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Created December 16, 2013 16:55
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Save jagt/7990292 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
cool language semantic check implementation.
// The following include files must come first.
#include <iostream>
#include "tree.h"
#include "cool.h"
#include "stringtab.h"
#define yylineno curr_lineno;
extern int yylineno;
inline Boolean copy_Boolean(Boolean b) {return b; }
inline void assert_Boolean(Boolean) {}
inline void dump_Boolean(ostream& stream, int padding, Boolean b)
{ stream << pad(padding) << (int) b << "\n"; }
void dump_Symbol(ostream& stream, int padding, Symbol b);
void assert_Symbol(Symbol b);
Symbol copy_Symbol(Symbol b);
class Program_class;
typedef Program_class *Program;
class Class__class;
typedef Class__class *Class_;
class Feature_class;
typedef Feature_class *Feature;
class Formal_class;
typedef Formal_class *Formal;
class Expression_class;
typedef Expression_class *Expression;
class Case_class;
typedef Case_class *Case;
typedef list_node<Class_> Classes_class;
typedef Classes_class *Classes;
typedef list_node<Feature> Features_class;
typedef Features_class *Features;
typedef list_node<Formal> Formals_class;
typedef Formals_class *Formals;
typedef list_node<Expression> Expressions_class;
typedef Expressions_class *Expressions;
typedef list_node<Case> Cases_class;
typedef Cases_class *Cases;
#define Program_EXTRAS \
virtual void semant() = 0; \
virtual void dump_with_types(ostream&, int) = 0; \
virtual void semantic_check(ClassTable &ct) = 0;
#define program_EXTRAS \
void semant(); \
void dump_with_types(ostream&, int); \
void semantic_check(ClassTable &ct);
#define Class__EXTRAS \
virtual Symbol get_filename() = 0; \
virtual void dump_with_types(ostream&,int) = 0; \
virtual Symbol get_name() = 0; \
virtual Symbol get_parent() = 0; \
virtual void set_parent(Symbol symbol) = 0; \
virtual Features get_features() = 0; \
virtual void semantic_check(ClassTable &ct) = 0;
#define class__EXTRAS \
Symbol get_filename() { return filename; } \
void dump_with_types(ostream&,int); \
Symbol get_name(); \
Symbol get_parent(); \
void set_parent(Symbol symbol); \
Features get_features(); \
void semantic_check(ClassTable &ct);
#define Feature_EXTRAS \
virtual void dump_with_types(ostream&,int) = 0; \
virtual void semantic_check(ClassTable &ct) = 0;
#define Feature_SHARED_EXTRAS \
void dump_with_types(ostream&,int); \
void semantic_check(ClassTable &ct);
#define Formal_EXTRAS \
virtual void dump_with_types(ostream&,int) = 0; \
virtual Symbol get_type_decl() = 0; \
virtual void semantic_check(ClassTable &ct) = 0;
#define formal_EXTRAS \
void dump_with_types(ostream&,int); \
Symbol get_type_decl(); \
void semantic_check(ClassTable &ct);
#define Case_EXTRAS \
virtual void dump_with_types(ostream& ,int) = 0; \
virtual void semantic_check(ClassTable &ct) = 0; \
virtual Symbol get_name() = 0; \
virtual Symbol get_type_decl() = 0; \
virtual Symbol type_check_expr(ClassTable &ct) = 0;
#define branch_EXTRAS \
void dump_with_types(ostream& ,int); \
void semantic_check(ClassTable &ct); \
Symbol get_name(); \
Symbol get_type_decl(); \
Symbol type_check_expr(ClassTable &ct);
// forward declare ClassTable
class ClassTable;
#define Expression_EXTRAS \
Symbol type; \
Symbol get_type() { return type; } \
Expression set_type(Symbol s) { type = s; return this; } \
virtual void dump_with_types(ostream&,int) = 0; \
void dump_type(ostream&, int); \
Expression_class() { type = (Symbol) NULL; } \
virtual Symbol type_check(ClassTable &ct) = 0;
// FIXME change above one to virtual once all done
#define Expression_SHARED_EXTRAS \
void dump_with_types(ostream&,int); \
Symbol type_check(ClassTable &ct);
// additional extras that has no stub provided
#define method_EXTRAS \
Symbol get_name(); \
Formals get_formals(); \
Symbol get_return_type();
#define attr_EXTRAS \
Symbol get_name(); \
Symbol get_type_decl();
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <set>
#include "semant.h"
#include "utilities.h"
using std::endl;
//using std::set;
extern int semant_debug;
extern char *curr_filename;
// Symbols
// For convenience, a large number of symbols are predefined here.
// These symbols include the primitive type and method names, as well
// as fixed names used by the runtime system.
static Symbol
// Initializing the predefined symbols.
static void initialize_constants(void)
arg = idtable.add_string("arg");
arg2 = idtable.add_string("arg2");
Bool = idtable.add_string("Bool");
concat = idtable.add_string("concat");
cool_abort = idtable.add_string("abort");
copy = idtable.add_string("copy");
Int = idtable.add_string("Int");
in_int = idtable.add_string("in_int");
in_string = idtable.add_string("in_string");
IO = idtable.add_string("IO");
length = idtable.add_string("length");
Main = idtable.add_string("Main");
main_meth = idtable.add_string("main");
// _no_class is a symbol that can't be the name of any
// user-defined class.
No_class = idtable.add_string("_no_class");
No_type = idtable.add_string("_no_type");
Object = idtable.add_string("Object");
out_int = idtable.add_string("out_int");
out_string = idtable.add_string("out_string");
prim_slot = idtable.add_string("_prim_slot");
self = idtable.add_string("self");
SELF_TYPE = idtable.add_string("SELF_TYPE");
Str = idtable.add_string("String"); // HACK! as user land uses 'Str' as a type name, must be aligned with it
str_field = idtable.add_string("_str_field");
substr = idtable.add_string("substr");
type_name = idtable.add_string("type_name");
val = idtable.add_string("_val");
No_expr = idtable.add_string("_no_expr"); // !!!! not used, code generation chokes on this
ClassTable::ClassTable(Classes classes) : semant_errors(0) , error_stream(cerr), class_map(),
method_dmap(), attr_dmap(), scope(), sigmap() {
/* Fill this in */
for(int i = classes->first(); classes->more(i); i = classes->next(i)) {
// SEMANTIC CHECK - all classes shouldn't inherit from SELF_TYPE
for(int i = classes->first(); classes->more(i); i = classes->next(i)) {
Class_ c = classes->nth(i);
if (c->get_parent() == SELF_TYPE) {
error_stream << "inherit from SELF_TYPE is forbidden." << endl;
c->set_parent(Object); // try recovery
// SEMANTIC CHECK - ensure all classes inherit from existing class
for(int i = classes->first(); classes->more(i); i = classes->next(i)) {
Class_ c = classes->nth(i);
if (class_map.find(c->get_parent()) == class_map.end()) {
error_stream << "inherits from a class not found: " << c->get_parent()->get_string() << endl;
c->set_parent(Object); // try recovery
// Fill in method signatures and attrbute map, from now on must iterate through class_map
for(auto iter = class_map.begin(); iter != class_map.end(); ++iter) {
Class_ c = iter->second;
// initialize inner map
sigmap_type &sigmap = method_dmap[c->get_name()];
attrmap_type &attrmap = attr_dmap[c->get_name()];
Features features = c->get_features();
for (int j = features->first(); features->more(j); j = features->next(j)) {
Feature f = features->nth(j);
Method method = dynamic_cast<Method>(f);
if (method != NULL) {
MethodSignature &sig = sigmap[method->get_name()];
sig.return_type = method->get_return_type();
Formals formals = method->get_formals();
for (int k = formals->first(); formals->more(k); k = formals->next(k)) {
Formal formal = formals->nth(k);
} else {
Attr attr = dynamic_cast<Attr>(f); assert(attr);
attrmap[attr->get_name()] = attr->get_type_decl();
// SEMANTIC CHECK - ensure subclass method signature are the same as the parent one.
for (auto iter = class_map.begin(); iter != class_map.end(); ++iter) {
Class_ class_ = iter->second;
sigmap_type &class_sigmap = method_dmap[iter->first];
for (Symbol parent = class_->get_parent(); parent != No_class; parent = class_map[parent]->get_parent()) {
sigmap_type &parent_sigmap = method_dmap[parent];
for (auto class_sigiter = class_sigmap.begin(); class_sigiter != class_sigmap.end(); ++class_sigiter) {
MethodSignature class_sig = class_sigiter->second;
sigmap_type::iterator parent_sigiter = parent_sigmap.find(class_sigiter->first);
if (parent_sigiter != parent_sigmap.end()) {
MethodSignature parent_sig = parent_sigiter->second;
if ((parent_sig.arg_types != class_sig.arg_types) || (class_sig.return_type != parent_sig.return_type)) {
error_stream << "class has invalid override method signature: " << class_->get_name()->get_string()
<< " method: " << class_sigiter->first->get_string() << endl;
// SEMANTIC CHECK - ensure attributes have types that are in the class map OR SELFTYPE
for (auto iter = attr_dmap.begin(); iter != attr_dmap.end(); ++iter) {
//cout << iter->first->get_string() << ":" << endl;
auto &attrmap = iter->second;
for (auto jiter = attrmap.begin(); jiter != attrmap.end(); ++jiter) {
Symbol type_decl = jiter->second;
// some cases needs to be handled, like Str is using String as class name
if (type_decl != prim_slot &&
type_decl != SELF_TYPE && class_map.find(type_decl) == class_map.end()) {
error_stream << "attribute has invalid type: " << type_decl->get_string() << endl;
// error out when have semant error at this stage
if (semant_errors) {
cerr << "ABORT: class hierachy types has errors. Refuses to continue." << endl;
////////////////////// DEBUG and asserts
#if 0
for (map<Symbol, Class_>::iterator iter = class_map.begin();
iter != class_map.end(); ++iter) {
cout << iter->first->get_string() << endl;
assert(is_subtype(class_map[Object], class_map[IO]));
assert(is_subtype(class_map[Object], class_map[Object]));
assert(!(is_subtype(class_map[Int], class_map[IO])));
assert(lup(class_map[Object], class_map[Object]) == Object);
assert(lup(class_map[idtable.lookup_string("D")], class_map[idtable.lookup_string("E")]) == idtable.lookup_string("C"));
assert(lup(class_map[idtable.lookup_string("D")], class_map[idtable.lookup_string("C")]) == idtable.lookup_string("C"));
assert(lup(class_map[idtable.lookup_string("F")], class_map[idtable.lookup_string("E")]) == idtable.lookup_string("C"));
assert(lup(class_map[idtable.lookup_string("Main")], class_map[idtable.lookup_string("E")]) == Object);
assert(lookup(idtable.lookup_string("F"), idtable.lookup_string("baz")));
// dump method_dmap content
cout << "method env dump" << endl;
for (auto iter = method_dmap.begin(); iter != method_dmap.end(); ++iter) {
cout << iter->first->get_string() << ":" << endl;
auto &sigmap = iter->second;
for (auto jiter = sigmap.begin(); jiter != sigmap.end(); ++jiter) {
cout << jiter->first->get_string() << " ( ";
auto &sig = jiter->second;
for (auto veciter = sig.arg_types.begin(); veciter != sig.arg_types.end(); ++veciter) {
cout << (*veciter)->get_string() << " ";
cout << " ) :" << sig.return_type->get_string() << endl;
// dump attr_dmap content
cout << "attr env dump" << endl;
for (auto iter = attr_dmap.begin(); iter != attr_dmap.end(); ++iter) {
cout << iter->first->get_string() << ":" << endl;
auto &attrmap = iter->second;
for (auto jiter = attrmap.begin(); jiter != attrmap.end(); ++jiter) {
cout << jiter->first->get_string() << " : " << jiter->second->get_string() << endl;
////////////////////// END OF DEBUG and asserts
void ClassTable::add_class(Class_ c) {
class_map[c->get_name()] = c;
bool ClassTable::is_subtype(Symbol parent_sym, Symbol sub_sym) {
// handle self type using cur_class
if (parent_sym == No_type || sub_sym == No_type) return false;
if (parent_sym == sub_sym) return true;
if (parent_sym == SELF_TYPE) return false;
if (sub_sym == SELF_TYPE) {
return is_subtype(class_map[parent_sym], cur_class);
return is_subtype(class_map[parent_sym], class_map[sub_sym]);
bool ClassTable::is_subtype(Class_ parent, Class_ sub) {
Symbol sub_parent = sub->get_name(); // include sub's type so 'Object is_subtype of Object'
while (sub_parent != No_class) {
if (sub_parent == parent->get_name()) {
return true;
sub_parent = class_map[sub_parent]->get_parent();
return false;
Symbol ClassTable::lup(Symbol p_sym, Symbol q_sym) {
// handle self type using cur_class
if (p_sym == No_type || q_sym == No_type) return No_type;
if (p_sym == q_sym) return p_sym;
if (p_sym == SELF_TYPE) {
return lup(cur_class, class_map[q_sym]);
} else if (q_sym == SELF_TYPE) {
return lup(class_map[p_sym], cur_class);
return lup(class_map[p_sym], class_map[q_sym]);
Symbol ClassTable::lup(Class_ p, Class_ q) {
// find the way up to Object and count how far from tail it can go
vector<Symbol> p_supers, q_supers;
Symbol p_symbol = p->get_name(),
q_symbol = q->get_name();
while (p_symbol != No_class) {
p_symbol = class_map[p_symbol]->get_parent();
while (q_symbol != No_class) {
q_symbol = class_map[q_symbol]->get_parent();
auto p_riter = p_supers.rbegin(), q_riter = q_supers.rbegin();
while(*p_riter == *q_riter) {
if ( (p_riter + 1 == p_supers.rend())
|| (q_riter + 1 == q_supers.rend())
|| (*(p_riter + 1) != *(q_riter + 1))
) {
return *p_riter;
} else {
return No_type;
MethodSignature* ClassTable::lookup(Symbol class_sym, Symbol name) {
// when looking up for SELF_TYPE, just use the current class
if (class_sym == SELF_TYPE) {
class_sym = cur_class->get_name();
if (class_map.find(class_sym) == class_map.end()) {
return NULL;
for (Symbol class_ = class_sym; class_ != No_class; class_ = class_map[class_]->get_parent()) {
sigmap_type &sigmap = method_dmap[class_];
if (sigmap.find(name) != sigmap.end()) {
return &sigmap[name];
return NULL;
void ClassTable::install_basic_classes() {
// The tree package uses these globals to annotate the classes built below.
// curr_lineno = 0;
Symbol filename = stringtable.add_string("<basic class>");
// The following demonstrates how to create dummy parse trees to
// refer to basic Cool classes. There's no need for method
// bodies -- these are already built into the runtime system.
// IMPORTANT: The results of the following expressions are
// stored in local variables. You will want to do something
// with those variables at the end of this method to make this
// code meaningful.
// The Object class has no parent class. Its methods are
// abort() : Object aborts the program
// type_name() : Str returns a string representation of class name
// copy() : SELF_TYPE returns a copy of the object
// There is no need for method bodies in the basic classes---these
// are already built in to the runtime system.
Class_ Object_class =
single_Features(method(cool_abort, nil_Formals(), Object, no_expr())),
single_Features(method(type_name, nil_Formals(), Str, no_expr()))),
single_Features(method(copy, nil_Formals(), SELF_TYPE, no_expr()))),
// The IO class inherits from Object. Its methods are
// out_string(Str) : SELF_TYPE writes a string to the output
// out_int(Int) : SELF_TYPE " an int " " "
// in_string() : Str reads a string from the input
// in_int() : Int " an int " " "
Class_ IO_class =
single_Features(method(out_string, single_Formals(formal(arg, Str)),
SELF_TYPE, no_expr())),
single_Features(method(out_int, single_Formals(formal(arg, Int)),
SELF_TYPE, no_expr()))),
single_Features(method(in_string, nil_Formals(), Str, no_expr()))),
single_Features(method(in_int, nil_Formals(), Int, no_expr()))),
// The Int class has no methods and only a single attribute, the
// "val" for the integer.
Class_ Int_class =
single_Features(attr(val, prim_slot, no_expr())),
// Bool also has only the "val" slot.
Class_ Bool_class =
class_(Bool, Object, single_Features(attr(val, prim_slot, no_expr())),filename);
// The class Str has a number of slots and operations:
// val the length of the string
// str_field the string itself
// length() : Int returns length of the string
// concat(arg: Str) : Str performs string concatenation
// substr(arg: Int, arg2: Int): Str substring selection
Class_ Str_class =
single_Features(attr(val, Int, no_expr())),
single_Features(attr(str_field, prim_slot, no_expr()))),
single_Features(method(length, nil_Formals(), Int, no_expr()))),
single_Formals(formal(arg, Str)),
append_Formals(single_Formals(formal(arg, Int)),
single_Formals(formal(arg2, Int))),
// add builtin classes
// semant_error is an overloaded function for reporting errors
// during semantic analysis. There are three versions:
// ostream& ClassTable::semant_error()
// ostream& ClassTable::semant_error(Class_ c)
// print line number and filename for `c'
// ostream& ClassTable::semant_error(Symbol filename, tree_node *t)
// print a line number and filename
ostream& ClassTable::semant_error(Class_ c)
return semant_error(c->get_filename(),c);
ostream& ClassTable::semant_error(Symbol filename, tree_node *t)
error_stream << filename << ":" << t->get_line_number() << ": ";
return semant_error();
ostream& ClassTable::semant_error()
return error_stream;
// easy err for easier calling
ostream& ClassTable::err(tree_node *t)
semant_error(cur_class->get_filename(), t);
return error_stream;
// additional node class methods
// additional getter/setters to construct type environment
Symbol class__class::get_name() {
return name;
Symbol class__class::get_parent() {
return parent;
void class__class::set_parent(Symbol symbol) {
parent = symbol;
Features class__class::get_features() {
return features;
Symbol method_class::get_name() {
return name;
Formals method_class::get_formals() {
return formals;
Symbol method_class::get_return_type() {
return return_type;
Symbol formal_class::get_type_decl() {
return type_decl;
Symbol attr_class::get_name() {
return name;
Symbol attr_class::get_type_decl() {
return type_decl;
Symbol branch_class::get_name() {
return name;
Symbol branch_class::get_type_decl() {
return type_decl;
Symbol branch_class::type_check_expr(ClassTable &ct) {
return expr->type_check(ct);
// non expression semantic_checks for entry point to expression type_checks
void program_class::semantic_check(ClassTable &ct) {
for(int i = classes->first(); classes->more(i); i = classes->next(i)) {
// add all attributes and methods from the top of the hierachy down to class
Class_ class_ = classes->nth(i);
vector<Symbol> parents;
for (Symbol p = class_->get_parent(); p != No_class; p = ct.class_map[p]->get_parent()) {
for (auto iter = parents.rbegin(); iter != parents.rend(); ++iter) {
attrmap_type &attrmap = ct.attr_dmap[*iter];
for (auto jiter = attrmap.begin(); jiter != attrmap.end(); ++jiter) {
ct.scope.addid(jiter->first, &(jiter->second));
// construct a flat sigmap to for type checking.
sigmap_type &class_sigmap = ct.method_dmap[*iter];
for (auto kiter = class_sigmap.begin(); kiter != class_sigmap.end(); ++kiter) {
if (ct.sigmap.find(kiter->first) == ct.sigmap.end()) {
ct.sigmap[kiter->first] = kiter->second;
// check with proper scope
ct.cur_class = class_;
// pop all all scopes and ready for the next one.
for (size_t ix = 0u; ix != parents.size(); ++ix) {
void class__class::semantic_check(ClassTable &ct) {
for(int i = features->first(); features->more(i); i = features->next(i)) {
void method_class::semantic_check(ClassTable &ct) {
// add all formals into scope then check the return value
ct.scope.enterscope(); // ! enter scope for each method
for(int i = formals->first(); formals->more(i); i = formals->next(i)) {
ct.scope.addid(self, &SELF_TYPE);
Symbol expr_type = expr->type_check(ct);
// SEMANTIC CHECK - expr_type <= return declare type
if (!ct.is_subtype(return_type, expr_type)) {
ct.err(this) << "return type declared as " << return_type->get_string()
<< " but expr type infered as " << expr_type->get_string() << "." << endl;
expr->set_type(return_type); // try correction
ct.scope.exitscope(); // clean up upon exiting
void formal_class::semantic_check(ClassTable &ct) {
// SEMANTIC CHECK - formal types needs to be valid.
if (type_decl == SELF_TYPE) {
ct.err(this) << "can't have SELF_TYPE in formal." << endl;
type_decl = ct.cur_class->get_name();
} else if (ct.class_map.find(type_decl) == ct.class_map.end()) {
ct.err(this) << "can't have SELF_TYPE in formal." << endl;
type_decl = Object;
ct.scope.addid(name, &type_decl);
void attr_class::semantic_check(ClassTable &ct) {
ct.scope.addid(self, &SELF_TYPE);
if (dynamic_cast<no_expr_class*>(init) == NULL) {
Symbol init_type = init->type_check(ct);
// SEMANTIC CHECK - check init_type <= type_decl, self type is implicitly handled
if (!ct.is_subtype(type_decl, init_type)) {
ct.err(this) << "invalid init expr type on attr:" << name->get_string() << endl;
void branch_class::semantic_check(ClassTable &ct) {
// branch checks nothing. provide getters for typcase to check
// expression type_checks
// simple expressions that can get type quite easily
// defined in the sequence of cool-tree.aps
Symbol assign_class::type_check(ClassTable &ct) {
Symbol *lhs_type_ptr = ct.scope.lookup(name);
if (lhs_type_ptr == NULL) {
ct.err(this) << "assigning to non existent object: " << name->get_string() << endl;
return type = Object;
Symbol expr_type = expr->type_check(ct);
if (!ct.is_subtype(*lhs_type_ptr, expr_type)) {
ct.err(this) << "assigning type violation: " << (*lhs_type_ptr)->get_string()
<< " assigned with type " << expr_type->get_string() << endl;
return type = expr_type;
// FIXME how to easily share code between classes...
Symbol static_dispatch_class::type_check(ClassTable &ct) {
Symbol expr_type = expr->type_check(ct);
size_t arg_cnt = actual->len();
vector<Symbol> arg_types(arg_cnt);
for(int i = actual->first(); actual->more(i); i = actual->next(i)) {
arg_types[i] = actual->nth(i)->type_check(ct);
// only difference against normal dispatch is to test for explicity given type
if (!ct.is_subtype(type_name, expr_type)) {
ct.err(this) << "invalid static dispatch: " << expr_type->get_string()
<< " trying to dispatch on " << type_name->get_string() << endl;
return type = Object;
// check argument types
MethodSignature *sig_ptr = ct.lookup(expr_type, name);
if (sig_ptr == NULL) {
ct.err(this) << "method look up failed: " << expr_type->get_string()
<< " looking for " << name->get_string() << endl;
return type = Object;
if (sig_ptr->arg_types.size() != arg_cnt) {
ct.err(this) << "argument count doesn't match: " << name->get_string()
<< " expects " << sig_ptr->arg_types.size() << " get " << arg_cnt << endl;
return type = Object;
// check on each argument type
for (size_t i = 0; i != arg_cnt; ++i) {
if (!ct.is_subtype(sig_ptr->arg_types[i], arg_types[i])) {
ct.err(this) << "argument type does not match: " << arg_types[i]->get_string()
<< " is not inherited from " << sig_ptr->arg_types[i] << endl;
if (sig_ptr->return_type == SELF_TYPE) {
return type = expr_type;
} else {
return type = sig_ptr->return_type;
Symbol dispatch_class::type_check(ClassTable &ct) {
Symbol expr_type = expr->type_check(ct);
size_t arg_cnt = actual->len();
vector<Symbol> arg_types(arg_cnt);
for(int i = actual->first(); actual->more(i); i = actual->next(i)) {
arg_types[i] = actual->nth(i)->type_check(ct);
// check argument types
MethodSignature *sig_ptr = ct.lookup(expr_type, name);
if (sig_ptr == NULL) {
ct.err(this) << "method look up failed: " << expr_type->get_string()
<< " looking for " << name->get_string() << endl;
return type = Object;
if (sig_ptr->arg_types.size() != arg_cnt) {
ct.err(this) << "argument count doesn't match: " << name->get_string()
<< " expects " << sig_ptr->arg_types.size() << " get " << arg_cnt << endl;
return type = Object;
// check on each argument type
for (size_t i = 0; i != arg_cnt; ++i) {
if (!ct.is_subtype(sig_ptr->arg_types[i], arg_types[i])) {
ct.err(this) << "argument type does not match: " << arg_types[i]->get_string()
<< " is not inherited from " << sig_ptr->arg_types[i] << endl;
if (sig_ptr->return_type == SELF_TYPE) {
return type = expr_type;
} else {
return type = sig_ptr->return_type;
Symbol cond_class::type_check(ClassTable &ct) {
Symbol pred_type = pred->type_check(ct);
if (pred_type != Bool) {
ct.err(this) << "predicate in if has type: " << pred_type->get_string() << endl;
return type = Object;
Symbol then_type = then_exp->type_check(ct),
else_type = else_exp->type_check(ct);
Symbol lup = ct.lup(then_type, else_type);
if (lup == No_type) {
ct.err(this) << "then and else has no lup: " << then_type->get_string()
<< " ," << else_type->get_string() << endl;
return type = Object;
return type = lup;
Symbol loop_class::type_check(ClassTable &ct) {
Symbol pred_type = pred->type_check(ct);
if (pred_type != Bool) {
ct.err(this) << "predicate in while has type: " << pred_type->get_string() << endl;
return type = Object;
body->type_check(ct); // discard body's type
return type = Object; // use this meaning less type to avoid user use it
Symbol typcase_class::type_check(ClassTable &ct) {
// typecheck all the branches and
// 1. calculate the lup of all
// 2. ensure cases have different types
// discard the type of expr
if (cases->len() == 0) {
ct.err(this) << "case contains no branches" << endl;
return Object;
Symbol final_type = NULL;
// !!! here's an interesting problem, can't use bare 'set', must use std::set
// or parse will fail. need to figure this out later
std::set<Symbol> case_type_set;
for(int i = cases->first(); cases->more(i); i = cases->next(i)) {
Case case_ = cases->nth(i);
Symbol case_type = case_->get_type_decl();
if (case_type_set.find(case_type) != case_type_set.end()) {
ct.err(this) << "case branch has duplicated type: " << case_type->get_string() << endl;
} else {
// add branch name to scope
ct.scope.addid(case_->get_name(), &case_type);
Symbol case_expr_type = case_->type_check_expr(ct);
if (final_type == NULL) {
final_type = case_expr_type;
} else {
final_type = ct.lup(final_type, case_expr_type);
if (final_type == No_type) {
ct.err(this) << "case body can't find a common lup: " << final_type->get_string()
<< " with " << case_expr_type->get_string() << endl;
return type = Object;
return type = final_type;
Symbol block_class::type_check(ClassTable &ct) {
Symbol last;
for(int i = body->first(); body->more(i); i = body->next(i)) {
last = body->nth(i)->type_check(ct);
return type = last;
// notice that this part differs from the manual, as no multiple lets is allowed in
// this cool implementation.
Symbol let_class::type_check(ClassTable &ct) {
// evaluate init before enterscope
Symbol init_type = init->type_check(ct);
// handle no init
if (init_type != No_type) {
if (!ct.is_subtype(type_decl, init_type)) {
ct.err(this) << "init in let has incompatible type: " << init_type->get_string()
<< " initing " << type_decl << endl;
return type = Object;
Symbol body_type;
ct.scope.addid(identifier, &type_decl);
body_type = body->type_check(ct);
return type = body_type;
Symbol plus_class::type_check(ClassTable &ct) {
if (e1->type_check(ct) != Int) {
ct.err(this) << "lhs of plus is not int" << endl;
if (e2->type_check(ct) != Int) {
ct.err(this) << "rhs of plus is not int" << endl;
return type = Int;
Symbol sub_class::type_check(ClassTable &ct) {
if (e1->type_check(ct) != Int) {
ct.err(this) << "lhs of substract is not int" << endl;
if (e2->type_check(ct) != Int) {
ct.err(this) << "rhs of substract is not int" << endl;
return type = Int;
Symbol mul_class::type_check(ClassTable &ct) {
if (e1->type_check(ct) != Int) {
ct.err(this) << "lhs of mul is not int" << endl;
if (e2->type_check(ct) != Int) {
ct.err(this) << "rhs of mul is not int" << endl;
return type = Int;
Symbol divide_class::type_check(ClassTable &ct) {
if (e1->type_check(ct) != Int) {
ct.err(this) << "lhs of divide is not int" << endl;
if (e2->type_check(ct) != Int) {
ct.err(this) << "rhs of divide is not int" << endl;
return type = Int;
Symbol neg_class::type_check(ClassTable &ct) {
if (e1->type_check(ct) != Int) {
ct.err(this) << "neg on non Int type." << endl;
return type = Int;
Symbol lt_class::type_check(ClassTable &ct) {
if (e1->type_check(ct) != Int) {
ct.err(this) << "lhs of less than is not int" << endl;
if (e2->type_check(ct) != Int) {
ct.err(this) << "rhs of less than is not int" << endl;
return type = Bool;
Symbol eq_class::type_check(ClassTable &ct) {
Symbol lhs_type = e1->type_check(ct);
Symbol rhs_type = e2->type_check(ct);
if (lhs_type == Int || lhs_type == Str || lhs_type == Bool) {
if (lhs_type != rhs_type) {
ct.err(this) << "primitive types only can do equal check on same type: "
<< lhs_type->get_string() << " with " << rhs_type->get_string() << endl;
return type = Bool;
Symbol leq_class::type_check(ClassTable &ct) {
if (e1->type_check(ct) != Int) {
ct.err(this) << "lhs of less equal than is not int" << endl;
if (e2->type_check(ct) != Int) {
ct.err(this) << "rhs of less equal than is not int" << endl;
return type = Bool;
Symbol comp_class::type_check(ClassTable &ct) {
if (e1->type_check(ct) != Bool) {
ct.err(this) << "not on non bool type." << endl;
return type = Bool;
Symbol int_const_class::type_check(ClassTable &ct) {
return type = Int;
Symbol bool_const_class::type_check(ClassTable &ct) {
return type = Bool;
Symbol string_const_class::type_check(ClassTable &ct) {
return type = Str;
Symbol new__class::type_check(ClassTable &ct) {
// notice that actually we don't have pure SELF_TYPE,
// only have SELF_TYPEc, so directly returning this is correct.
return type = type_name;
Symbol isvoid_class::type_check(ClassTable &ct) {
return type = Bool;
Symbol no_expr_class::type_check(ClassTable &ct) {
//return type = No_expr; // notice that this is one returns a special symbol just to indicate no_expr
return type = No_type; // notice that this is one returns a special symbol just to indicate no_expr
Symbol object_class::type_check(ClassTable &ct) {
Symbol *type_ptr = ct.scope.lookup(name);
if (type_ptr == NULL) {
ct.err(this) << "referencing a object that is not in any scope: "
<< name->get_string() << endl;
return type = Object;
return type = *type_ptr;
/* This is the entry point to the semantic checker.
Your checker should do the following two things:
1) Check that the program is semantically correct
2) Decorate the abstract syntax tree with type information
by setting the `type' field in each Expression node.
(see `tree.h')
You are free to first do 1), make sure you catch all semantic
errors. Part 2) can be done in a second stage, when you want
to build mycoolc.
void program_class::semant()
/* ClassTable constructor may do some semantic analysis */
ClassTable *classtable = new ClassTable(classes);
/* some semantic analysis code may go here */
if (classtable->errors()) {
cerr << "Compilation halted due to static semantic errors." << endl;
#ifndef SEMANT_H_
#define SEMANT_H_
#include <assert.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include "cool-tree.h"
#include "stringtab.h"
#include "symtab.h"
#include "list.h"
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
using std::vector;
using std::map;
// additional node typedefs, as originally phylum has class typedefs
typedef method_class *Method;
typedef attr_class *Attr;
class ClassTable;
typedef ClassTable *ClassTableP;
// This is a structure that may be used to contain the semantic
// information such as the inheritance graph. You may use it or not as
// you like: it is only here to provide a container for the supplied
// methods.
struct MethodSignature {
vector<Symbol> arg_types;
Symbol return_type;
typedef map<Symbol, MethodSignature> sigmap_type;
typedef map<Symbol, Symbol> attrmap_type;
typedef SymbolTable<Symbol, Symbol> scope_type;
// to keep the code compact, ClassTable itself is used also as the environment.
class ClassTable {
int semant_errors;
void install_basic_classes();
ostream& error_stream;
int errors() { return semant_errors; }
ostream& semant_error();
ostream& semant_error(Class_ c);
ostream& semant_error(Symbol filename, tree_node *t);
ostream& err(tree_node *t);
// Class environment related methods
// add new class to class_map
void add_class(Class_ c);
// is sub a subtype of parent
bool is_subtype(Symbol parent_sym, Symbol sub_sym);
bool is_subtype(Class_ parent, Class_ sub);
// least upper parent
Symbol lup(Symbol p_sym, Symbol q_sym);
Symbol lup(Class_ p, Class_ q);
// look up method signature
MethodSignature* lookup(Symbol class_sym, Symbol name);
// class map, no need for a real tree as parent symbol is stored in Class_
// as idtable stores only single copy of strings, using char* as map key should
// be fine.
map<Symbol, Class_> class_map;
// class-> (method_name -> MethodSignature) double map, as Method environment
map< Symbol, sigmap_type > method_dmap;
// class-> (attr_name -> symbol) double map, as static Attr environment
map< Symbol, attrmap_type > attr_dmap;
// scope map object
scope_type scope;
// static method signature map
sigmap_type sigmap;
// current class
Class_ cur_class;
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