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Created February 12, 2021 19:55
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Get CSV from
import csv
import os
# change these to match your setup
goodreadsfile = '~/Downloads/goodreads_library_export.csv'
goodreadsdict = csv.DictReader(open(goodreadsfile))
for row in goodreadsdict:
pub_year = row['Year Published']
if row['Original Publication Year']:
pub_year = row['Original Publication Year']
outfilename = '-'.join([pub_year, row['Author l-f'], row['Title']])
sanitizedname = ''.join([c for c in outfilename if c.isalpha() or c.isdigit() or c in '.-_ ']).strip()
outfilepath = outputdir + sanitizedname + '.md'
# Set tags based on shelves and author lastname
tags = []
for v in [row.pop('Exclusive Shelf'), row.pop('Bookshelves')]:
tags += v.replace(',', '').split()
# tagging author last name is too noisy
#tags.append(row.pop('Author l-f').split(',')[0])
content = '''---
created: {}
Title: {}
Author: {}
Date Read: {}
Tags: {}
'''.format(row.pop('Date Added').replace('/', '-'),
row.pop('Book Id'),
row.pop('Date Read').replace('/', '-'),
' '.join(set(['#{}'.format(x) for x in tags])))
for k,v in row.items():
if v:
if k == 'Bookshelves with positions':
content += '{0}: {1}\n\n'.format(k,v.replace('#', ''))
content += '{0}: {1}\n\n'.format(k,v)
outfile = open(outfilepath, 'w')
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