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Created April 7, 2015 06:06
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Criminal Careers Project: Total arrests by crime, 2012
crime under18 18OrOver under10 10_12 13_14 Under15 15 16 17 18_20 21_24 25_29 30_34 35_39 40_44 45_49 50_54 55_59 60_64 65OrOver totalAllAges
murderAndNonNegligentManslaughter 724 10351 1 12 68 82 100 207 335 1965 2341 1897 1284 835 615 536 387 231 135 125 11075
forcibleRape 2527 15571 8 229 706 943 436 510 637 2461 2514 2357 2123 1622 1502 1242 813 469 251 217 18098
robbery 21472 82189 35 525 3645 4205 4319 5887 7061 22364 18907 14073 9347 5540 4696 3694 2199 905 322 142 103661
aggravatedAssault 36345 352017 348 3109 8516 11973 6882 8376 9114 38139 59621 62891 51626 36858 32754 28306 20892 11460 5265 4205 388362
burglary 53773 229809 433 3123 11467 15022 10425 13118 15208 50480 45595 39837 29443 18949 16936 13674 8909 3910 1298 779 283582
larcenyTheft 224180 1058172 1036 14413 49575 65023 42263 54540 62353 193840 183513 173148 135370 94527 88767 77647 57478 30540 13412 9930 1282352
motorVehicleTheft 13078 55767 12 291 2441 2744 2989 3685 3660 10286 10258 10330 8442 5595 4497 3232 1876 808 292 150 68845
arson 4355 7078 227 893 1451 2571 689 584 512 1149 1069 1084 907 710 563 602 474 281 141 98 11433
otherAssaults 173078 1026398 2073 17616 47953 67642 33040 36310 36087 110091 172097 181682 151007 110415 99929 84621 60704 30737 13814 11299 1199476
forgeryAndCounterfeiting 1441 65605 5 26 167 197 151 337 756 7295 10976 12772 10935 7569 6132 4637 3020 1400 556 310 67046
fraud 4718 148817 19 138 709 865 725 1248 1879 14208 20998 25508 23380 18155 16548 12662 8503 4844 2280 1732 153535
embezzlement 437 15586 0 5 25 30 34 121 253 2486 3204 2555 2060 1533 1396 1006 669 397 180 100 16023
stolenPropertyBuyingReceivingPossessing 12935 84735 37 461 2435 2932 2615 3342 4046 15208 16296 15803 12305 7989 6784 4984 3156 1386 554 270 97670
vandalism 59938 168525 1117 6527 15869 23513 10969 12689 12767 34633 35438 29817 20981 13738 11586 9495 6758 3295 1521 1263 228463
weaponsCarryingPossessingEtc 24688 124598 527 2321 5615 8463 4273 5444 6507 23007 26643 23270 16862 10010 7961 6378 5007 2771 1428 1261 149286
prostitutionAndCommercializedVice 790 55785 0 6 53 59 108 234 388 6339 9987 9789 7571 5866 5870 4826 2959 1449 635 494 56575
sexOffenseExceptForcibleRapeAndProstitution 12427 55928 233 1849 4160 6243 2111 1995 2078 7139 7239 7253 6683 5642 5601 5260 4410 2853 1735 2113 68355
drugAbuseViolationsTotal 140038 1412394 155 3219 20847 24222 23278 36749 55790 264349 288245 256952 189877 120752 101714 84309 60631 29696 11125 4744 1552432
saleManufacturingTotal 18449 259353 20 429 2713 3162 3266 4896 7125 38135 50195 49773 38976 25300 20093 15851 11302 5912 2493 1322 277802
possessionSubTotal 121589 1153041 135 2790 18134 21060 20012 31853 48665 226214 238050 207179 150901 95452 81621 68458 49329 23783 8632 3422 1274630
gambling 957 6911 1 13 85 99 168 299 391 1501 1354 953 587 486 507 412 386 294 226 206 7868
offensesAgainstTheFamilyAndChildren 3340 103678 67 238 762 1067 658 780 835 5383 12278 18763 19290 15621 12985 9273 5834 2639 955 656 107018
drivingUnderTheInfluence 9388 1273569 25 15 141 181 374 2135 6698 89219 234470 233153 175145 127324 118266 106703 88395 53094 27823 19977 1282957
liquorLaws 77813 363719 53 538 6887 7479 11373 21974 36987 220647 30395 19626 15745 12810 14900 17233 16176 9313 4451 2423 441532
drunkenness 9898 501373 33 85 1085 1203 1579 2296 4820 41826 81852 75089 60904 47437 50492 53794 47551 26213 10745 5471 511271
disorderlyConduct 120133 423862 835 10331 34934 46100 24579 25331 24123 61793 84932 68761 51469 36745 34224 32836 27145 14625 6708 4623 543995
vagrancy 1420 25583 1 58 308 367 341 370 342 3139 2991 2847 2624 2162 2669 3064 3054 1847 803 383 27003
suspicion 345 1187 6 33 79 118 76 90 61 216 235 190 151 99 78 85 56 47 15 15 1532
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data.sort(function(a, b) {
return d3.descending(+a.totalAllAges, +b.totalAllAges);
//If your numeric values aren't sorting properly,
//try commenting out the line above, and instead using:
//return d3.descending(+a.lifeSatisfaction, +b.lifeSatisfaction);
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return d.crime + "'s number of arrests is " + d.totalAllAges;
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