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Last active May 12, 2017 14:16
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  • Save jafonsor/5564a08dcfee94ca83ee2fc094ee0d54 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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% tabela
\begin{tabular}{ l|rrrr }
& Problematic methods & Search Duration & Transform Duration \\
fenixedu-academic & 2 & 498.83s & 574.35s \\
fenixedu-ist-integration & 3 & 22.61s & 41.21s \\
fenixedu-ist-vigilancies & 2 & 9.92s & 35.91s \\
\caption{Statistics for the transformation that fixes the problematic methods.}
% Extra stuff file
% This file is included before begin{document} environment
% Use this to include extra packages and define your own commands
% This way, you can easily grab a most recent version
% of dissertation.tex file from the original repo
\usepackage{bold-extra} % add bold to the tt family font
\usepackage[chapter]{minted} % better syntax highlighting.
\usepackage{pygmentize} % because of minted
% use same counters for minted and lstlistings
% attempt at using double quotes on listings
% special character to inline listings
% Macro to use inline lstlistings on captions.
% ex: caption=Some text \inlinecode{asf\_sdf}.
{\lst@basicstyle #1}
% put line numbers inside the listing frame
, framexleftmargin=2em
, frame=tb
, stepnumber=1
, basicstyle=\ttfamily
, keywordstyle=\color{blue}\ttfamily
, stringstyle=\color{red}\ttfamily
, commentstyle=\color{darkgray}\ttfamily
%, morecomment=[l][\color{magenta}]{\#}
% break lines in listings
, breaklines=true
% adds arrow indicating the break line in listings
, postbreak=\raisebox{0ex}[0ex][0ex]{\ensuremath{\color{red}\hookrightarrow\space}}
% avoids the overlaping of listing borders with text
, aboveskip=20pt
, belowskip=20pt
keywords={typeof, new, true, false, catch, function, return, null, catch, switch, var, if, in, while, do, else, case, break},
ndkeywords={class, export, boolean, throw, implements, import, this},
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Prolog Hilighting
% --- ugly internals for language definition ---
% initialisation of user macros
% useful switches (to keep track of context)
% save definition of underscore for test
% local variables
% if we're in processing mode...
% ... or within parentheses
% Some housekeeping...
% helper macros
% First, assume that we have an atom.
% Test whether we have a predicate and modify the style accordingly.
% Test whether we have a predicate and modify the style accordingly.
% Check whether the identifier starts by an underscore.
% Check whether the identifier is '_' (anonymous variable)
% Check whether the identifier starts by a capital letter.
\advance \currentchar@prolog by 1
% helper macro for () delimiters
\def\endlstdelim{\PrologOtherStyle #2\egroup}%
{\PrologOtherStyle #1}%
% language name
% ``normalised'' language name
% language definition
language = Prolog,
keywords = {}, % reset all preset keywords
showstringspaces = false,
alsoletter = (,
alsoother = @$,
moredelim = **[is][\beginlstdelim{(}{)}]{(}{)},
MoreSelectCharTable =
% Hooking into listings to test each ``identifier''
% --- end of ugly internals ---
% --- definition of a custom style similar to that of Pygments ---
% custom colors
\definecolor{PrologVar} {RGB}{024,021,125}
\definecolor{PrologAtom} {RGB}{186,032,032}
\definecolor{PrologComment} {RGB}{063,128,127}
\definecolor{PrologOther} {RGB}{000,000,000}
% redefinition of user macros for Prolog style
% custom style definition
language = Prolog-pretty,
upquote = true,
stringstyle = \PrologAtomStyle,
commentstyle = \PrologCommentStyle,
literate =
{:-}{{\PrologOtherStyle :-}}2
{,}{{\PrologOtherStyle ,}}1
{.}{{\PrologOtherStyle .}}1
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