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Last active January 24, 2018 06:19
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Python Implementations of a few Basic Graph Algorithms
# Most of these algorithms are derived from psuedocode in Cormen et. al.
inf = float('inf')
class Vertex(object):
""" Adjacent list implementation of a graph. Create a vertex (v) and then its adjacent edges are stored
in the list v.edges. A graph will then just be a set of vertex objects. Can use this to implement
directed/undirected and weighted/unweighted graphs easily."""
def __init__(self, adj=[]):
self.adjacent = adj
def get_edges(self, adj_vert):
""" Input an array-like object "adj_vert" containing all the vertices directly connected to our
current vertex."""
for u in adj_vert:
def __repr__(self):
return str(self)
def __str__(self):
return str(self)
class Priority_Queue_Min(object):
""" Heap implementation of priority queue of objects with priorities (keys) stored in
a dictionary P."""
def __init__(self, A=[],P={}):
self.heap = A
self.P = P
if len(self.heap) > 0:
def min_heapify(self,i):
P = self.P
l = 2*i + 1
r = 2*i + 2
if l < len(self.heap) and P[self.heap[l]] < P[self.heap[i]]:
smallest = l
smallest = i
if r < len(self.heap) and P[self.heap[r]] < P[self.heap[smallest]]:
smallest = r
if smallest != i:
self.heap[i], self.heap[smallest] = self.heap[smallest], self.heap[i]
def build_min_heap(self):
k = (len(self.heap) // 2) - 1
for i in range(k,-1,-1):
def extract_min(self):
if len(self.heap) < 1:
m = self.heap[0]
self.heap[0] = self.heap[-1]
self.heap = self.heap[:-1]
return m
def decrease_key(self,x,key):
i = self.heap.get_index(x)
if key > self.P[self.heap[i]]:
print('Can only decrease key value')
self.P[self.heap[i]] = key
while i > 0 and self.P[self.heap[(i-1)//2]] > self.P[self.heap[i]]:
self.heap[i], self.heap[(i-1)//2] = self.heap[(i-2)//2], self.heap[i]
i = (i-1) // 2
def insert(self,x,key_x):
self.P[x] = inf
# Single Shortest Paths
def init_single_source(G,s):
P = {}
pi = {}
for v in G:
P[v] = inf
pi[v] = None
P[s] = 0
return P, pi
def relax(u,v,P,pi,w):
""" Sub routine that will update the distances. Here w is the dictionary encoding the edge weights,
i.e. w[(u,v)] = weight of edge from u to v."""
P, pi = P, pi
if P[v] > P[u] + w[(u,v)]:
P[v] = P[u] + w[(u,v)]
pi[v] = u
return P, pi
def Bellman_Ford(G,w,s):
""" Bellman-Ford algorithm for finding a single shortest path from a source, s, to every vertex
in the connected component containing s. This algorithm is less efficient than Dijkstra's
but can handle the case of negative edge weights. It also has a built in infinite, negative-weight
cycle detector."""
P, pi = init_single_source(G,s)
for i in range(len(G)-1):
for v in G:
for u in v.adjacent: # These two lines (100-101) are equivalent to looping over the edges of the graph.
P, pi = relax(v,u,P,pi,w)
for v in G: # Infinite negative cycle detection.
for u in v.adjacent:
if P[u] > P[v] + w[(v,u)]:
print('Negative weight cycle detected')
return False
return P, pi
def Dijkstra(G,w,s):
""" Dijkstra's is faster than Bellman-Ford, but is only valid when the weights are positive."""
P, pi = init_single_source(G,s)
S = []
Q = Priority_Queue_min(G,P)
while len(Q.heap) > 0:
u = Q.extract_min()
for v in u.adjacent:
sum = Q.P[u] + w[(u,v)]
if Q.P[v] > sum:
pi[v] = u
P = Q.P
return P, pi
def find_shortest_path(G,w,s,t):
""" This function will print a shortest path from s to t, as well as its weight. Assumes no
negative cycles."""
m = min(list(w.values()))
if m >= 0:
P, pi = Dijkstra(G,w,s)
P, pi = Bellman_Ford(G,w,s)
if P[t] < inf:
path = []
p = t
while P[p] != 0:
path = [str(p)] + path
p = pi[p]
print('Weight = ', P[t])
print('They are not connected')
# Bredth First Search
def BFS(G,s):
color = {}
P = {}
pi = {}
for v in G:
color[v] = 'white'
pi[v] = None
P[v] = inf
color[s] = 'grey'
P[s] = 0
Q = [s]
while Q:
u = Q.pop(0)
for v in u.adjacent:
if color[v] == 'white':
color[v] = 'grey'
P[v] = P[u] + 1
pi[v] = u
color[u] = 'black'
return P, pi
# Minimum Spanning Tree
def Prim(G,w,r):
""" Prim's algorithm starting with arbitrary root vertex r. Here we assume G is connected and undirected.
This function returns the dictionary 'pi' which keeps track of the parent of a vertex in the MST if
the vertex is in the MST and keeps it NIL otherwise. Can easily use this info to print out the tree."""
P, pi = {}, {}
for u in G:
P[u] = inf
pi[u] = None
P[r] = 0
Q = Priority_Queue_Min(G,P)
while Q.heap:
u = Q.extract_min()
for v in u.adjacent:
if v in Q.heap and w[(u,v)] < Q.P[v]:
pi[v] = u
return pi
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