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Last active January 10, 2023 15:00
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# gist url:
# Processes CSV output from an amazon-buddy command
# About:
# Originally I wrote this for cost/pill for supplements.
# In its present state it's modified for finding syringes,
# evaluating with the regexes for "2 pack" "5ct" etc.
# Setup & Requirements:
# amazon-buddy:
# * Note: You'll need to put somewhere where perl will find it.
# Like: $ mkdir ~/lib/perl && cd ~/lib/perl
# $ curl -O
# Then add that directory to your PERL5LIB env var, probably by adding
# a line to your shell's profile script:
# $ export PERL5LIB="${PERL5LIB:+$PERL5LIB:}/home/jaggz/lib/perl"
# Examples:
# 1. A simple search and processing:
# $ amazon-buddy -n 300 products -k '150ml syringes'
# $ {output_csv_from_above_command} 2>&1 | less -R
# 2. Join some searches (the sort|uniq isn't really necessary,
# since we remove duplicates based on amazon-id ("asin").
# $ mkdir amazon-syringes && cd amazon-syringes
# $ amazon-buddy -n 300 products -k '150ml syringes'
# $ amazon-buddy -n 300 products -k '250ml syringes'
# $ cat products*.csv | sort | uniq > uniq.csv
# $ {uniq.csv} 2>&1 | less -R
use strict; use warnings; use 5.24.1;
use Text::CSV qw(csv);
use bansi;
my $aoh = csv(
in => $ARGV[0],
headers => "auto"); # as array of hash
binmode *STDOUT, ':encoding(UTF-8)';
say join(' ', keys %{$aoh->[0]});
#say $aoh->{title}[0];
#say $aoh->[1]->{title};
my @bycost;
my %found_already; # Uses the "asin" field
sub show_item { # idx, itemref, {flags {show=>0}}
my $i = shift;
my $item = shift;
my $flags = shift;
my $show = $flags->{show} // 1;
my $tit = $item->{title};
my $url = $item->{url};
my $price = $item->{"price.current_price"};
my $asin = $item->{"asin"};
my ($mg) = ($tit =~ /(\d+)\s*mg\b/);
if (!defined $mg) {
#say "[$i] $yel\[Bad mg]$rst $tit";
} else {
#say "[${mg}mg] $tit";
my ($packs, $cnt, $ml, $mlstr);
($packs) = ($tit =~ /(\d+)(?:\s*|-)(?:pack|packs|set|sets|pcs)\b/i) if !defined $packs;
($packs) = ($tit =~ /(?:pack|set|box) of (\d+)/i) if !defined $packs;
($ml) = ($tit =~ /((\d+\.)?\d+)\s*(ml|cc)\b/i) if !defined $ml;
($cnt) = ($tit =~ /(\d+)\s*(Vegetarian Capsules|Capsules|VegCaps)/i) if !defined $cnt;
($cnt) = ($tit =~ /(\d+)\s*(:?ct|count)/i) if !defined $cnt;
($cnt) = ($tit =~ /(\d+)\s*ea\b/i) if !defined $cnt;
# $mg = '?mg' if !defined $mg;
# $cnt = '?cnt' if !defined $cnt;
my $packstr = defined $packs ? " x $packs" : "";
my $lowml=0;
if (defined $ml && $ml > 1 && $ml < 150) { $lowml=1; }
if (defined $cnt && defined $mg) {
say "1 [$i] [$whi${mg}mg$rst x $bcya${cnt}$packstr$rst] $bmag$tit $bbla$url$rst" if $show;
} elsif (defined $mg) { # only mg
say "2 [$i] [$cya${mg}mg$rst x ?$packstr] $tit $bbla$url$rst" if $show;
} elsif (defined $cnt) { # only cnt
say "3 [$i] ${red}[?mg x $bcya$cnt$packstr$rst] $tit $bbla$url$rst" if $show;
} else {
$packs = 1 if !defined $packs;
$price = 0 if !defined $price;
$cnt = 1 if !defined $cnt;
if (defined $ml && $ml > 0 && $ml < 150) {
say "${bbla}x [$i] ${packs}ct ${ml}ml $tit $bbla$url$rst" if $show;
} else {
if (!defined $ml) { $mlstr = "$red?ml$rst"; $ml=1; }
else { $mlstr = "${whi}${ml}ml"; }
# say $i;
# say $price/$packs;
# say "$price";
# say "${packs}ct";
# say "${ml}";
# say "Tit: $tit";
# say "URL: $url";
printf "4 [%3d]$rst %5.2f %6s ${bbla}%5s$rst %6s ${yel}%s $bbla%s$rst\n",
# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
#1 2 3 4 5 6 7
$i, $price/$packs, "$price", "${packs}ct", "$mlstr", $tit, $url
if $show;
my $keep = 0;
if ($tit !~ /bottle/i && $ml >= 200) { $keep = 1; }
if ($ml >= 1) { $keep = 1; }
if ($keep) {
if (!exists $found_already{$asin}) {
push @bycost, {
for my $i (1 .. $#{$aoh}) {
my $item = $aoh->[$i];
show_item($i, $item, { show => 0 });
@bycost = sort { $a->{cost} <=> $b->{cost} } @bycost;
for my $i (1 .. $#bycost) {
show_item($i, $bycost[$i]->{item});
# gist url:
# Processes CSV output from an amazon-buddy command
# About:
# Originally I wrote this for cost/pill for supplements.
# In its present state it's modified for finding syringes,
# evaluating with the regexes for "2 pack" "5ct" etc.
# Setup & Requirements:
# amazon-buddy:
# * Note: You'll need to put somewhere where perl will find it.
# Like: $ mkdir ~/lib/perl && cd ~/lib/perl
# $ curl -O
# Then add that directory to your PERL5LIB env var, probably by adding
# a line to your shell's profile script:
# $ export PERL5LIB="${PERL5LIB:+$PERL5LIB:}/home/jaggz/lib/perl"
# Examples:
# 1. A simple search and processing:
# $ amazon-buddy -n 300 products -k '150ml syringes'
# $ {output_csv_from_above_command} 2>&1 | less -R
# 2. Join some searches (the sort|uniq isn't really necessary,
# since we remove duplicates based on amazon-id ("asin").
# $ mkdir amazon-syringes && cd amazon-syringes
# $ amazon-buddy -n 300 products -k '150ml syringes'
# $ amazon-buddy -n 300 products -k '250ml syringes'
# $ cat products*.csv | sort | uniq > uniq.csv
# $ {uniq.csv} 2>&1 | less -R
# 3. A search showing the cost per 10, and --pieces to not do ml, mg, etc.
# $ -per=10 --pieces products.csv
use strict; use warnings; use 5.24.1;
use Text::CSV qw(csv);
use bansi;
use Getopt::Long;
my $opts;
my @bycost;
my %found_already; # Uses the "asin" field
sub show_item { # idx, itemref, {flags {show=>0}}
my $i = shift;
my $item = shift;
my $flags = shift;
my $show = $flags->{show} // 1;
my $tit = $item->{title};
my $url = $item->{url};
my $price = $item->{"price.current_price"};
my $asin = $item->{"asin"};
my ($mg) = ($tit =~ /(\d+)\s*mg\b/);
if (!defined $mg) {
#say "[$i] $yel\[Bad mg]$rst $tit";
} else {
#say "[${mg}mg] $tit";
my ($packs, $cnt, $ml, $mlstr);
($packs) = ($tit =~ /(\d+)(?:\s*|-)(?:pack|packs|set|sets|pcs)\b/i) if !defined $packs;
($packs) = ($tit =~ /(?:pack|set|box) of (\d+)/i) if !defined $packs;
($ml) = ($tit =~ /((\d+\.)?\d+)\s*(ml|cc)\b/i) if !defined $ml;
($cnt) = ($tit =~ /(\d+)\s*(Vegetarian Capsules|Capsules|VegCaps)/i) if !defined $cnt;
($cnt) = ($tit =~ /(\d+)\s*(:?ct|count)/i) if !defined $cnt;
($cnt) = ($tit =~ /(\d+)\s*ea\b/i) if !defined $cnt;
# $mg = '?mg' if !defined $mg;
# $cnt = '?cnt' if !defined $cnt;
my $packstr = defined $packs ? " x $packs" : "";
my $lowml=0;
if (defined $ml && $ml > 1 && $ml < 150) { $lowml=1; }
if (defined $cnt && defined $mg) {
say "1 [$i] [$whi${mg}mg$rst x $bcya${cnt}$packstr$rst] $bmag$tit $bbla$url$rst" if $show;
} elsif (defined $mg) { # only mg
say "2 [$i] [$cya${mg}mg$rst x ?$packstr] $tit $bbla$url$rst" if $show;
} elsif (defined $cnt) { # only cnt
say "3 [$i] ${red}[?mg x $bcya$cnt$packstr$rst] $tit $bbla$url$rst" if $show;
} else {
$packs = 1 if !defined $packs;
$price = 0 if !defined $price;
$cnt = 1 if !defined $cnt;
if (!defined $ml) { $mlstr = "$red?ml$rst "; $ml=1; }
else { $mlstr = "${whi}${ml}ml "; }
$mlstr = '' if $$opts{pieces};
# say $i;
# say $price/$packs;
# say "$price" if $show;
# say "${packs}ct";
# say "${ml}";
# say "Tit: $tit";
# say "URL: $url";
printf "4 [%3d] $rst%5.2f %6s ${bbla}%5s$rst %6s ${yel}%s $bbla%s %s$rst\n",
# 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9
$i, # 1
$$opts{per} * $price/$packs, # 2
$price, # 4
"${packs}ct", # 5
"$mlstr", # 6
$tit, # 7
$asin, # 8
$url # 9
if $show;
my $keep = 1;
if ($$opts{mlmin} != $$opts{mlmax}) {
$keep = 0 if $ml < $$opts{mlmin};
$keep = 0 if $ml >= $$opts{mlmax};
$keep = 0 if exists $$opts{excludere} && $tit =~ /$$opts{excludere}/i;
if ($keep) {
if (!exists $found_already{$asin}) {
push @bycost, {
sub getopts {
my %opts;
$opts{verbose} = 0;
$opts{mlmin} = 0;
$opts{mlmax} = 0;
$opts{mgmin} = 0;
$opts{mgmax} = 0;
$opts{pieces} = 0;
$opts{per} = 1;
# $opts{infn} = "foo.dat";
"excludere=s", # regex to exclude
#"length=i" => \$opts{length}, # numeric
# "i|file=s" => \$opts{infn}, # string
) or die("Error in command line arguments\n");
return \%opts;
sub main {
$opts = getopts();
my $aoh = csv(
in => $ARGV[0],
headers => "auto"); # as array of hash
binmode *STDOUT, ':encoding(UTF-8)';
say join(' ', keys %{$aoh->[0]});
#say $aoh->{title}[0];
#say $aoh->[1]->{title};
for my $i (1 .. $#{$aoh}) {
my $item = $aoh->[$i];
show_item($i, $item, { show => 0 });
@bycost = sort { $a->{cost} <=> $b->{cost} } @bycost;
say "${whi}Price per $$opts{per} count$rst" if $$opts{per} != 1;
for my $i (1 .. $#bycost) {
show_item($i, $bycost[$i]->{item});
# gist url:
# Processes CSV output from an amazon-buddy command
# About:
# Originally I wrote this for cost/pill for supplements.
# In its present state it's modified for finding syringes,
# evaluating with the regexes for "2 pack" "5ct" etc.
# Setup & Requirements:
# amazon-buddy:
# * Note: You'll need to put somewhere where perl will find it.
# Like: $ mkdir ~/lib/perl && cd ~/lib/perl
# $ curl -O
# Then add that directory to your PERL5LIB env var, probably by adding
# a line to your shell's profile script:
# $ export PERL5LIB="${PERL5LIB:+$PERL5LIB:}/home/jaggz/lib/perl"
# Examples:
# 1. A simple search and processing:
# $ amazon-buddy -n 300 products -k '150ml syringes'
# $ {output_csv_from_above_command} 2>&1 | less -R
# 2. Join some searches (the sort|uniq isn't really necessary,
# since we remove duplicates based on amazon-id ("asin").
# $ mkdir amazon-syringes && cd amazon-syringes
# $ amazon-buddy -n 300 products -k '150ml syringes'
# $ amazon-buddy -n 300 products -k '250ml syringes'
# $ cat products*.csv | sort | uniq > uniq.csv
# $ {uniq.csv} 2>&1 | less -R
# 3. A search showing the cost per 10, and --pieces to not do ml, mg, etc.
# $ -per=10 --pieces products.csv
use strict; use warnings; use 5.24.1;
use Text::CSV qw(csv);
use bansi qw(:all);
use Getopt::Long;
my $opts;
my @opt_requirere; # This option (--requirere) can appear multiple times
my @opt_excludere; # This option (--requirere) can appear multiple times
my @bycost;
my %found_already; # Uses the "asin" field
my $verbose=0;
sub show_item { # idx, itemref, {flags {show=>0}}
my $i = shift;
my $item = shift;
my $flags = shift;
my $show = $flags->{show} // 1;
my $tit = $item->{title};
my $prime = $item->{amazonPrime};
my $url = $item->{url};
my $price = $item->{"price.current_price"};
my $asin = $item->{"asin"};
my $length;
my ($mg) = ($tit =~ /(\d+)\s*mg\b/);
my $len_units = '';
return if $$opts{prime} && $prime ne "true";
say "AA ${whi}[$asin] $rst$tit" if $verbose > 1;
if (!defined $mg) {
#say "[$i] $yel\[Bad mg]$rst $tit";
} else {
#say "[${mg}mg] $tit";
my ($packs, $cnt, $ml, $mlstr, $weight);
my ($lbs, $grams, $kg);
if ($$opts{weight}) {
($lbs) = ($tit =~ /(\d+(\.\d+)?)\W*(?:lbs?)\b/i) if !defined $lbs;
# say "*weight* lbs=$lbs" if defined $lbs;
($lbs) = ($tit =~ /(\d+(\.\d+)?)\W*(?:pounds?)\b/i) if !defined $lbs;
if (!defined $lbs) {
($grams) = ($tit =~ /(\d+(\.\d+)?)\W*(?:g|gm|grams?)\b/i);
($kg) = ($tit =~ /(\d+(\.\d+)?)\W*kg\b/i);
if (defined $grams) { $lbs = $grams / 453.59; }
elsif (defined $kg) { $lbs = $kg * 2.2046; }
if (!defined $lbs) {
my ($ounces) = ($tit =~ /(\d+(\.\d+)?)\W*(?:oz|ounces?)\b/i);
$lbs = $ounces/16 if defined $ounces;
if (defined $lbs) {
$packs = $cnt = $lbs;
} else {
$packs = $cnt = 10000;
if ($$opts{pieces}) {
($packs) = ($tit =~ /(\d+)(?:\s*|-)(?:pack|packs|set|sets|pcs)\b/i) if !defined $packs;
($packs) = ($tit =~ /(?:pack|set|box) of (\d+)/i) if !defined $packs;
($packs) = ($tit =~ /(\d+)(?:\s*|-)(?:rolls?)\b/i) if !defined $packs;
($packs) = ($tit =~ /(\d+)(?:\s*|-)(?:pieces?)\b/i) if !defined $packs;
($ml) = ($tit =~ /((\d+\.)?\d+)\s*(ml|cc)\b/i) if !defined $ml;
if ($$opts{length}) {
if (!defined $length) {
($length, $len_units) = ($tit =~ /(\d+)\s*-?(feet|'|ft|foot)/i);
warn "$bred ?? FEET$rst" if $verbose > 1;
$len_units = 'feet';
if (!defined $length) {
($length, $len_units) = ($tit =~ /(\d+)\s*-?(in|inch|inches|")/i);
warn "$bred ?? INCHES$rst" if $verbose > 1;
$len_units = 'inches';
if (!defined $length) {
($length, $len_units) = ($tit =~ /\W(\d+)\s*(m|meters)\W/i);
warn "$bred ?? METERS$rst" if $verbose > 1;
$len_units = 'm';
$length = .0001 if !defined $length;;
($cnt) = ($tit =~ /(\d+)\s*(Vegetarian Capsules|Capsules|VegCaps)/i) if !defined $cnt;
($cnt) = ($tit =~ /(\d+)\s*(caps\b)/i) if !defined $cnt;
($cnt) = ($tit =~ /(\d+)\s*(:?ct|count)/i) if !defined $cnt;
($cnt) = ($tit =~ /(\d+)\s*ea\b/i) if !defined $cnt;
# $mg = '?mg' if !defined $mg;
# $cnt = '?cnt' if !defined $cnt;
my $packstr = defined $packs ? " x $packs" : "";
if ($$opts{length}) {
if (!defined $length) { $length=1; $len_units='feet'; }
else {
if ($len_units eq 'm') {
$length *= 3.2808399;
$len_units = 'feet';
} elsif ($len_units eq '') {
$len_units = 'feet';
$length = 0.0001;
} elsif ($len_units eq 'inches') {
$len_units = 'feet';
$length /= 12;
} elsif ($len_units ne 'feet') {
die "Unknown length unit (units:$len_units, length:$length): $asin $url '$bcya$tit$rst'";
$packs = $length;
#say "${bmag}Using packs as units of length ($whi$len_units$bmag)$rst";
my $lowml=0;
if (defined $ml && $ml > 1 && $ml < 150) { $lowml=1; }
if (defined $cnt && defined $mg) {
say "1 [$i] [$whi${mg}mg$rst x $bcya${cnt}$packstr$rst] $bmag$tit $bbla$url$rst" if $show;
} elsif (defined $mg) { # only mg
say "2 [$i] [$cya${mg}mg$rst x ?$packstr] $tit $bbla$url$rst" if $show;
} elsif (defined $cnt && !$$opts{weight}) { # only cnt
say "3 [$i] ${red}[?mg x $bcya$cnt$packstr$rst] $tit $bbla$url$rst" if $show;
} else {
say "BB ${whi}[$asin] $rst$tit" if $verbose > 1;
$packs = .9 if !defined $packs;
$price = 0 if !defined $price;
$cnt = 1 if !defined $cnt;
if (!defined $ml) { $mlstr = "$red?ml$rst "; $ml=1; }
else { $mlstr = "${whi}${ml}ml "; }
if ($$opts{pieces} || $$opts{length} || $$opts{weight}) {
$mlstr = '';
# say $i;
# say $price/$packs;
# say "$price" if $show;
# say "${packs}ct";
# say "${ml}";
# say "Tit: $tit";
# say "URL: $url";
# Display product
printf "*[%3d] $rst%5.2f %6s ${bbla}%5s$rst %6s ${bcya}%s\n",
# 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9
$i, # 1
$$opts{per} * $price/$packs, # 2
$price, # 4
"${packs}ct", # 5
"$mlstr", # 6
$tit # 7
if $show;
# Display aligned URL line
if ($show) {
if (!$$opts{html}) {
printf " $bbla%s %s$rst\n", $asin, $url;
} else {
printf " $bbla%s <a href='%s'>%s</a>$rst\n", $asin, $url, $url;
my $keep = 1;
if ($$opts{mlmin} != $$opts{mlmax}) {
$keep = 0 if $ml < $$opts{mlmin};
$keep = 0 if $ml >= $$opts{mlmax};
for my $re (@opt_excludere) { $keep=0 if $tit =~ /$re/i; }
for my $re (@opt_requirere) { $keep = 0 if $tit !~ /$re/i; }
if (!$keep) {
say "${bred}Discarding: $tit $rst$url" if $verbose>0;
if ($keep) {
say "EE ${whi}[$asin] $rst$tit (${bmag}KEEP:$keep$rst)" if $verbose > 1;
if (exists $found_already{$asin}) {
say "FF ${whi}[$asin] $rst$tit (${bmag}KEEP:$keep$rst)" if $verbose > 1;
} else {
say "GG ${whi}[$asin] $rst$tit (${bmag}KEEP:$keep$rst)" if $verbose > 1;
push @bycost, {
say "ZZ ${whi}[$asin] $rst$tit (${bmag}KEEP:$keep$rst)" if $verbose > 1;
sub main {
$opts = getopts();
my $ml_label = $$opts{ml} ? 'ml' : '';
my $aoh = csv(
in => $ARGV[0],
headers => "auto",
encoding => "UTF-8",
); # as array of hash
binmode *STDOUT, ':encoding(UTF-8)';
say "Original headers:";
say join(' ', keys %{$aoh->[0]});
#say $aoh->{title}[0];
#say $aoh->[1]->{title};
# #############################################
for my $i (1 .. $#{$aoh}) {
my $item = $aoh->[$i];
show_item($i, $item, { show => 0 });
# ################################################
if ($$opts{price}) {
@bycost = sort { $a->{price} <=> $b->{price} } @bycost;
} else {
@bycost = sort { $a->{cost} <=> $b->{cost} } @bycost;
# @bycost = sort { $a->{price} <=> $b->{price} } @bycost;
say "${whi}Price per $$opts{per} count$rst" if $$opts{per} != 1;
print "<pre>" if $$opts{html};
printf "$whi %3s %5s %6s %5s %6s %s$rst\n",
'#', '$/ct', '$', 'ct', $ml_label, '';
for my $i (0 .. $#bycost) {
show_item($i, $bycost[$i]->{item});
say "</pre>" if $$opts{html};
sub usage {
print <<~'EOT';
--verbose -v increase verbosity
--help -h
--html output html
--mlmin filter milliliters
--mlmax filter milliliters
--price Sort by price only (don't calculate cost/item)
--per This just multiplies the final cost/unit
(Useful if you're getting small values in searches, like
$.01234/ea, and want to force --per 100 which will change
the normal $cost/$total to 100*$cost/$total)
--ml Milliliters/volume mode (same as --cc)
--cc Same as --ml
--pieces Things in "packs,sets,pcs", etc.
--weight Things with weight
--length (Inches/in/" is new, is converted to feet, and might
not be working).
-er {x} --excludere {x} Only show matches with {x} (in title)
-re {x} --requirere {x} Only show matches w/o {x} (in title)
--prime Only da Prime results
Egg zamples:
1. A simple search and processing:
$ amazon-buddy -n 300 products -k '150ml syringes'
$ amazon-price-examine {products.csv from above} 2>&1 | less -R
2. Join some searches (the sort|uniq isn't really necessary,
since we remove duplicates based on amazon-id ("asin").
$ mkdir amazon-syringes && cd amazon-syringes
$ amazon-buddy -n 300 products -k '150ml syringes'
$ amazon-buddy -n 300 products -k '250ml syringes'
$ cat products*.csv | sort | uniq > uniq.csv
$ amazon-price-examine {uniq.csv} 2>&1 | less -R
3. A search showing the cost per 10, and --pieces to not do ml, mg, etc.
$ amazon-price-examine -per=10 --pieces products.csv
sub getopts {
my %opts;
$opts{verbose} = 0;
$opts{mlmin} = 0;
$opts{mlmax} = 0;
$opts{mgmin} = 0;
$opts{mgmax} = 0;
$opts{pieces} = 0;
$opts{weight} = 0;
$opts{length} = 0;
$opts{prime} = 0;
$opts{per} = 1;
$opts{price} = 0;
# $opts{infn} = "foo.dat";
"excludere|er=s" => \@opt_excludere,
"requirere|re=s" => \@opt_requirere,
#"length=i" => \$opts{length}, # numeric
# "i|file=s" => \$opts{infn}, # string
) or die("Error in command line arguments\n");
if ($opts{help}) { usage(); exit 0; }
uncolor() if $opts{html};
# Set option consequences:
$opts{cc} = 1 if $opts{ml};
$opts{ml} = 1 if $opts{cc};
if (!$opts{ml}) {
if (!$opts{length}) {
if (!$opts{weight}) {
say STDERR "Defaulting to 'Pieces' (pcs, sets, packs, etc.)";
$verbose = $opts{verbose};
return \%opts;
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