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Created August 5, 2022 19:11
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A benchmark for simple comparison of previous parser and formula evaluation against XLParser and type system
using System;
using BenchmarkDotNet.Attributes;
using BenchmarkDotNet.Running;
using ClosedXML.Excel;
namespace ClosedXML.Sandbox
public class FormulaBenchmark
private const string SingleCellCalculationFormula = "1 * 2 / (\"7\" + 8 - (1 + 6 * ( 2 * 3)))";
private const string SingleCellFunctionFormula = "SUM(1,2,3, IF(4 = 4, 5, 6))";
private readonly XLWorkbook _wb;
private IXLWorksheet _ws;
private IXLCell _cellSingleCalc;
private IXLCell _cellSingleFormula;
private IXLCell _cellSingleRangeFormula;
private XLWorkbook _parseWb;
private XLWorksheet _parseWs;
private IXLCell _cellDoubleRangeFormula;
public FormulaBenchmark()
_wb = new XLWorkbook();
_ws = _wb.AddWorksheet();
_cellSingleCalc = _ws.Cell("AA1");
_cellSingleCalc.FormulaA1 = SingleCellCalculationFormula;
_ = _cellSingleCalc.Value;
_cellSingleFormula = _ws.Cell("AA2");
_cellSingleFormula.FormulaA1 = SingleCellFunctionFormula;
_ = _cellSingleFormula.Value;
_ws.Cells("A1:Z100").Value = 1;
_cellSingleRangeFormula = _ws.Cell("AA3");
_cellSingleRangeFormula.FormulaA1 = "SUM(A1:Z100)";
_ = _cellSingleRangeFormula.Value;
_ws.Cells("A101:Z200").FormulaA1 = "SUM(1,2)";
_cellDoubleRangeFormula = _ws.Cell("AA4");
_cellDoubleRangeFormula.FormulaA1 = "SUM(A101:Z200)";
_ = _cellDoubleRangeFormula.Value;
_parseWb = new XLWorkbook();
_parseWs = (XLWorksheet)_parseWb.AddWorksheet("Empty");
_parseWs.CalcEngine.CacheExpressions = false;
public object SingleCellCalculationEvaluation()
var val = _cellSingleCalc.Value;
return val;
public object SingleCellFunctionEvaluation()
var val = _cellSingleFormula.Value;
return val;
public object SingleCellRangeEvaluation()
var val = _cellSingleRangeFormula.Value;
return val;
public object DoubleCellRangeEvaluation()
var val = _cellDoubleRangeFormula.Value;
return val;
public object SingleCellCalculationParsing()
return _parseWs.CalcEngine.Parse(SingleCellCalculationFormula);
public object SingleCellFunctionParsing()
return _parseWs.CalcEngine.Parse(SingleCellFunctionFormula);
internal static class Program
private static void Main(string[] args)
var summary = BenchmarkRunner.Run<FormulaBenchmark>();
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