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Last active April 12, 2017 15:41
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Small multiple bubble maps with tooltips
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<h3>The United States' biggest import partners</h3>
<p class="intro">In 2016, China, Mexico, Canada, Japan, Germany and South Korea accounted for over 60 percent of the US' import value in billions.</p>
<div class="key">
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<p class="bil10">$10 bil.</p>
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<p class="bil25">$25 bil.</p>
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<div class="circle50000"></div>
<p class="bil50">$50 bil.</p>
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<div class="circle100000"></div>
<p class="bil100">$100 bil.</p>
<div class='gia-chart'></div>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
//Country list
var allCountries = ["China", "Mexico", "Canada", "Japan", "Germany", "South Korea"];
//Load the files
.defer(d3.json, "usmap.json")
.defer(d3.csv, "states.csv")
//Comma formater
var format = d3.format("0,000");
//Make all charts and call resize
function ready(error, us, data) {
if (error) throw error;
//Map the countries to the data
allCountries = d3.set( { return; })).values();
//Make a map for each country
var charts =;"resize", function() {
charts.forEach(function(chart) {
//Create data lookup by importer
var dataByImporter = {};
allCountries.forEach(function (country) {
dataByImporter[country] = {};
data.forEach(function (record) {
dataByImporter[][record.FIPS] = record;
//Make each individual chart
function makeChart(country) {
//Filter data for each country
var chartData = data.filter(function(d) {
return === country;
//Pair data with state id
var dataByFIPS = {};
chartData.forEach(function(d) { dataByFIPS[d.FIPS] = d.value; });
//Pair state name with state id
var stateByFIPS = {};
chartData.forEach(function(d) { stateByFIPS[d.FIPS] = d.state; });
//Pair country with state id
var abbrevByFIPS = {};
chartData.forEach(function(d) { abbrevByFIPS[d.FIPS] = d.abbrev; });
//Append individual chart div
var chartContainer =".gia-chart").append("div")
.attr("class", "g-chart-container")
//Attaches a data attribute to each chart
.attr('data-importer', country);
//Sets dimensions
var margin = {top: 0, left: 5, bottom: 5, right: 5},
width =".g-chart-container").node().clientWidth,
width = width - margin.left - margin.right,
mapRatio = .65,
height = width * mapRatio;
//Tells the map what projection to use
var projection = d3.geo.albersUsa()
.scale(width *1.25)
.translate([width / 2, height / 2]);
//Tells the map how to draw the paths from the projection
var path = d3.geo.path()
//Appends div for country sentence
var chartSentence = chartContainer.append("div")
.attr("class", "g-sentence-div");
//Appends spans for country sentence
var chartStart = chartSentence.append("span")
.text("Where ")
.attr("class", "g-sentence");
var chartCountry = chartSentence.append("span")
.attr("class", "g-country");
var chartEnd = chartSentence.append("span")
.text(" is a top-10 importer")
.attr("class", "g-sentence");
//Appends the country map div to each container
var chart = chartContainer.append("div")
.attr("class", "g-chart");
//Appened svg to page
var map = chart.append("svg")
.style('height', height + 'px')
.style('width', width + 'px');
//Appends tooltip
var div = chartContainer.append("div")
.attr("class", "tooltip");
//Creates geo feature array for each map using the data for each country
var features = topojson.feature(us, us.objects.states).features.filter( function ( feature ) {
return in dataByFIPS;
//Append states
.attr("class", "states")
.attr("d", path)
.style("fill", "#eaeaea")
//Also attaches hovers to states for greater area
.on("mouseover", mouseover)
.on("mouseout", mouseout);
//Append proportional bubbles
.attr("class", "bubble-group")
//Class by state abbreviation
.attr("class", function(d) {
return "default " + abbrevByFIPS[]
.attr("d", path)
.attr("transform", function(d) {
var centroid = path.centroid( d );
return "translate(" + centroid + ")";
.attr("r", function(d) {
var r = Math.sqrt(dataByFIPS[]/200);
return r;
.on("mouseover", mouseover)
.on("mouseout", mouseout);
//Show tooltip on hover
function mouseover(d) {
//Hide tooltip on exit
function mouseout(d) {
return {
resize: function() {
//Get page width
var w =".g-chart-container").node().clientWidth;
//Adjust things when the window size changes
width = w - margin.left - margin.right;
height = width * mapRatio;
//Update projection
var newProjection = d3.geo.albersUsa()
.translate([width / 2, height / 2]);
//Update path
path = d3.geo.path()
//Resize the map container
.style('width', width + 'px')
.style('height', height + 'px');
//Resize the map
map.selectAll("path").attr('d', path);
//Resize the bubbles
.attr("transform", function(d) { return "translate(" + path.centroid(d) + ")";})
//Highlights all corresponding bubbles and states across all maps
function highlightState (fips) {
//Get the FIPS from the state abbrevation array
var postal = abbrevByFIPS[fips];
allCountries.forEach(function (country) {
//Select all circles with a matching FIPS
var circle ='[data-importer="' + country + '"] .' + postal);
//Change their class to be highlighted on hover
circle.classed('highlighted', true);
//Select all tooltips with match FIPS
var tooltip ='[data-importer="' + country + '"] .tooltip');
//Get the associated data by country and FIPS
var data = dataByImporter[country][fips];
//Align the tooltip with the bounding rectangle around it
var bcr = circle.node().getBoundingClientRect();
var left = bcr.right;
var top = ( + bcr.bottom) / 2;
//Style and fill the tooltip
.html("<span class='bolded'>" + postal + "</span><br>" + "$" + format(Math.round(data.value)))
.style("left", left + "px")
.style("top", top + "px")
.classed('visible', function(d){
//Only show tooltips when the value is not 0
return data.value != '0';
function dehighlightStates () {
//Unhighlight the circle by class
d3.selectAll('circle.highlighted').classed('highlighted', false);
//Hide the tooltip by class
allCountries.forEach(function (country) {
var tooltip ='[data-importer="' + country + '"] .tooltip');
.classed('visible', false);
Display the source blob
Display the rendered blob
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Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
state abbrev FIPS country value
Alabama AL 1 China 1711
Alaska AK 2 China 420.4
Arizona AZ 4 China 2307.8
Arkansas AR 5 China 2842.2
California CA 6 China 131213.1
Colorado CO 8 China 2062.8
Connecticut CT 9 China 2162.2
Delaware DE 10 China 356.2
Florida FL 12 China 10932.3
Georgia GA 13 China 16965.9
Hawaii HI 15 China 225.1
Idaho ID 16 China 1270.3
Illinois IL 17 China 27841.1
Indiana IN 18 China 7228.2
Iowa IA 19 China 1275.7
Kansas KS 20 China 2185.7
Kentucky KY 21 China 5391
Louisiana LA 22 China 1051.7
Maine ME 23 China 334.7
Maryland MD 24 China 2830.6
Massachusetts MA 25 China 3993.9
Michigan MI 26 China 9003.1
Minnesota MN 27 China 9595
Mississippi MS 28 China 3880.2
Missouri MO 29 China 3936.9
Montana MT 30 China 81.2
Nebraska NE 31 China 816
Nevada NV 32 China 4508.4
New Hampshire NH 33 China 838.7
New Jersey NJ 34 China 16238.4
New Mexico NM 35 China 672.9
New York NY 36 China 19095.8
North Carolina NC 37 China 9327.1
North Dakota ND 38 China 192.3
Ohio OH 39 China 11271.6
Oklahoma OK 40 China 1823.9
Oregon OR 41 China 1973.9
Pennsylvania PA 42 China 15400.3
Rhode Island RI 44 China 1093.3
South Carolina SC 45 China 5461
South Dakota SD 46 China 184.7
Tennessee TN 47 China 21473.2
Texas TX 48 China 33576.5
Utah UT 49 China 1783.2
Vermont VT 50 China 229.3
Virginia VA 51 China 6542.3
Washington WA 53 China 10530
West Virginia WV 54 China 165.6
Wisconsin WI 55 China 5302.4
Wyoming WY 56 China 138.8
Alabama AL 1 Mexico 2898.4
Alaska AK 2 Mexico 0
Arizona AZ 4 Mexico 6872.9
Arkansas AR 5 Mexico 546.7
California CA 6 Mexico 42792.2
Colorado CO 8 Mexico 1418.2
Connecticut CT 9 Mexico 2282
Delaware DE 10 Mexico 254.5
Florida FL 12 Mexico 5279.9
Georgia GA 13 Mexico 5942.2
Hawaii HI 15 Mexico 0
Idaho ID 16 Mexico 106.9
Illinois IL 17 Mexico 10841.2
Indiana IN 18 Mexico 4142.3
Iowa IA 19 Mexico 1076.6
Kansas KS 20 Mexico 768.9
Kentucky KY 21 Mexico 4788.4
Louisiana LA 22 Mexico 1020.1
Maine ME 23 Mexico 66.4
Maryland MD 24 Mexico 2048.9
Massachusetts MA 25 Mexico 3204.2
Michigan MI 26 Mexico 44832
Minnesota MN 27 Mexico 1885
Mississippi MS 28 Mexico 1433.8
Missouri MO 29 Mexico 2494.4
Montana MT 30 Mexico 92.9
Nebraska NE 31 Mexico 231.1
Nevada NV 32 Mexico 429.9
New Hampshire NH 33 Mexico 396.3
New Jersey NJ 34 Mexico 4344.6
New Mexico NM 35 Mexico 647.7
New York NY 36 Mexico 0
North Carolina NC 37 Mexico 4200.1
North Dakota ND 38 Mexico 108.1
Ohio OH 39 Mexico 7365.9
Oklahoma OK 40 Mexico 763.7
Oregon OR 41 Mexico 796.4
Pennsylvania PA 42 Mexico 3700.1
Rhode Island RI 44 Mexico 1018.4
South Carolina SC 45 Mexico 3146.2
South Dakota SD 46 Mexico 63.7
Tennessee TN 47 Mexico 6802.4
Texas TX 48 Mexico 74585.7
Utah UT 49 Mexico 3075.9
Vermont VT 50 Mexico 36.3
Virginia VA 51 Mexico 0
Washington WA 53 Mexico 1205.5
West Virginia WV 54 Mexico 212.8
Wisconsin WI 55 Mexico 2529.8
Wyoming WY 56 Mexico 95.6
Alabama AL 1 Canada 1899.6
Alaska AK 2 Canada 463.5
Arizona AZ 4 Canada 1187
Arkansas AR 5 Canada 694.8
California CA 6 Canada 25633.1
Colorado CO 8 Canada 2519.8
Connecticut CT 9 Canada 2523.7
Delaware DE 10 Canada 388.7
Florida FL 12 Canada 3921.4
Georgia GA 13 Canada 3671.5
Hawaii HI 15 Canada 205.9
Idaho ID 16 Canada 914.7
Illinois IL 17 Canada 22834.2
Indiana IN 18 Canada 6703.5
Iowa IA 19 Canada 2246.7
Kansas KS 20 Canada 1497.1
Kentucky KY 21 Canada 3172.4
Louisiana LA 22 Canada 1319.2
Maine ME 23 Canada 1543.8
Maryland MD 24 Canada 1742.1
Massachusetts MA 25 Canada 6665.5
Michigan MI 26 Canada 44532.8
Minnesota MN 27 Canada 6790.8
Mississippi MS 28 Canada 836.5
Missouri MO 29 Canada 2686.9
Montana MT 30 Canada 2605.1
Nebraska NE 31 Canada 679.8
Nevada NV 32 Canada 787.3
New Hampshire NH 33 Canada 3917.8
New Jersey NJ 34 Canada 6665
New Mexico NM 35 Canada 236
New York NY 36 Canada 16331.8
North Carolina NC 37 Canada 3131.7
North Dakota ND 38 Canada 1264.8
Ohio OH 39 Canada 10545
Oklahoma OK 40 Canada 2338.5
Oregon OR 41 Canada 2261.6
Pennsylvania PA 42 Canada 9208.3
Rhode Island RI 44 Canada 374.7
South Carolina SC 45 Canada 2704.4
South Dakota SD 46 Canada 336.8
Tennessee TN 47 Canada 4770.6
Texas TX 48 Canada 13837.7
Utah UT 49 Canada 1811
Vermont VT 50 Canada 2375.4
Virginia VA 51 Canada 1770.5
Washington WA 53 Canada 11682.2
West Virginia WV 54 Canada 1007.7
Wisconsin WI 55 Canada 3791.2
Wyoming WY 56 Canada 497.2
Alabama AL 1 Japan 770.1
Alaska AK 2 Japan 80.5
Arizona AZ 4 Japan 628.2
Arkansas AR 5 Japan 118.2
California CA 6 Japan 37098.6
Colorado CO 8 Japan 0
Connecticut CT 9 Japan 784
Delaware DE 10 Japan 0
Florida FL 12 Japan 3367.1
Georgia GA 13 Japan 4682.8
Hawaii HI 15 Japan 338.6
Idaho ID 16 Japan 313.7
Illinois IL 17 Japan 9041.9
Indiana IN 18 Japan 3559.7
Iowa IA 19 Japan 417.1
Kansas KS 20 Japan 369.5
Kentucky KY 21 Japan 4682.8
Louisiana LA 22 Japan 0
Maine ME 23 Japan 56.8
Maryland MD 24 Japan 3190.8
Massachusetts MA 25 Japan 2126.4
Michigan MI 26 Japan 2882.7
Minnesota MN 27 Japan 380.5
Mississippi MS 28 Japan 811.6
Missouri MO 29 Japan 332.3
Montana MT 30 Japan 12.7
Nebraska NE 31 Japan 191.3
Nevada NV 32 Japan 241.9
New Hampshire NH 33 Japan 174.4
New Jersey NJ 34 Japan 3792.4
New Mexico NM 35 Japan 29.1
New York NY 36 Japan 0
North Carolina NC 37 Japan 2564.1
North Dakota ND 38 Japan 0
Ohio OH 39 Japan 4409.7
Oklahoma OK 40 Japan 327.4
Oregon OR 41 Japan 1961.9
Pennsylvania PA 42 Japan 1869.8
Rhode Island RI 44 Japan 794.6
South Carolina SC 45 Japan 1440.5
South Dakota SD 46 Japan 26.7
Tennessee TN 47 Japan 6798.9
Texas TX 48 Japan 4533.6
Utah UT 49 Japan 0
Vermont VT 50 Japan 76.3
Virginia VA 51 Japan 1095.6
Washington WA 53 Japan 5508
West Virginia WV 54 Japan 1015.6
Wisconsin WI 55 Japan 628.1
Wyoming WY 56 Japan 4.5
Alabama AL 1 Germany 3662.3
Alaska AK 2 Germany 0
Arizona AZ 4 Germany 809.6
Arkansas AR 5 Germany 286.5
California CA 6 Germany 10125.5
Colorado CO 8 Germany 642.5
Connecticut CT 9 Germany 1324.2
Delaware DE 10 Germany 0
Florida FL 12 Germany 3957.9
Georgia GA 13 Germany 12794.7
Hawaii HI 15 Germany 0
Idaho ID 16 Germany 74.4
Illinois IL 17 Germany 4540.4
Indiana IN 18 Germany 2305.9
Iowa IA 19 Germany 522.5
Kansas KS 20 Germany 843.8
Kentucky KY 21 Germany 2339.6
Louisiana LA 22 Germany 0
Maine ME 23 Germany 95.8
Maryland MD 24 Germany 3942.1
Massachusetts MA 25 Germany 1668.4
Michigan MI 26 Germany 3875.3
Minnesota MN 27 Germany 934
Mississippi MS 28 Germany 591.9
Missouri MO 29 Germany 1204.9
Montana MT 30 Germany 193.6
Nebraska NE 31 Germany 262.6
Nevada NV 32 Germany 156.4
New Hampshire NH 33 Germany 472.2
New Jersey NJ 34 Germany 5526.4
New Mexico NM 35 Germany 88.9
New York NY 36 Germany 3724.6
North Carolina NC 37 Germany 2770.1
North Dakota ND 38 Germany 112.9
Ohio OH 39 Germany 4367.7
Oklahoma OK 40 Germany 249.8
Oregon OR 41 Germany 419.2
Pennsylvania PA 42 Germany 5376.9
Rhode Island RI 44 Germany 2055.3
South Carolina SC 45 Germany 6161.9
South Dakota SD 46 Germany 30.7
Tennessee TN 47 Germany 3311.5
Texas TX 48 Germany 6171.6
Utah UT 49 Germany 180.1
Vermont VT 50 Germany 51
Virginia VA 51 Germany 1915.7
Washington WA 53 Germany 725.3
West Virginia WV 54 Germany 151.7
Wisconsin WI 55 Germany 1261.2
Wyoming WY 56 Germany 11.4
Alabama AL 1 South Korea 4158.9
Alaska AK 2 South Korea 288.5
Arizona AZ 4 South Korea 0
Arkansas AR 5 South Korea 0
California CA 6 South Korea 12842.5
Colorado CO 8 South Korea 360.8
Connecticut CT 9 South Korea 0
Delaware DE 10 South Korea 0
Florida FL 12 South Korea 0
Georgia GA 13 South Korea 5757.6
Hawaii HI 15 South Korea 156.5
Idaho ID 16 South Korea 103.8
Illinois IL 17 South Korea 5435.9
Indiana IN 18 South Korea 0
Iowa IA 19 South Korea 0
Kansas KS 20 South Korea 236.1
Kentucky KY 21 South Korea 0
Louisiana LA 22 South Korea 0
Maine ME 23 South Korea 0
Maryland MD 24 South Korea 0
Massachusetts MA 25 South Korea 0
Michigan MI 26 South Korea 4576.7
Minnesota MN 27 South Korea 0
Mississippi MS 28 South Korea 0
Missouri MO 29 South Korea 0
Montana MT 30 South Korea 0
Nebraska NE 31 South Korea 0
Nevada NV 32 South Korea 209.6
New Hampshire NH 33 South Korea 0
New Jersey NJ 34 South Korea 3697.9
New Mexico NM 35 South Korea 0
New York NY 36 South Korea 0
North Carolina NC 37 South Korea 0
North Dakota ND 38 South Korea 155.9
Ohio OH 39 South Korea 0
Oklahoma OK 40 South Korea 0
Oregon OR 41 South Korea 1579.2
Pennsylvania PA 42 South Korea 2838.4
Rhode Island RI 44 South Korea 0
South Carolina SC 45 South Korea 0
South Dakota SD 46 South Korea 0
Tennessee TN 47 South Korea 1775.6
Texas TX 48 South Korea 6741.9
Utah UT 49 South Korea 0
Vermont VT 50 South Korea 0
Virginia VA 51 South Korea 0
Washington WA 53 South Korea 2042.9
West Virginia WV 54 South Korea 0
Wisconsin WI 55 South Korea 0
Wyoming WY 56 South Korea 7
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