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Created January 11, 2023 07:52
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0→ CompUnit xt/Foo.rakumod
├─2→ repo.prefix /var/jamatic/jeff/src/jaguart/dev/Skry
├─3→ short-name - "xt/Foo.rakumod"
├─4→ repo-id - "xt/Foo.rakumod"
├─5→ auth - Class is: Cool Any Mu does: Stringy
├─6→ version - Class is: Any Mu
├─7→ api - Class is: Any Mu
├─8→ from - "Perl6"
├─9→ CompUnit::Repository::Distribution Skry:ver<0.0.1>:auth<zef:jaguart>:api<>
│ ├─10→ dist.Str - "Distribution::Path<6454060598336>"
│ ├─11→ dist.meta-file /var/jamatic/jeff/src/jaguart/dev/Skry/META6.json
│ ├─12→ dist.prefix /var/jamatic/jeff/src/jaguart/dev/Skry/META6.json
│ ├─13→ id - "21B234B0340A98F4E559BFE5B1C8835707EA4B10"
│ ├─14→ dist-id - "Skry:ver<0.0.1>:auth<zef:jaguart>:api<>"
│ └─15→ Meta - Class is: Mu
│   ├─16→ api - ""
│   ├─17→ auth - "zef:jaguart"
│   ├─18→ authors - Array ["Jeff Armstrong"] in Array
│   ├─19→ build-depends - Array [] in Array
│   ├─20→ depends - Array [] in Array
│   ├─21→ description - "generate Raku code documentation"
│   ├─22→ files - Hash {} in Hash
│   ├─23→ license - "Artistic-2.0"
│   ├─24→ name - "Skry"
│   ├─25→ perl - "6.d"
│   ├─26→ provides - Hash {:Skry("lib/Skry.rakumod")} in Hash
│   ├─27→ resources - Array [] in Array
│   ├─28→ source-url - ""
│   ├─29→ tags - Array [] in Array
│   ├─30→ test-depends - Array [] in Array
│   ├─31→ ver - "0.0.1"
│   └─32→ version - "0.0.1"
└─33→ Foo - Module
  ├─34→ shortname - "Foo"
  ├─35→ ver - v0.2.0
  ├─36→ auth - "foo:jaguart"
  ├─37→ api - "0.0.1"
  ├─38→ Foo::Alice - Role
  │ ├─39→ Attributes
  │ │ └─40→ $!apple - Mu private read-only in $?CLASS
  │ └─41→ Methods
  │   └─42→ action - ($?CLASS: Str $a, Int $b, *%_ --> Hash) Method in Foo::Alice
  ├─43→ Foo::Bob - Role
  │ ├─44→ Attributes
  │ │ └─45→ $!bobbin - Mu private read-only in $?CLASS
  │ └─46→ Methods
  │   └─47→ bobbing - ($?CLASS: Str $a, Int $b, *%_ --> Hash) Method in Foo::Bob
  ├─48→ Foo::Carol - Class is: Any Mu
  │ ├─49→ Attributes
  │ │ └─50→ $!clue - Mu public read-only in Foo::Carol
  │ └─51→ Methods
  │   ├─52→ BUILDALL - (Foo::Carol:D: ;; @auto, %init, *%_) Submethod+{is-hidden-from-backtrace}+{} in Foo::Carol
  │   ├─53→ clue - (Foo::Carol:D: *%_) Method in Foo::Carol
  │   └─54→ create - (Foo::Carol: *%_) Method in Foo::Carol
  └─55→ Foo::Dan - Class is: Foo::Carol Any Mu does: Foo::Bob Foo::Alice
    ├─56→ Parents
    │ ├─57→ Foo::Carol - Class is: Any Mu
    │ ├─58→ Any - Class is: Mu
    │ └─59→ Mu - Class
    ├─60→ Roles
    │ ├─61→ Foo::Bob - Role
    │ └─62→ Foo::Alice - Role
    ├─63→ Attributes
    │ ├─64→ $!clue - Mu public read-only in Foo::Carol
    │ ├─65→ $!apple - Mu private read-only in Foo::Dan
    │ ├─66→ $!bobbin - Mu private read-only in Foo::Dan
    │ ├─67→ $!ding - Mu private read-only in Foo::Dan
    │ └─68→ $!dong - Mu private read-only in Foo::Dan
    └─69→ Methods
      ├─70→ BUILDALL - (Foo::Carol:D: ;; @auto, %init, *%_) Submethod+{is-hidden-from-backtrace}+{} in Foo::Dan
      ├─71→ TWEAK - (Foo::Dan: *%_) Submethod+{} in Foo::Dan
      ├─72→ action - (Foo::Dan: Str $a, Int $b, *%_ --> Hash) Method in Foo::Alice
      ├─73→ bobbing - (Foo::Dan: Str $a, Int $b, *%_ --> Hash) Method in Foo::Bob
      ├─74→ denting - (Foo::Dan: *%_ --> Bool) Method in Foo::Dan
      └─75→ doing - (::T : |) proto Method in Dummy

Skry::Node::Grok with 75 nodes
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