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Created June 30, 2020 08:28
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def get_engine(onnx_file_path, engine_file_path=""):
def build_engine():
with trt.Builder(TRT_LOGGER) as builder, builder.create_network(EXPLICIT_BATCH) as network, trt.OnnxParser(network, TRT_LOGGER) as parser:
builder.max_workspace_size = 1 << 28
builder.max_batch_size = 1
print('Loading ONNX file from path {}...'.format(onnx_file_path))
with open(onnx_file_path, 'rb') as model:
print('Beginning ONNX file parsing')
if not parser.parse(
print('ERROR: Failed to parse the ONNX file')
for error in range(parser.num_errors):
return None
network.get_input(0).shape = [1, 1, 28, 28]
print('Completed parsing of ONNX file')
print('Building an engine from file {}; this may take a while...'.format(onnx_file_path))
engine = builder.build_cuda_engine(network)
print("Completed creating Engine")
with open(engine_file_path, "wb") as f:
return engine
if os.path.exists(engine_file_path):
# If a serialized engine exists, use it instead of building an engine.
print("Reading engine from file {}".format(engine_file_path))
with open(engine_file_path, "rb") as f, trt.Runtime(TRT_LOGGER) as runtime:
return runtime.deserialize_cuda_engine(
return build_engine()
if __name__ == "__main__":
onnx_file_path = 'test.onnx'
engine_file_path = 'test.engine'
with get_engine(onnx_file_path, engine_file_path) as engine, engine.create_execution_context() as context:
inputs, outputs, bindings, stream = allocate_buffers(engine)
# Do inference
for i in tqdm(range(100000)):
test = torch.randn(28, 28, 1)
test = np.array(test)
inputs[0].host = test
trt_outputs = do_inference_v2(context, bindings=bindings, inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs, stream=stream)
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