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Last active April 3, 2020 02:31
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PEG parser using parsimonious
# PEG parser using parsimonious
from parsimonious.grammar import Grammar
from pprint import pprint
# MUST USE " - double quote in regex literal or gave very strange error messagas
# comment handling seems very difficult...
grammar = Grammar(
record = name "=" value
name = _ ~"\w+" _
value = _ (recordlist / list / literal) _
literal = _ (string / number) _
string = ~"\\".+\\""
number = ~"[\d\.]+"
list = "[" elements "]"
elements = (literal ("," literal)*)?
recordlist = "{" record+ "}"
_ = ~"\s*"
def parsi_parse(s):
# tree is already built, desent recurse to build the dict
root = grammar.parse(s)
# each grouping, regex literal match has a node with no expr_name
# a very funky tree visiting pattern
# here node is the raw node, but children is processed children
def default(node, children):
return children
def record(node, children):
return (children[0], children[2])
def name(node, children):
return node.children[1].text
def value(node, children):
return children[1][0] # grouping
def string(node, children):
return node.text[1:-1]
def number(node, children):
if '.' in node.text:
return float(node.text)
return int(node.text)
def literal(node, children):
return children[1][0]
def list(node, children):
return children[1]
def elements(node, children):
if not children:
return []
# need to print the nodes to sort this through
# [first-child] + [",", other-child]
return children[0][:1] + [other[1] for other in children[0][1]]
def recordlist(node, children):
return dict(children[1])
def comment(node, children):
return None
def _(node, children):
return None
parse_locals = locals()
def visit(node):
method = parse_locals.get(node.expr_name, default)
# pre order tree recursion here
return method(node, [visit(child) for child in node.children])
return visit(root)
if __name__ == '__main__':
s = '''
NAME = {
KEY1 = "Value"
KEY2 = ["These are my twisted words", 253, 20.0]
KEY3 = "Value"
KEY4 = ["heh"]
KEY5 = [253, "Daily Days"]
KEY8 = ["Fuck", 253, 20.0]
root = parsi_parse(s)
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Also, you could use the builtin NodeVisitor class instead of creating your own visitor class.

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