y1, x2, y2) {
var cy = (y1 + y2) / 2;
return 'C' + x1 + ',' + cy + ' ' + x2 + ',' + cy + ' ' + x2 + ',' + y2;
function setDistance(source, target) {
var distancePathD = 'M' + source.x + ',' + source.y + ' ' + target.d;
distancePath.setAttribute('d', distancePathD);
target.distance = parseFloat(distancePath.getTotalLength().toFixed(2));
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