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Last active August 29, 2015 14:18
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CSTR reactor
import numpy as np
import casadi as ca
from numpy import exp,pi
def ode():
# Plant parameter values
T0 = 350 # K
c0 = 1 # kmol/m^3
r = .219 # m
k0 = 7.2e10 # min^-1
E = 8750 # K
U = 54.94 # kJ/(min m^2 K)
rho = 1000 # kg/m^3
Cp = .239 # kJ/(kg K)
dH = -5e4 # kJ/kmol
# Declare states
c = ca.SX.sym('c') # Concentration of A
T = ca.SX.sym('T') # Reactor temperature
h = ca.SX.sym('h') # Level of the tank
x = ca.vertcat((c, T, h)) # State vector
# Disturbances
F0 = ca.SX.sym('F0')
d = F0
# Declare controls
Tc = ca.SX.sym('Tc')
F = ca.SX.sym('F')
u = ca.vertcat((Tc, F)) # Control vector
# Reaction rate
rate = k0*c*exp(-E/T)
# Time derivatives
c_dot = F0*(c0 - c)/(pi*r**2*h) - rate
T_dot = F0*(T0 - T)/(pi*r**2*h) - dH/(rho*Cp)*rate + 2*U/(r*rho*Cp)*(Tc - T)
h_dot = (F0 - F)/(pi*r**2)
x_dot = ca.vertcat((c_dot, T_dot, h_dot))
# NOTE: In current version of CasADi (2.3), having a "vertcat" as an input is only
# allowed for SX, not for MX. In MX the problem has to be reformulated as in the
# first two exercises. Support for this in MX will be added in future versions.
# Continuous-time dynamics
f_ct = ca.SXFunction([x, ca.vertcat((u,d))], [x_dot])
return f_ct
cs = .878 # kmol/m^3
Ts = 324.5 # K
hs = .659 # m
xs = ca.DMatrix([cs, Ts, hs])
Tcs = 300 # K
Fs = .1 # 0.1 m^3/min
F0s = .1
def steady_state():
# Steady-state operating conditions
us = ca.DMatrix([Tcs, Fs])
ds = ca.DMatrix(F0s)
return (xs, us, ds)
def control_bounds():
# Control bounds.
_,us,_ = steady_state()
delta = ca.DMatrix([.025*Tcs,.25*Fs])
umax = us + delta
umin = us - delta
return umin, umax
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