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Last active July 10, 2016 17:36
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using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace RLE
class Program
public static string ByteArrayToString(byte[] ba, int len, int offset)
StringBuilder hex = new StringBuilder(ba.Length * 2);
for (int ix = offset; ix < offset + len; ix++)
hex.AppendFormat("{0:X2}", ba[ix]);
return hex.ToString();
private static byte[] lhsBytes = new byte[512];
private static byte[] rhsBytes = new byte[512];
private static RunLengthEncoding rle = new RunLengthEncoding();
private static void TestOn(ulong lon)
byte[] bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(lon);
int len = rle.Compress(bytes, 0, bytes.Length, lhsBytes, 0, lhsBytes.Length);
int outLen = rle.Decompress(lhsBytes, 0, len, rhsBytes, 0, rhsBytes.Length);
ulong get = BitConverter.ToUInt64(rhsBytes, 0);
Debug.Assert(bytes.Length == outLen, string.Format("len don't match on: {0}, len: {1}, outLen{2}", lon.ToString("X"), len, outLen));
Debug.Assert(lon == get, string.Format("value don't match, orig: {0}, get:{1}", lon.ToString("X"), get.ToString("X")));
private static void DetailOn(ulong lon)
RunLengthEncoding rle = new RunLengthEncoding();
byte[] bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(lon);
Console.WriteLine(ByteArrayToString(bytes, bytes.Length, 0));
int len = rle.Compress(bytes, 0, bytes.Length, lhsBytes, 0, lhsBytes.Length);
Console.WriteLine("from len: {0} to {1}", bytes.Length, len);
Console.WriteLine(ByteArrayToString(lhsBytes, len, 0));
int outLen = rle.Decompress(lhsBytes, 0, len, rhsBytes, 0, rhsBytes.Length);
Console.WriteLine(ByteArrayToString(rhsBytes, outLen, 0));
ulong outLon = BitConverter.ToUInt64(rhsBytes, 0);
static void Main(string[] args)
for (ulong val = uint.MinValue; val <= uint.MaxValue; val += 1)
if (val % 100000 == 0)
RunLengthEncoding rle = new RunLengthEncoding();
ulong lon = 0x00000000FF000000;
Console.WriteLine(ByteArrayToString(bytes, bytes.Length, 0));
int len = rle.Compress(bytes, 0, bytes.Length, lhsBytes, 0, lhsBytes.Length);
Console.WriteLine("from len: {0} to {1}", bytes.Length, len);
Console.WriteLine(ByteArrayToString(lhsBytes, len, 0));
int outLen = rle.Decompress(lhsBytes, 0, len, rhsBytes, 0, rhsBytes.Length);
Console.WriteLine(ByteArrayToString(rhsBytes, outLen, 0));
ulong outLon = BitConverter.ToUInt64(rhsBytes, 0);
using System;
* Run Length Encoding
* Only run length on 0s
* How the fuck there's no implementation on the fucking internet.
// TODO add a limit to only apply RLE on the first XX bytes, as it just needs to cover
// FlatBuffer vtable area
public class RunLengthEncoding
/* Run Length Indicator, also as escape char */
private const byte RUN_LENGTH_INDICATOR = 0xF5;
/* Compress */
public int Compress(byte[] inputBuffer, int inputOffset, int inputLengh,
byte[] outputBuffer, int outputOffset, int outputLength)
// TODO assert outputLenght is twice the input length
int iix = inputOffset;
int oix = outputOffset;
int runLength = 0;
while (iix < inputLengh)
if (runLength > 0)
byte cur = inputBuffer[iix];
if (cur == 0x0 && runLength < RUN_LENGTH_INDICATOR)
outputBuffer[oix++] = (byte)runLength;
runLength = 0;
byte cur = inputBuffer[iix];
if (cur == 0x0)
byte next = inputBuffer[iix + 1];
if (iix + 1 < inputLengh && inputBuffer[iix+1] == 0x0)
outputBuffer[oix++] = RUN_LENGTH_INDICATOR;
runLength = 2;
iix += 2;
// write single 0 and advance
outputBuffer[oix++] = inputBuffer[iix++];
else if (cur == RUN_LENGTH_INDICATOR)
// self escape
outputBuffer[oix++] = RUN_LENGTH_INDICATOR;
outputBuffer[oix++] = RUN_LENGTH_INDICATOR;
outputBuffer[oix++] = inputBuffer[iix++];
if (runLength > 0)
outputBuffer[oix++] = (byte)runLength;
return oix - outputOffset;
/* Decompress */
public int Decompress(byte[] inputBuffer, int inputOffset, int inputLength,
byte[] outputBuffer, int outputOffset, int outputLength)
int iix = inputOffset;
int oix = outputOffset;
while (iix < inputLength)
byte cur = inputBuffer[iix];
byte next = inputBuffer[iix + 1];
// TODO handle dry out
// it's a escape
outputBuffer[oix++] = RUN_LENGTH_INDICATOR;
iix += 2;
// expand zeros
while (next-- > 0)
outputBuffer[oix++] = 0x0;
// move on
iix += 2;
outputBuffer[oix++] = inputBuffer[iix++];
return oix - outputOffset;
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