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Created March 29, 2013 18:46
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My xmonad config
# conky bar bottom
gap_y -1000
#background yes
double_buffer yes
out_to_console yes
own_window yes
own_window_type override
update_interval 0.2
${if_match "${execi 1 amixer get Speaker | egrep -o "\[on\]|\[off\]" -m 1}" == "[on]"}^fg(green)${endif}^i(.dzen/bitmaps/spkr_01.xbm) \
${execi 1 amixer get Master | egrep -o [0-9]+%} ^fg()| ^i(.dzen/bitmaps/note.xbm) ${mpd_status}${if_mpd_playing} - ${mpd_title} | Vol: ${mpd_vol}%${endif}
#conky bar top
gap_y -1000
background yes
double_buffer yes
out_to_console yes
own_window yes
own_window_type override
update_interval 1.0
${if_match "${exec xset q | grep LED | awk '{print $10}'}" == "00000001"}^fg(green)CapsLock^fg() | ${else}\
${if_match "${exec xset q | grep LED | awk '{print $10}'}" == "00000002"}^fg(\#0073FF)NumLock^fg() | ${else}\
${if_match "${exec xset q | grep LED | awk '{print $10}'}" == "00000003"}^fg(green)CapsLock ^fg(\#0073FF)NumLock^fg() | ${endif}${endif}${endif}\
^i(.dzen/bitmaps/cpu.xbm) ${cpu cpu0}% \
^i(.dzen/bitmaps/cpu.xbm) ${cpu cpu1}% \
^i(.dzen/bitmaps/cpu.xbm) ${cpu cpu2}% \
^i(.dzen/bitmaps/cpu.xbm) ${cpu cpu3}% \
^i(.dzen/bitmaps/mem.xbm) $memperc% | \
${if_up eth0}^i(.dzen/bitmaps/wifi_01.xbm) ${addr eth0} | ${endif}\
^fg(green)^i(.dzen/bitmaps/net_up_03.xbm)^fg() ${upspeedf wlp3s0}K \
^fg(red)^i(.dzen/bitmaps/net_down_03.xbm)^fg() ${downspeedf wlp3s0}K | \
^i(.dzen/bitmaps/clock.xbm) ${time %a %d.%m.%Y ^fn(DejaVu Sans Mono Medium:size=7.5:bold)%H:%M:%S} ^fn()
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'pry'
#in, out = IO.pipe
#myDzenTitleBar = "dzen2 -w 1206 -h 16 -ta l -bg \"" ++ myBarColor ++ "\" -fg \"" ++ myBarInactiveTextColor ++ "\" -fn \"" ++ myFont ++ "\""
#myDzenStatusBar = myTopBar ++ " | dzen2 -y 1184 -x 700 -h 16 -ta r -bg \"" ++ myBarColor ++ "\" -fn \"" ++ myFont ++ "\""
#myDzenMusicBar = myMusicBar ++ " | dzen2 -y 1184 -h 16 -x 0 -w 700 -ta l -bg \"" ++ myBarColor ++ "\" -fn \"" ++ myFont ++ "\""
#myTray = "trayer --edge top --align right --heighttype pixel --height 16 --widthtype pixels --width 160 --transparent true --alpha 0 --tint 0x111111"
myFont = "-*-dejavu sans mono-medium-r-*-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-*"
myBarColor = "#111111"
myBarTextColor = "#babdb6"
myBarInactiveTextColor = "#555753"
myNormalBorderColor = "#555753"
myFocusedBorderColor = "#a40000"
myCurrentWorkspaceColor = "#73d216"
myDefaultBarColor = "#555753"
myUrgentWorkspaceColor = "#edd400"
my_status_bar = "~/.conky_bar_top"
my_music_bar = "~/.conky_bar_bottom"
title_bar_width_percentage = 0.9
music_bar_width_percentage = 0.4
#trayer_width_percentage = 1.0 - title_bar_width_percentage
#stats_bar_width_percentage = 1.0 - music_bar_width_percentage
my_bar_color = myBarColor
my_bar_inactive_text_color = myBarInactiveTextColor
my_font = myFont
# width, height = /^\s*dimensions:\s+(\d+)x(\d+).*$/.match(`xdpyinfo`)
# title_bar_width = Integer(title_bar_width_percentage * width)
# music_bar_width = Integer(music_bar_width_percentage * width)
# trayer_width = width - title_bar_width #Integer(trayer_width_percentage * width)
# stats_bar_width = width - music_bar_width #Integer(stats_bar_width_percentage * width)
# top_offset = height - 16
system "killall conky dzen2 trayer" # compton nm-applet batterymon"
# dzen_title_bar = "dzen2 -w #{title_bar_width} -h 16 -ta l -bg \"#{my_bar_color}\" -fg \"#{my_bar_inactive_text_color}\" -fn \"#{my_font}\""
# trayer_bar = "trayer --edge top --align left --margin #{width-trayer_width} --heighttype pixel --height 16 --widthtype pixels --width #{trayer_width} --transparent true --alpha 0 --tint 0x111111"
# dzen_music_bar = "conky -c #{my_music_bar} | dzen2 -y #{top_offset} -h 16 -x 0 -w #{music_bar_width} -ta l -bg \"#{my_bar_color}\" -fn \"#{my_font}\""
# dzen_status_bar = "conky -c #{my_status_bar} | dzen2 -y #{top_offset} -x #{music_bar_width} -w #{stats_bar_width} -h 16 -ta r -bg \"#{my_bar_color}\" -fn \"#{my_font}\""
bars_on = :right
screens = `xrandr`.scan(/^[A-Z\d]+\s+connected\s+(\d+)x(\d+)\+(\d+)\+(\d+)/)
if screens.length == 2 then
left_id, right_id = nil
left = if screens[0][2] < screens[1][2] then left_id = 0; screens[0] else left_id = 1; screens[1] { |dim| dim.to_i }
right = if screens[0][2] > screens[1][2] then right_id = 0; screens[0] else right_id = 1; screens[1] { |dim| dim.to_i }
width, height, w_offset, h_offset = bars_on == :left ? left : right
title_bar_width = Integer(title_bar_width_percentage * width)
music_bar_width = Integer(music_bar_width_percentage * width)
trayer_width = width - title_bar_width #Integer(trayer_width_percentage * width.to_f)
stats_bar_width = width - music_bar_width #Integer(stats_bar_width_percentage * width.to_f)
top_offset = Integer(height - 16)
dzen_title_bar = "dzen2 -w #{title_bar_width} -h 16 -x #{w_offset} -ta l -bg \"#{my_bar_color}\" -fg \"#{my_bar_inactive_text_color}\" -fn \"#{my_font}\""
trayer_bar = "trayer --edge top --align right --monitor #{bars_on == :right ? right_id : left_id} --heighttype pixel --height 16 --widthtype pixels --width #{trayer_width} --transparent true --alpha 0 --tint 0x111111"
puts trayer_bar
dzen_music_bar = "conky -c #{my_music_bar} | dzen2 -y #{top_offset} -h 16 -x #{w_offset} -w #{music_bar_width} -ta l -bg \"#{my_bar_color}\" -fn \"#{my_font}\""
dzen_status_bar = "conky -c #{my_status_bar} | dzen2 -y #{top_offset} -x #{music_bar_width + w_offset} -w #{stats_bar_width} -h 16 -ta r -bg \"#{my_bar_color}\" -fn \"#{my_font}\""
width, height, _, _ = screens[0]
title_bar_width = Integer(title_bar_width_percentage * width.to_f)
music_bar_width = Integer(music_bar_width_percentage * width.to_f)
trayer_width = width.to_i - title_bar_width #Integer(trayer_width_percentage * width.to_f)
stats_bar_width = width.to_i - music_bar_width #Integer(stats_bar_width_percentage * width.to_f)
top_offset = Integer(height) - 16
dzen_title_bar = "dzen2 -w #{title_bar_width} -h 16 -ta l -bg \"#{my_bar_color}\" -fg \"#{my_bar_inactive_text_color}\" -fn \"#{my_font}\""
trayer_bar = "trayer --edge top --align right --heighttype pixel --height 16 --widthtype pixels --width #{trayer_width} --transparent true --alpha 0 --tint 0x111111"
dzen_music_bar = "conky -c #{my_music_bar} | dzen2 -y #{top_offset} -h 16 -x 0 -w #{music_bar_width} -ta l -bg \"#{my_bar_color}\" -fn \"#{my_font}\""
dzen_status_bar = "conky -c #{my_status_bar} | dzen2 -y #{top_offset} -x #{music_bar_width} -w #{stats_bar_width} -h 16 -ta r -bg \"#{my_bar_color}\" -fn \"#{my_font}\""
#screens.each_with_index do |screen, id|
system "compton --vsync opengl --dbe -b"
dzen_title = IO.popen(dzen_title_bar)
dzen_status = IO.popen(dzen_status_bar)
dzen_music = IO.popen(dzen_music_bar)
trayer = IO.popen(trayer_bar)
#system("feh --bg-fill ~/Tapety/desktop_bg")
system "nitrogen --restore"
import System.IO
import qualified System.IO.UTF8
import XMonad
import XMonad.Hooks.DynamicLog
import XMonad.Hooks.ManageDocks
import XMonad.Hooks.ManageHelpers
import XMonad.Hooks.UrgencyHook
import XMonad.Hooks.EwmhDesktops
import XMonad.Hooks.SetWMName
import XMonad.Util.Run
import Data.Ratio ((%))
import qualified XMonad.StackSet as S
import XMonad.Util.EZConfig
import XMonad.Hooks.ICCCMFocus
import XMonad.Prompt
import XMonad.Prompt.Shell
-- layouts
import XMonad.Layout.NoBorders
import XMonad.Layout.ResizableTile
import XMonad.Layout.Reflect
import XMonad.Layout.IM
import XMonad.Layout.Tabbed
import XMonad.Layout.PerWorkspace (onWorkspace)
import XMonad.Layout.Grid
withSpawnedPipe cmd f = do
pipe <- spawnPipe cmd
f pipe
hClose pipe
myRubyHack = "/home/jaen/.struts.rb"
main = do
withSpawnedPipe myRubyHack $ \ dzenTitleBarPipe -> do
xmonad $ withUrgencyHook NoUrgencyHook $ defaultConfig
{ terminal = myTerminal
, modMask = myModMask
, borderWidth = myBorderWidth
, startupHook = myStartupHook
, layoutHook = myLayout
, handleEventHook = fullscreenEventHook
, logHook = myLogHook dzenTitleBarPipe
, manageHook = myManageHook <+> manageHook defaultConfig
, normalBorderColor = myNormalBorderColor
, focusedBorderColor = myFocusedBorderColor
, focusFollowsMouse = myFocusFollowsMouse
, workspaces = myWorkspaces
[(myModMask, xK_p)] -- ++
--[((m .|. myModMask, k), windows $ f i) | (i, k) <- zip myWorkspaces [xK_1 .. xK_9]]
([((myModMask, xK_p), shellPrompt myXPConfig)] ++
[((myModMask, xK_z), spawn "xscreensaver-command -lock & xset dpms force off")] ++
[((m .|. myModMask, k), windows $ f i)
| (i, k) <- zip myWorkspaces [xK_1 .. xK_9],
(f, m) <- [(S.view, 0), (S.shift, shiftMask)]] ++
[((controlMask .|. myModMask, k), windows $ S.greedyView i)
| (i, k) <- zip myWorkspaces [xK_1 .. xK_9]])
[ ("<XF86Sleep>", spawn "xscreensaver-command -lock & sudo pm-suspend")
, ("<XF86PowerDown>", spawn "sudo hibernate")
, ("<XF86ScreenSaver>", spawn "xset dpms force off")
, ("<XF86AudioPlay>", spawn "mpc toggle")
, ("<XF86AudioStop>", spawn "mpc stop")
, ("<XF86AudioNext>", spawn "mpc next")
, ("<XF86AudioPrev>", spawn "mpc prev")
, ("<XF86AudioRaiseVolume>", spawn "amixer -q sset Master 1+ unmute")
, ("<XF86AudioLowerVolume>", spawn "amixer -q sset Master 1- unmute")
, ("<XF86AudioMute>", spawn "amixer sset Master toggle")
myStartupHook = do
spawn "urxvt -T weechat -e weechat-curses" -- --> doShift "1:irc"
spawn "urxvt -T ncmpcpp -e ncmpcpp" -- --> doShift "9:mp3"
spawn "luakit"
spawn "pidgin"
-- spawn "urxvt -T URxvtConsole"
setWMName "LG3D"
myTerminal = "urxvt"
myModMask = mod4Mask
myBorderWidth = 2
myWorkspaces = ["1:irc", "2:im", "3:www", "4:dev1", "5:dev2", "6:doc", "7:misc", "8:vid", "9:mp3"]
myFocusFollowsMouse = True
myFont = "-*-dejavu sans mono-medium-r-*-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-*"
myImgDirectory = ".dzen/bitmaps/"
myGGNum = "26574751"
myBarColor = "#111111"
myBarTextColor = "#babdb6"
myBarInactiveTextColor = "#555753"
myNormalBorderColor = "#555753"
myFocusedBorderColor = "#a40000"
myCurrentWorkspaceColor = "#73d216"
myDefaultBarColor = "#555753"
myUrgentWorkspaceColor = "#edd400"
myXPConfig = defaultXPConfig
font = myFont,
fgColor = myBarInactiveTextColor,
bgColor = myBarColor,
bgHLight = myBarColor,
fgHLight = myBarTextColor,
position = Top,
historySize = 512,
showCompletionOnTab = True,
historyFilter = deleteConsecutive,
promptBorderWidth = 0,
height = 16
--myLayout = avoidStruts(tiled ||| Mirror tiled ||| Full) ||| Full
myLayout = onWorkspace "8:vid" videoLayout $ smartBorders (onWorkspace "2:im" imLayout $ standardLayouts)
standardLayouts = avoidStruts(tiled ||| Mirror tiled ||| Full) ||| noBorders Full
tiled = Tall nmaster delta ratio
nmaster = 1
ratio = 3/4
delta = 3/100
videoLayout = noBorders Full ||| avoidStruts(noBorders Full)
--imLayout = avoidStruts(reflectHoriz $ withIM (5%20) (Title ("Kadu: " ++ myGGNum)) Grid)
imLayout = avoidStruts(noBorders (reflectHoriz $ withIM (4%20) (Role "buddy_list") Grid))
myLogHook pipe = dynamicLogWithPP $ myDzenPP pipe
-- | Move the window to the floating layer.
--doSink :: ManageHook
doSink = ask >>= \w -> doF (S.sink w)
myManageHook = composeAll
[isFullscreen --> doFullFloat,
isDialog --> doCenterFloat,
className =? "trayer" --> doIgnore,
className =? "Conky" --> doIgnore,
title =? "weechat" --> doShift "1:irc",
title =? "URxvtConsole" --> doShift "7:misc",
className =? "Chromium" --> doShift "3:www",
className =? "Chromium-browser" --> doShift "3:www",
className =? "luakit" --> doShift "3:www",
className =? "Firefox" --> doShift "3:www",
className =? "Pidgin" --> doShift "2:im",
className =? "Evince" --> doShift "6:doc",
className =? "Nautilus" --> doShift "7:misc",
className =? "MPlayer" --> doShift "8:vid" <+> doSink,
className =? "Smplayer" --> doShift "8:vid" <+> doSink,
title =? "ncmpcpp" --> doShift "9:mp3"]
ignore = ["trayer"]
--myDzenTitleBar = "dzen2 -w 1206 -h 16 -ta l -bg \"" ++ myBarColor ++ "\" -fg \"" ++ myBarInactiveTextColor ++ "\" -fn \"" ++ myFont ++ "\""
--myDzenStatusBar = myTopBar ++ " | dzen2 -y 1184 -x 600 -h 16 -ta r -bg \"" ++ myBarColor ++ "\" -fn \"" ++ myFont ++ "\""
--myDzenMusicBar = myMusicBar ++ " | dzen2 -y 1184 -h 16 -x 0 -w 600 -ta l -bg \"" ++ myBarColor ++ "\" -fn \"" ++ myFont ++ "\""
--myTray = "trayer --monitor 1 --edge top --align right --heighttype pixel --height 16 --widthtype pixels --width 160 --transparent true --alpha 0 --tint 0x111111"
--myWirelessApplet = "nm-applet"
--myTopBar = "conky -c ~.conky_bar_top"
--myMusicBar = "conky -c ~.conky_bar_bottom"
myDzenPP h = defaultPP
ppOutput = System.IO.hPutStrLn h, --UTF8.hPutStrLn h,
ppCurrent = (\x -> wrapFgColor myCurrentWorkspaceColor ++ wrapImg "corner.xbm" ++ x ++ " ^fg()^bg()"),
ppHidden = (\x -> "^ca(1, xdotool key Super+" ++ [x!!0] ++ ")" ++ wrapImg "corner.xbm" ++ x ++ " ^ca()^fg()^bg()"), --(\x -> wrapFgColor myPopulatedWorkspaceColor ++ wrapImg "corner.xbm" ++ x ++ "^fg()"),
ppUrgent = (\x -> wrapBgColor myUrgentWorkspaceColor ++ wrapFgColor "#000000" ++ "^ca(1, xdotool key Super+" ++ [x!!0] ++ ")" ++ wrapImg "corner.xbm" ++ x ++ " ^ca()^fg()^bg()" ),
ppSep = wrapFgColor myBarTextColor ++ " | ", --hack, so that rest is proper color
ppWsSep = "",
ppTitle = (\x -> x)
wrapFgColor color = "^fg(" ++ color ++ ")"
wrapBgColor color = "^bg(" ++ color ++ ")"
wrapImg img = "^i(" ++ myImgDirectory ++ img ++ ")"
wrapImgCol img color = "^fg(" ++ color ++ ")^i(" ++ myImgDirectory ++ img ++ ")"
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