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Created December 16, 2012 22:16
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Save jaen/4313655 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Crude Clojure LISP bot using Aleph.
(ns jaen-bot.core
(:use [lamina.core]
(:require [net.cgrand.regex :as r]
[clojure.string :as s]
[cheshire.core :as json]))
(def config (atom {}))
(def state (atom :connected))
(def auth-lines (atom 0))
(def users-online (atom #{}))
(def pluspluses (atom {}))
(def parrot-talkbacks (atom #{}))
(def siema-count (atom 0))
(def global-irc-connection (atom nil))
; positionally [0] = (optional) from; [1] = (mandatory) command; [2] = (optional) body
(def line-regex #"^(?::([^\s]+))?([^:]+)(?::(.*))?$")
; [0] = nick [1] = realname
(def nick-regex #"^([^!]+)!~?([^@]+)@.+$")
(def directed-at-regex #"^\s*([^:]+)(?:(?::|\s+)(.+))?$")
(def point-regex #"\s*([^\+\s]+)(\+\+|--)s*")
(def kick-talkbacks (atom []))
(def talkbacks (atom []))
(defn ask-reply
(defn directed-at
(if body
(let [[_ nick message] (re-matches directed-at-regex body)]
(if message nick))
(defn extract-directed-body
(let [[_ nick message] (re-matches directed-at-regex body)]
(defn msg
[where & lines]
(vec (map #(format "PRIVMSG %s :%s" where %) lines)))
(defn merge-response-map
[& maps]
(let [new-replies (apply merge (map #(% :replies) maps))]
(apply merge (flatten [maps {:replies new-replies}]))))
(defn protocol-reply
(let [match (re-matches line-regex line)
from (match 1)
command-match (s/split (s/trim (match 2)) #"\s+")
command (first command-match)
args (vec (rest command-match))
body (match 3)
[_ nick realname] (and from (re-matches nick-regex from))
reply (if (= nick (@config :bot-nick)) ; is this is an acknowledgement?
(and (= command "MODE")
(let [[nick mode] args]
(and (= nick (@config :bot-nick))
(= mode (@config :bot-mode))))) (do
(reset! state :joined)
(vec (flatten [(map #(format "JOIN %s" %) (@config :bot-join-channels))]))))
(= command "PING") (format "PONG :%s" body)
(= command "KICK") (if (= (args 1) (@config :bot-nick)) (do (Thread/sleep (+ 3200 (rand-int 2800))) (vec (flatten [(format "JOIN %s" (args 0)) (msg (args 0) (format "%s: %s" nick (rand-nth @kick-talkbacks)))])) []))
(= command "PART") (do (swap! users-online disj nick) [])
(= command "JOIN") (do (swap! users-online conj nick) [])
(= command "NICK") (do (swap! users-online disj nick) (swap! users-online conj (s/trim body)) [])
(= command "001") (do (reset! state :authed) [])
(= command "353") (do (doseq [nick (map #((re-matches #"@?([^@]+)" %) 1) (s/split body #"\s+"))] (swap! users-online conj nick)) [])
(and (>= @auth-lines 3)
(= @state :connected)) [(format "NICK %s" (@config :bot-nick)) (format "USER %s %s a b" (@config :bot-realname) (@config :bot-mode))]
(= command "NOTICE") (cond
(= (args 0) "AUTH") (do (println "auth line") (swap! auth-lines inc) []))))]
(if (not (nil? reply))
{:line-data { :from [nick realname]
:command command
:args args
:body body }
:replies { :protocol-reply (cond (vector? reply) reply
true [reply])}}
{:line-data { :from [nick realname]
:command command
:args args
:body body }} ))))
(defn rejoin
(enqueue @global-irc-connection (format "JOIN %s" channel)))
(defn talkback
(let [line-data (or (response-map :line-data) {})
command (line-data :command)
args (line-data :args)
body (line-data :body)
[nick realname] (line-data :from)
can-talkback (not (response-map :inhibit-talkback))
reply (if can-talkback
(if (and (= command "PRIVMSG") (some #{(args 0)} (@config :bot-join-channels)))
(let [from-channel (args 0)]
(= (directed-at body) (@config :bot-nick)) (cond
(or (= nick "firemark") (= realname "tiramo")) (msg from-channel "firemark: siema!")
(re-find #"przywitaj\s*si(e|ę)" body) (msg from-channel "no witam")
(re-find #"siema!?" body) (if (> @siema-count (+ 2 (rand-int 3)))
(.start (Thread. (fn [] (Thread/sleep (+ 30000 (rand-int 30000)))
(rejoin from-channel))))
(reset! siema-count 0)
(Thread/sleep (+ 2200 (rand-int 1800)))
(vec (flatten [(msg from-channel "a pierdolcie sie wszyscy!") (format "PART %s" from-channel)] )))
(Thread/sleep (+ 1800 (rand-int 1200)))
(swap! siema-count inc)
(msg from-channel (rand-nth ["spierdalaj" "pierdol sie" "zamknie morde"]))))
true (msg from-channel (format "%s: %s" nick (rand-nth @talkbacks))))))))]
(if reply
(merge-response-map response-map {:replies {:talkback-reply reply }})
(defn parrot
(let [line-data (or (response-map :line-data) {})
body (line-data :body)
plain-body (if (directed-at body) (extract-directed-body body) body)
shall-store (<= (rand) (@config :parrot-register-probability))
shall-reply (and (<= (rand) (@config :parrot-reply-probability)) (not shall-store))
reply (if (and (= (line-data :command) "PRIVMSG") (some #{((line-data :args) 0)} (@config :bot-join-channels)))
shall-store (do (swap! parrot-talkbacks conj plain-body) (println "Parrot talkback registered:" plain-body) nil)
shall-reply (msg ((line-data :args) 0) (rand-nth @parrot-talkbacks))))]
(if reply
(Thread/sleep (+ 1200 (rand-int 1800)))
(merge-response-map (assoc response-map :inhibit-talkback true) { :replies { :parrot-reply reply } }))
(defn word-join
[& words]
[commas (drop-last words)
last-word (last words)]
(empty? commas) last-word
(= (count commas) 4) (format "%s i %s" (s/join ", " commas) last-word)
true (format "%s i ktośtam tam pewnie jeszcze" (s/join ", " words)))))
(defn count-pluspluses
(let [line-data (or (response-map :line-data) {})
command (line-data :command)
args (line-data :args)
from-channel (if (= command "PRIVMSG") (args 0))]
(if (and (= command "PRIVMSG") (some #{from-channel} (@config :bot-join-channels)))
(if (let [body (and line-data (line-data :body))]
(and body
(and (= (directed-at body) (@config :bot-nick)) (not (nil? (re-find #"(stan plus(plus)?(ó|o)w|(plus)?plusy)" body))))))
(merge-response-map response-map { :replies { :count-pluspluses-reply (apply msg from-channel
[(s/join ", " (map (fn [k v] (format "%s: %s" k v))
(keys @pluspluses) (vals @pluspluses)))]) }
:inhibit-talkback true})
(let [line-data (or (response-map :line-data) {})
body (line-data :body)
[_ nick] (line-data :from)
plusplus-matches (or (and body (re-seq point-regex body)) [])
nested-responses (map (fn [[_ plussed-nick what]] (if (and (contains? @users-online plussed-nick) (not (= plussed-nick nick)))
[op (cond (= what "++") inc (= what "--") dec)]
(swap! pluspluses (fn [{value plussed-nick :as pluspluses}] (assoc pluspluses plussed-nick (op (or value 0))))))
(if (= plussed-nick nick) [plussed-nick] []))) ; (if (= plussed-nick nick) :selfplus)]))
responses (if (empty? nested-responses) [] (reduce into nested-responses))]
(if (not (empty? responses))
(let [self-plusses (filter (fn [[_ sp]] (not (nil? sp))) responses)
invalid-plusses (filter (fn [[_ sp]] (nil? sp)) responses)
self-plus-reply (if (not (empty? self-plusses)) (msg from-channel (format "%s: tylko Widzew się samoplusuje. Chcesz być jak Widzew?" nick)))
invalid-reply (msg from-channel (format "%s: ja, mhm, i jeszcze mi powiesz że %s %s? " nick (apply word-join responses) (if (= 1 (count responses)) "istnieje" "wszyscy istnieją")))]
response-map);(merge-response-map response-map { :replies { :count-pluspluses-reply invalid-reply } }))
(defn foo
(let [irc-frame (string :utf-8 :delimiters ["\r\n"])
irc-connection @(tcp-client {:host (@config :server) :port (@config :port) :frame irc-frame})
irc-pipeline (fn [line] (run-pipeline { }
(fn [response-map]
(println "IRC SAYS:" line)
(assoc response-map :line line)))
(fn [response-map]
(merge-response-map response-map
(protocol-reply line)))
(fn [response-map]
(count-pluspluses response-map))
(fn [response-map]
(parrot response-map))
(fn [response-map]
(talkback response-map))
(fn [{:keys [replies] :as response-map}]
(doseq [[from reply] replies]
(doseq [line reply]
(println (format "I REPLY (%s): %s" from line))
(enqueue irc-connection line)))))))]
(reset! global-irc-connection irc-connection)
(receive-all irc-connection irc-pipeline)))
(def default-config {
:server ""
:port 6667
:bot-nick "failmarg"
:bot-realname "yuuki-bot"
:bot-mode "+iw"
:bot-join-channels ["#lobos"] ;["" "#lobos"]
:kick-talkbacks ["wstydziłbyś się waćpan!" "KARRRRAMBA" "terefere mi stąd!" "idź mścij się na firemarku!" "how about a nice warm cup of fuck the hell off?"]
:talkbacks ["no siema" "hej" "witaj!" "i ty też terefere!" "; )" "miło mi" "why, hello there!"]
(defn -main
"I don't do a whole lot."
[& args]
[cwd (System/getProperty "user.dir")
merged-config (merge default-config (json/parse-stream ( (format "%s/data/config.json" cwd)) #(keyword %)))
stored-pluspluses (json/parse-stream ( (format "%s/data/pluspluses.json" cwd)))
stored-parrot-lines (json/parse-stream ( (format "%s/data/parrot.json" cwd)))]
(println "Cwd:" cwd)
(reset! config merged-config)
(println "Hello, World!" (@config :bot-nick))
(println "Config:")
(clojure.pprint/pprint @config)
(reset! pluspluses stored-pluspluses)
(reset! kick-talkbacks (@config :kick-talkbacks))
(reset! parrot-talkbacks stored-parrot-lines)
(reset! talkbacks (@config :talkbacks))
(.addShutdownHook (Runtime/getRuntime) (Thread. (fn [] (do (println "Going down with this ship...")
(with-open [wrtr (writer (format "%s/data/pluspluses.json" cwd))]
(.write wrtr (json/generate-string @pluspluses)))
(with-open [wrtr (writer (format "%s/data/parrot.json" cwd))]
(.write wrtr (json/generate-string @parrot-talkbacks { :pretty true })))))))
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