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Last active January 26, 2021 08:26
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jQuery( function( $ ) {
/*-------------------- ON READY------------------------*/
$( document ).ready(function() {
wordcloud animation@2021-01-22 jonghyeon
//slide-in animation
$('.wordcloud-line').each(function(i, wrapperElem){
//pause the animation before get all element
let sentence = $(wrapperElem).find('.wordcloud-sentence')
//fill the text in wrapper
//double the length
let parent = $(sentence).parent()
//ready to be animated
//pause sliding animation
//move animation wrapper to very center position of the word
let {left, top} = getCenterOffset(this)
left = left - $('.wordcloud-graphic').width() / 2
top = top - $('.wordcloud-graphic').height() / 2
$('.wordcloud-graphic').offset({left: left, top: top})
//show animation by keyword
let keyword = $(this).attr('data-id')
if(keyword == 'brand'){
$('#brand-image').css({transform: `translate(0px, 0px)`})
}, function(){
//hide animation
let id = $(this).attr('data-id')
/* brand interactive animation @2021-01-26 jonghyeon*/
let relX = 0
let relY = 0
let nextX = 0
let nextY = 0
let mouseVelX = 0
$('.wordcloud-word[data-id="brand"]').on("mousemove", function(e){
let {left, top} = getCenterOffset(this)
nextX = e.clientX - left
nextY = e.clientY - top
//global variables
let canvas = document.querySelector('#brand-image')
let ctx = canvas.getContext('2d')
let img = new Image
img.src = canvas.dataset.imageSrc
img.onload = function(){
//animate canvas when once the image is loaded
//TODO optimize it when user went out of wordcloud section
function animate(){
//excuted every frame
//get current x, y of canvas transform
let matrix = $('#brand-image').css('transform').replace(/[^0-9\-.,]/g, '').split(',')
let prevX = matrix[12] || matrix[4] || 0
let prevY = matrix[13] || matrix[5] || 0
//lerp values for smooth movement
relX = lerp(relX, nextX, 0.03)
relY = lerp(relY, nextY, 0.03)
//move the canvas following the mouse
$('#brand-image').css({transform: `translate(${relX}px, ${relY}px)`})
//calculate and normalize velocity of mouse
mouseVelX = clamp((nextX - prevX) * 0.002, -1, 1)
//distort image on the canvas
warpImage(img, mouseVelX)
function warpImage(image, velocity){
let imgWidth = image.width
let imgHeight = image.height
let warpOffsetX = img.width * velocity
canvas.width = imgWidth + Math.abs(Math.ceil( warpOffsetX * 2 )) + 150
canvas.height = imgHeight
let startPoint = { x: canvas.width/2 - imgWidth/2, y: 0 }
let controlPoint = { x: canvas.width/2 - imgWidth/2 + warpOffsetX, y: imgHeight/2 }
let endPoint = { x: canvas.width/2 - imgWidth/2, y: imgHeight }
let offsetXPoints = []
for(let i = 0; i < imgHeight; i ++){
//slice image and get the offset value for each row pixel
let xy = getQuadraticBezierXY( startPoint, controlPoint, endPoint, i/imgHeight )
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height)
for(let i = 0; i < imgHeight; i ++){
0, i, imgWidth + Math.abs(warpOffsetX), 1,
offsetXPoints[i], i, imgWidth + Math.abs(warpOffsetX), 1
// center line for debugging
// ctx.strokeStyle = 'rgb(0,255,255)'
// ctx.lineWidth = 2;
// ctx.beginPath()
// ctx.moveTo(startPoint.x + imgWidth/2, startPoint.y)
// ctx.quadraticCurveTo(controlPoint.x + imgWidth/2, controlPoint.y, endPoint.x + imgWidth/2, endPoint.y)
// ctx.stroke()
/* accordion work setting */
$('#accordion_whatwedo .elementor-accordion-title').on('click', function(e) {
click event for opened tab is disabled, check page custom CSS
let index = $('#accordion_whatwedo .elementor-accordion-title').index(this)
/* slider in who we are*/
let slider_whoweare = document.querySelector('#slider-whoweare .swiper-container').swiper
let sliderLength = 0
$('#slider-whoweare .swiper-slide').each(function(index, item){
//get slide length from the highest index from every slide attr
let itemIndex = $(item).attr('data-swiper-slide-index')
if(itemIndex > sliderLength) sliderLength = itemIndex
slider_whoweare.on( "slideChangeTransitionEnd", function() {
updateWhoWeAreSliderStyle(slider_whoweare.activeIndex, sliderLength)
updateWhoWeAreSliderStyle(slider_whoweare.activeIndex, sliderLength)
/* slider work setting */
let slider_howwework = document.querySelector('#slider-howwework .swiper-container').swiper
$('#slider-howwework .swiper-slide-contents').each(function(i, obj) {
$(obj).prepend( "<div class='elementor-slide-numerotation'> 0" + (i+1) + " </div>")
slider_howwework.on( "slideChange", function() {
/*------------------- FUNCTIONS------------------------*/
/* accordion field */
function updateFieldAccordionStyle(index) {
//console.log('updatingIcon', index)
$('#icons-whatwedo-container #immersive').hide()
$('#icons-whatwedo-container #exhibition').hide()
$('#icons-whatwedo-container #retail').hide()
$('#icons-whatwedo-container #vizualization').hide()
$('#icons-whatwedo-container #machinelearning').hide()
case 0 :
$('#icons-whatwedo-container #immersive').show()
case 1 :
$('#icons-whatwedo-container #exhibition').show()
case 2 :
$('#icons-whatwedo-container #retail').show()
case 3 :
$('#icons-whatwedo-container #vizualization').show()
case 4 :
$('#icons-whatwedo-container #machinelearning').show()
/* tab mouse hover class */
$('.elementor-tab-title').addClass('magic-hover magic-hover-classic')
/* slider whoweare */
function updateWhoWeAreSliderStyle(index, sliderLength){
let currentIndex = 0
//get the index of active slide
$('#slider-whoweare .swiper-slide').each(function(index, item){
if($(item).hasClass('swiper-slide-active')) currentIndex = $(item).attr('data-swiper-slide-index')
//update numerotation by index
let numerotation = `${Number(currentIndex) + 1}\xa0\xa0-\xa0\xa0${Number(sliderLength) + 1}`
$('#slider-whoweare').attr('data-numerotation', numerotation)
// console.log('slider-whoweare', numerotation)
/* slider work */
function updateWorkSliderStyle(index) {
// slider style
$('#slider-howwework .swiper-slide-contents').each(function(i, value) {
if(i == index) $('#slider-howwework .swiper-slide-contents').eq(i).removeClass('slider-howwework-off')
else $('#slider-howwework .swiper-slide-contents').eq(i).addClass('slider-howwework-off')
// slider icons
case 0 :
$('#icons-howwework-container #production').hide()
$('#icons-howwework-container #operation').hide()
case 1 :
$('#icons-howwework-container #production').show()
$('#icons-howwework-container #operation').hide()
case 2 :
$('#icons-howwework-container #production').show()
$('#icons-howwework-container #operation').show()
/* helpers */
function repeatText(sentence){
let parent = $(sentence).parent()
let counter = 0
while($(sentence).width() < $(parent).width() && counter < 10){
counter += 1
function getCenterOffset(elem){
let left = $(elem).offset().left + $(elem).width()/2
let top = $(elem).offset().top + $(elem).height()/2
return {left, top}
function lerp(start, end, amt){
return (1-amt)*start+amt*end
function clamp(num, a, b){
return Math.max(Math.min(num, Math.max(a, b)), Math.min(a, b))
function getQuadraticBezierXY(start_point, control_point, end_point, T) {
var pow1minusTsquared = Math.pow(1 - T, 2),
powTsquared = Math.pow(T, 2);
var x = pow1minusTsquared * start_point.x + 2 * (1 - T) * T * control_point.x + powTsquared * end_point.x,
y = pow1minusTsquared * start_point.y + 2 * (1 - T) * T * control_point.y + powTsquared * end_point.y;
return {
x: x,
y: y
/* helpers end*/
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