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Last active October 29, 2016 16:01
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PowerShell module to create/destroy a server
# Tutorial:
Function Start-PSServerConnection {
doctl compute ssh powershell --ssh-user me
Function Start-PSServer {
# Make sure droplet doesn't exist
$droplet = (doctl compute droplet list -o json | Out-String | ConvertFrom-Json) |
Where-Object {$ -eq 'powershell'}
if($droplet -ne $null){
Write-Error 'Droplet already exists!'
# Get latest powershell image ID
$image = (((doctl compute image list -o json | Out-String | ConvertFrom-Json) |
Where-Object {$ -eq 'powershell' -and $_.Public -eq $null}) | Sort-Object created_at -Descending)[0].id
# Get SSH key fingerprint
$sshKey = ((doctl compute ssh-key list -o json | Out-String | ConvertFrom-Json) |
Where-Object {$ -eq 'me'}).fingerprint
# Create the droplet
doctl compute droplet create powershell --size 2gb --image $image --region nyc3 --ssh-keys $sshKey
# Get droplet ID
$dropletID = ((doctl compute droplet list -o json | Out-String | ConvertFrom-Json) |
Where-Object {$ -eq 'powershell'}).id
Write-Output 'Creating droplet...'
# Get progress of snapshot until done
$status = 'in-progress'
while($status -eq 'in-progress'){
Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
$status = ((doctl compute droplet actions $dropletID -o json | Out-String | ConvertFrom-Json) |
Where-Object{$_.type -eq 'create'}).status
Write-Output 'Droplet created!'
Start-Sleep -Seconds 40
Function Stop-PSServer {
# Get droplet ID
$dropletID = ((doctl compute droplet list -o json | Out-String | ConvertFrom-Json) |
Where-Object {$ -eq 'powershell'}).id
if($dropletID -eq $null){
Write-Error 'Droplet does not exist!'
# Create snapshot
doctl compute droplet-action snapshot $dropletID --snapshot-name powershell
Write-Output 'Creating snapshot...'
# Get progress of snapshot until done
$status = 'in-progress'
while($status -eq 'in-progress'){
Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
$status = ((doctl compute droplet actions $dropletID -o json | Out-String | ConvertFrom-Json) |
Where-Object{$_.type -eq 'snapshot'}).status
Write-Output 'Snapshot created!'
# Delete old snapshots to save $$
Write-Output 'Deleting old snapshots...'
$images = (((doctl compute image list -o json | Out-String | ConvertFrom-Json) |
Where-Object {$ -eq 'powershell' -and $_.Public -eq $null}) |
Sort-Object created_at -Descending | Select-Object -ExpandProperty id -Skip 2)
foreach($image in $images){
Write-Output "Deleting image: $image"
doctl compute image delete $image
# Destroy droplet
Write-Output 'Destroying droplet...'
doctl compute droplet delete $dropletID --force
$status = 'in-progress'
while($status -eq 'in-progress'){
Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
$status = ((doctl compute droplet actions $dropletID -o json | Out-String | ConvertFrom-Json) |
Where-Object{$_.type -eq 'destroy'}).status
Write-Output 'Droplet destroyed!'
Export-ModuleMember -Function *PSServer*
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