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Created July 8, 2014 15:01
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Example of reading in Clojure
(ns inputstream.core
(:require [ :as io]))
(defn read-is [^ is]
(let [bufsize 8192
buf (byte-array bufsize)]
(loop [total-len 0]
(let [n (.read is buf)]
(pos? n) (do
;; process n bytes in buf here
(println "Read" n " bytes")
(recur (+ total-len n)))
:else total-len))))) ;; or whatever ret value you want
(defn proc-file [fname]
(read-is (io/input-stream fname)))
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do you maybe know how can I get sth like this?

(import  '( BufferedReader InputStreamReader PrintWriter))
(println (apply max [7 5]))

        *in* (BufferedReader. (InputStreamReader. "1\n2\n3\n"))
        ; *out* (PrintWriter. out)
	(println (read))

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