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Last active April 17, 2020 23:17
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Class JsonBin {
[string]$SecretKey = '$2x65s4dfsdf98e46s5d4f/.'
JsonBin($binID) {
$this.BinID = $binID
Get() {
$res = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri "$($this.BinID)/latest" -Headers @{'secret-key' = $this.SecretKey }
if (-not $res.success) {
Write-Error "Response did not contain required 'success' property! Please add it. Here's what we had: $($res | ConvertTo-Json)" -ErrorAction:Stop
$this.Data = $res
Put() {
Invoke-RestMethod -Method Put -Uri "$($this.BinID)" -Headers @{'Content-Type' = 'application/json'; 'secret-key' = $this.SecretKey } -Body $($this.Data | ConvertTo-Json -Compress)
Function New-JsonBinItemID {
Param (
[ValidateSet('Media', 'Text', 'Files', 'JHA', '1P', 'Factorio')]
[string]$Length = 5,
$b = [JsonBin]::new('sdfsdfwe86f4sd65f4sd86fs')
$newID = ''
while ($newID -eq '' -or $b.Data.ids.$Name.Contains($newID) -or $b.Data.meta.reserved_ids.Contains($newID.ToLower())) {
$newID = (Get-RandomChars -Length $Length -Secure:$Secure)
$b.Data.ids.$Name += $newID
Return $newID
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