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Last active October 7, 2015 20:07
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Fade in scatterplot
Country dataRequests userAccounts dataProduced contentRestrictions
Afghanistan 1 1 0 0
Albania 16 34 25 0
Algeria 1 1 0 0
Andorra 3 3 33 0
Argentina 482 708 49 1
Armenia 1 1 0 0
Australia 829 933 69 3
Austria 46 63 11 0
Bahrain 3 10 0 0
Bangladesh 5 5 0 0
Belgium 239 319 59 1
Bos. & Herzegovina 5 9 80 0
Brazil 1212 1967 34 3
Canada 279 355 58 0
Chile 288 410 61 0
Colombia 67 106 55 0
Costa Rica 1 2 0 0
Croatia 21 28 81 0
Cyprus 20 26 60 0
Czech Republic 22 132 55 0
Denmark 31 33 35 0
Dominican Republic 22 39 41 0
Ecuador 2 10 0 0
Egypt 5 5 0 0
Estonia 6 7 67 0
Finland 18 28 72 0
France 2094 2885 42 13
Germany 2132 2611 34 60
Greece 117 142 57 0
Greenland 1 1 100 0
Hong Kong 39 51 41 0
Hungary 128 167 34 0
India 5473 7281 45 5832
Indonesia 5 21 40 0
Ireland 34 34 71 0
Israel 232 310 47 15
Italy 1774 2696 46 1
Japan 9 9 11 0
Jordan 3 3 33 0
Kazakhstan 2 5 0 1
Kenya 2 3 0 0
Kosovo 2 7 50 0
Kuwait 4 6 0 0
Liechtenstein 2 3 50 0
Lithuania 12 21 42 0
Luxembourg 1 4 100 0
Macau 1 1 0 0
Macedonia 5 8 20 0
Malaysia 17 22 24 0
Maldives 3 3 67 0
Malta 93 112 71 0
Mexico 260 412 62 0
Moldova 4 4 25 0
Montenegro 4 4 25 0
Myanmar 0 0 0 5
Nepal 2 4 0 0
Netherlands 76 84 64 0
New Zealand 139 151 63 1
Norway 21 22 48 5
Pakistan 100 152 42 54
Paraguay 2 2 0 0
Peru 10 20 50 0
Philippines 7 27 86 0
Poland 305 349 30 0
Portugal 305 365 35 0
Romania 14 35 43 0
Russia 2 0 0 55
Senegal 1 1 0 0
Serbia 15 25 60 0
Singapore 177 194 75 0
Slovakia 5 5 20 0
Slovenia 3 3 33 0
South Africa 2 2 50 0
South Korea 14 29 43 0
Spain 500 1041 37 0
Sudan 2 2 0 0
Sweden 213 289 76 0
Switzerland 39 137 10 0
Taiwan 204 327 56 0
Thailand 3 3 0 30
Tunisia 2 2 0 0
Turkey 165 278 71 3624
Ukraine 1 1 0 0
United Arab Emirates 2 2 0 0
United Kingdom 2366 2890 75 3
United States 14274 21731 79 0
Uruguay 2 2 0 0
<!DOCTYPE html>
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<h1>Facebook User Data</h1>
<p>Number of requests for data by government officials vs. the percentage of those requests filled (July 2014 – Dec. 2014) | Source: <a href="">Facebook</a></p>
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