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Last active November 1, 2019 13:58
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ida scripts---path search
from idautils import *
import idc
import idaapi
import sark
import networkx as nx
import Queue
print 'Start'
ivar = {'cmp': ['cmp', 'test'], 'call': ['call']}
f = open("output.txt", 'w')
def check(inst):
if GetMnem(inst) in ['cmp', 'test', 'call']:
return True
if GetOpType(inst, 1) == 2:
return True
return False
def get_end_bb(func):
start = func.startEA
ends = []
while start < func.endEA:
if GetMnem(start) == 'retn':
start = idc.NextHead(start)
return ends
def getPathInsts(path):
insts = []
for bb_ea in path:
for inst in sark.CodeBlock(bb_ea).lines:
if check(inst.ea):
# print(inst)
return insts
def dumpBB(bb):
print 'BB Start'
for inst in bb.lines:
print inst
print 'BB End'
def checkInst(insts, seq, depth):
count = 0
for inst in insts:
# print depth, count
if not check(inst.ea):
# print inst
if depth + count == len(seq):
return count
if inst.insn.mnem in ivar[seq[depth + count]]:
# print inst
count += 1
return 0
return count
def BFS(bb, seq, depth, path):
# dumpBB(bb)
num = checkInst(bb.lines, seq, depth)
succs = list(
result = False
if (len(seq) - 1) <= (depth + num):
return True
if len(succs) == 0:
return False
for succ in succs:
result = result or BFS(succ, seq, depth + num, path)
if result:
# dumpBB(succ)
# print result
return result
def findFirstBB(bb, seq):
insts = getPathInsts([bb.start_ea])
for index, inst in enumerate(insts):
count = checkInst(insts[index:], seq, 0)
if count != 0:
return count
return 0
def isMatched(start, seq):
queue = Queue.Queue()
result = False
path = []
while not queue.empty():
bb = queue.get()
for succ in
count = findFirstBB(bb, seq)
if count != 0:
# print 'Find first bb'
# dumpBB(bb)
path *= 0
result = BFS(bb, seq, count, path)
if result:
for bb in path:
print "Path Matched"
insts = getPathInsts([bb.start_ea for bb in path])
print "".join("%s\n" % inst for inst in insts)
return result
getPathInsts([bb.start_ea for bb in path])
return result
def isFindSwitch(func):
for (startea, endea) in Chunks(func):
for head in Heads(startea, endea):
switch_info = idaapi.get_switch_info_ex(head)
if switch_info != None:
num_cases = switch_info.get_jtable_size()
return True
return False
def run(start_addr, end_addr):
print(hex(start_addr), hex(end_addr))
func = sark.Function(start_addr)
# func = idaapi.get_func(start_addr)
graph = sark.get_nx_graph(func.ea)
# viewer = sark.ui.NXGraph(graph, title="My Graph", handler=sark.ui.AddressNodeHandler())
# viewer.Show()
start = sark.get_block_start(start_addr)
end = sark.get_block_start(end_addr)
if isFindSwitch(func.ea):
print "Find Switch case and skip func"
seq = ['call', 'call', 'cmp', 'call', 'cmp', 'call']
print isMatched(sark.CodeBlock(start), seq)
f.write('%s: 0x%X-0x%X\n' % (, start_addr, end_addr))
for path in nx.shortest_simple_paths(graph, start, end):
print 'New Path (%d)' % len(path)
insts = getPathInsts(path)
f.write('New Path (%d)\n' % len(path))
f.write("".join("%s\n" % inst for inst in insts))
# f.write()
except Exception as e:
print('Error:', e)
print(hex(start_addr), hex(end_addr))
def readLine():
data = []
with open("data.txt", 'r') as f:
lines = f.readlines()
for line in lines:
line = line.strip()
line = line.split(' ')
if len(line) == 2 and line[0].isdigit() and line[1].isdigit():
data.append((int(line[0]), int(line[1])))
return data
data = readLine()
# for d in data:
# run(d[0], d[1])
# run(990715, 990893)
run(447970, 448010)
print 'End'
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