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Last active January 14, 2019 19:10
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** thumpButton(btn)
** btn should be reference to the button to
** make into a thump button
function thumpButton(btn) {
/* env is a list of parameters that
affect the pitch of the thump
and whether the thump is reversed */
let env = {
startVol: 1,
endVol: 0,
pitchMod: 1,
note: 98,
reverse: function() {
let x = env.startVol;
env.startVol = env.endVol;
env.endVol = x;
/* web audio stuff */
const AudioContext = window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext;
const audioCtx = new AudioContext();
/* switch that keeps track of whether the mouse
is inside the button or not */
let inRange = false;
// returns an object that can play a thump
// at a certain pitch p
function playNote(p) {
return {
down: function() { playThump(audioCtx, env, p) },
up: function() {}
// returns an object that modifies
// the env pitchMod value
function pitchMod(oct) {
return {
down: function() { env.pitchMod = Math.pow(2, oct) },
up: function() { env.pitchMod = 1 }
/* maps different keyCodes to different functionality
the string key is the key code, found in event.code,
and the value for each key is an object containing two
function, down and up, that are triggered on keydown
and keyup respectively, for the key associated with the
key code */
let fnMap = {
/* lays the notes of the G scale out across the home row, in the
first octave. each note is in hertz, which I got from */
'KeyQ': playNote(98),
'KeyW': playNote(110),
'KeyE': playNote(123.47),
'KeyR': playNote(130.81),
'KeyT': playNote(146.83),
'KeyY': playNote(164.81),
'KeyU': playNote(185.00),
'KeyI': playNote(196.00),
/* while the shift key is held down, activate the reverse effect */
'ShiftLeft': {
down: env.reverse.bind(env),
up: env.reverse.bind(env)
/* each number corresponds to a pitchMod factor. This factor scales the pitch
hertz value by 2^n, where n is the associated digit. This lets you play
the G scale in different octaves */
'Digit1': pitchMod(1),
'Digit2': pitchMod(2),
'Digit3': pitchMod(3),
'Digit4': pitchMod(4),
'Digit5': pitchMod(5),
'Digit6': pitchMod(6),
'Digit7': pitchMod(7),
'Digit8': pitchMod(8),
'Digit9': pitchMod(9),
'Digit0': pitchMod(10),
window.addEventListener('keydown', function(ev) {
// trigger the appropriate key action
// only when the mouse is inside the button
if (inRange && fnMap[ev.code]) {
window.addEventListener('keyup', function(ev) {
// it's ok to clean up even after the mouse has left
if (fnMap[ev.code]) {
let timeouts = [];
function buttonTextTimeout(text, duration) {
timeouts.push(setTimeout(function() {
btn.innerText = text;
}, duration))
// basic, boring, entry level
// thumping on click
btn.addEventListener('mousedown', function(ev) {
playThump(audioCtx, env, 98);
// gradually reveal the buttons over time
btn.addEventListener('mouseover', function() {
inRange = true;
btn.innerText = "works better with headphones";
buttonTextTimeout("try pressing a top row letter", 2000);
buttonTextTimeout("try holding a number while playing", 5000);
buttonTextTimeout("try holding left Shift while playing", 9000);
btn.addEventListener('mouseout', function() {
inRange = false;
btn.innerText = "click to make a thumpy sound"
// clear out the button text timeouts when the mouse exits { clearTimeout(t) });
timeouts = []
// disable the button's context menu
btn.addEventListener('contextmenu', function(ev) {
return false;
** playThump()
** plays the thump
** ctx is the Web Audio Context
** env, the settings that effect
** the thump's length, pitch, and
** whether the reverse effect is applied
** pitch is the Hz value of the pitch to play
** in the first octave
function playThump(ctx, env, pitch) {
const osc = ctx.createOscillator();
osc.type = 'sine';
osc.frequency.setValueAtTime(pitch * env.pitchMod, ctx.currentTime); // sets the note value in Hz
// makes the thump sound by detuning the beginning of the thump
// like an 808
osc.detune.setValueAtTime(-250, ctx.currentTime);
osc.detune.linearRampToValueAtTime(0, ctx.currentTime + 0.15);
let sweepEnv = ctx.createGain();
// when startVol = 1 and endVol = 0, creates a decay sound (good for thumping)
// when startVol = 0 and endVol = 1, creates a reverse sound (good for reverse thumping)
sweepEnv.gain.setValueAtTime(env.startVol, ctx.currentTime);
sweepEnv.gain.linearRampToValueAtTime(env.endVol, ctx.currentTime + 0.5);
// the entire sound lasts a half a second
// it's a thump, not a thud
osc.stop(ctx.currentTime + 0.5)
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