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Created March 5, 2011 23:37
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Some DFS based graph algorithms in Haskell
--Proposed solutions to problems 87,88 and 89 of "99 Haskell Problems"
--Not optimal but they work
--If you know haskell and want to solve some problems there are some missing at:
import Data.List
type Node = Int
type Edge = (Node,Node)
type Graph = ([Node],[Edge])
depthfirst :: Graph -> Node -> [Node]
depthfirst (v,e) n
| [x|x<-v,x==n] == [] = []
| otherwise = dfrecursive (v,e) [n]
dfrecursive :: Graph -> [Node] -> [Node]
dfrecursive ([],_) _ = []
dfrecursive (_,_) [] = []
dfrecursive (v,e) (top:stack)
| [x|x<-v,x==top] == [] = dfrecursive (newv, e) stack
| otherwise = top : dfrecursive (newv, e) (adjacent ++ stack)
adjacent = [x | (x,y)<-e,y==top] ++ [x | (y,x)<-e,y==top]
newv = [x|x<-v,x/=top]
connectedcomponents :: Graph -> [[Node]]
connectedcomponents ([],_) = []
connectedcomponents (top:v,e)
| remaining == [] = [connected]
| otherwise = connected : connectedcomponents (remaining, e)
connected = depthfirst (top:v,e) top
remaining = (top:v) \\ connected
dfsbipartite :: Graph -> [(Node, Int)] -> [Node] -> [Node] -> Bool
dfsbipartite ([],_) _ _ _ = True
dfsbipartite (_,_) [] _ _ = True
dfsbipartite (v,e) ((nv, 0):stack) odd even
| [x|x<-v,x==nv] == [] = dfsbipartite (v, e) stack odd even
| [] == intersect adjacent even = dfsbipartite (newv, e) ([(x,1)|x<-adjacent] ++ stack) odd (nv : even)
| otherwise = False
adjacent = [x | (x,y)<-e,y==nv] ++ [x | (y,x)<-e,y==nv]
newv = [x|x<-v,x/=nv]
dfsbipartite (v,e) ((nv, 1):stack) odd even
| [x|x<-v,x==nv] == [] = dfsbipartite (v, e) stack odd even
| [] == intersect adjacent odd = dfsbipartite (newv, e) ([(x,0)|x<-adjacent] ++ stack) (nv : odd) even
| otherwise = False
adjacent = [x | (x,y)<-e,y==nv] ++ [x | (y,x)<-e,y==nv]
newv = [x|x<-v,x/=nv]
bipartite :: Graph -> Bool
bipartite ([],_) = True
bipartite (top:v,e) = dfsbipartite (top:v, e) [(top,0)] [] []
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KC3000 commented Mar 6, 2011

"Algorithms a Functional Programming Approach", Fethi Rabhi & Guy Lapalme, 1999, page 142 has DFS. Both DFS and BFS are misnamed because we often use them for other purposes than search; they both convert graphs into trees. :)

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imagine that you are searching the truth XD

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KC3000 commented Mar 6, 2011

You can put your code into a timing harness, for example:

module Main where

import Data.Time.Clock (diffUTCTime, getCurrentTime)
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import System.Exit (exitFailure)

-- Module/Program to be timed.
import TheSmallestFreeNumber

main = do
a <- timed "minfreeAA" (minfreeAA testlist)
b <- timed "minfreeMD" (minfreeMD testlist)
c <- timed "minfreeDC" (minfreeDC testlist)

return (a,b,c)

-- From "Real World Haskell" Chapter 26
timed :: String -> a -> IO a
timed desc act = do
start <- getCurrentTime
end <- act seq getCurrentTime
putStrLn $ show (diffUTCTime end start) ++ " to " ++ desc
return act

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KC3000 commented Mar 6, 2011

You can also instrument your code, to see the intermediate data structures using the Hackage package hood.

{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}

-- Fold Behaviour Observed

module Folding where

-- See Hood on Hackage
import Observe
import Data.List

n = 10::Int
fr = foldr (observe "Add" (+)) 0 [1..n]
fl = foldl (observe "Add" (+)) 0 [1..n]
frr = foldr (observe "Add" (+)) 0 (reverse [1..n])
flr = foldl (observe "Add" (+)) 0 (reverse [1..n])

fro = printO fr
flo = printO fl
frro = printO frr
flro = printO flr

fl' = foldl' (observe "Add" (+)) 0 [1..n]
flr' = foldl' (observe "Add" (+)) 0 (reverse [1..n])

flo' = printO fl'
flro' = printO flr'

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KC3000 commented Mar 6, 2011

By the way, I always tend to think of appending as O(n^2) but pre-pending short lists is O(n) in the length of the short list. It's always post-pending that is O(n^2). And; if it's postage-pending then it's even slower. :)

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KC3000 commented Mar 6, 2011

As Randy Pausch would have said, "That was pretty good but I know you can do better." :)

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