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Created October 10, 2019 14:59
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Godot 3.2 preliminary changelog


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog.

[Unreleased] (3.2-dev at commit 848eeafe2)


  • Support for pseudo-3D depth in 2D.
  • Support for importing 3D scenes using Assimp.
    • Many formats are supported, including FBX.
  • Support for generating audio procedurally and analyzing audio spectrums.
  • WebRTC support.
    • Includes support for the high-level multiplayer API.
    • Supports NAT traversal using STUN or TURN.
  • Support for automatically building Android templates before exporting.
    • This makes 3rd-party SDK integration easier.
  • Support for texture atlases in 2D.
  • Major improvements to the visual shader system.
    • Redesigned visual shader editor with drag-and-drop capability.
      • Textures can be dragged from the FileSystem dock to be added as nodes.
    • Most functions available in GLSL are now exposed.
    • Many constants such as Pi or Tau can now be used directly.
    • Support for boolean uniforms.
    • New Sampler port type.
    • New conditional nodes.
    • New Expression node, allowing shader code to be written in visual shaders.
    • Support for plugins (custom nodes).
    • Ability to copy and paste nodes.
    • Ability to delete multiple nodes at once by pressing Delete.
    • The node creation menu is now displayed when dragging a connection to an empty space on the graph.
    • GLES3-only functions are now distinguished from others in the creation dialog.
    • Ability to preview the code generated by the visual shader.
    • Ability to convert visual shaders to text-based shaders.
    • See the complete list of new functions.
  • Improved visual scripting.
    • Visual scripting now uses an unified graph where all functions are represented.
    • Nodes can now be edited directly in the graph.
    • Support for fuzzy searching.
    • The tool mode can now be enabled in visual scripts.
    • New Deconstruct node to deconstruct a complex value into a scalar value.
    • Miscellaneous UI improvements.
  • Support for enabling/disabling parts of the editor or specific nodes.
    • This is helpful for education, or when working with artists to help prevent inadvertent changes.
  • Language server for GDScript.
    • This can be used to get better integration with external editors.
  • Version control integration in the editor.
    • This integration is VCS-agnostic (GDNative plugins provide specific VCS support).
  • Improved GridMap editor.
    • The copied mesh is now displayed during pasting.
    • The duplication/paste indicator is now rotated correctly around the pivot point.
    • Ability to cancel paste and selection by pressing Escape.
    • Erasing is now done using RMB instead of Shift + RMB.
      • Freelook can still be accessed by pressing Shift + F.
  • Improved MeshLibrary generation.
    • When appending to an existing MeshLibrary, previews are now only generated for newly-added or modified meshes.
    • Tweaked the previews' camera angle and light directions for better results.
    • Materials assigned to the MeshInstance instead of the Mesh are now exported to the MeshLibrary.
      • This is useful when exporting meshes from an imported scene (such as glTF), as it allows materials to persist across re-imports.
  • Improved Control anchor and margin workflow.
  • Network profiler.
  • Improved NavigationMesh generation.
    • GridMaps can now be used to bake navigation meshes.
    • EditorNavigationMeshGenerator can now be used in tool scripts.
    • Support for generating navigation meshes from static colliders.
    • When using static colliders as a geometry source, a layer mask can be specified to ignore certain colliders.
    • The generator no longer relies on the global transform, making it possible to generate navmeshes on nodes that are not in the scene tree.
    • Navigation gizmos are now updated after every new bake.
  • CameraServer singleton to retrieve images from mobile cameras or webcams as textures.
  • RichTextLabel can now be extended with real-time effects and custom BBCodes.
    • Effects are implemented using the ItemFX resource.
  • Revamped node connection dialog for improved ease of use.
  • The Signals dock now displays a signal's description in a tooltip when hovering it.
  • Input actions can now be reordered by dragging them.
  • Animation frames can now be reordered by dragging them.
  • Ruler tool to measure distances in the 2D editor.
  • "Clear Guides" menu option in the 2D editor to remove all guides.
  • Projects can now have a description set in the Project Settings.
    • This description is displayed as a tooltip when hovering the project in the Project Manager.
  • Quick Open dialog (Shift + Alt + O) to open any resource in the project.
    • Unlike the existing dialogs, it's not limited to scenes or scripts.
  • Ability to convert a Sprite to a Mesh2D, Polygon2D, CollisionPolygon2D or LightOccluder2D.
  • MultiMeshInstance2D node for using MultiMesh in 2D.
  • PointMesh primitive.
    • Drawn as a rectangle with a constant size on screen, which is cheaper compared to using triangle-based billboards.
  • 2D polygon boolean operations and Delaunay triangulation are now available in the Geometry singleton.
  • New convex decomposition using the V-HACD library.
    • Can decompose meshes into multiple convex shapes for increased accuracy.
  • Support for grouping nodes in the 3D editor.
  • The 2D editor panning limits can now be disabled in the Editor Settings.
  • "Undo Close Tab" option in the scene tabs context menu.
  • The editor is now capped to 20 FPS when the window is unfocused.
    • This decreases CPU/GPU usage if something causes the editor to redraw continuously (such as particles).
  • The editor's FPS cap can now be adjusted in the Editor Settings (both when focused and unfocused).
  • Version information is now displayed at the bottom of the editor.
    • This is intended to make the Godot version easily visible in video tutorials.
  • Support for constants in the shader language.
  • Support for local and varying arrays in the shader language.
  • Support for switch statements in the shader language.
  • Support for do {...} while (...) loops in the shader language.
    • Unlike while, the expression in the do block will always be run at least once.
  • Ported several GLES3 shader functions such as round() to GLES2.
  • SHADOW_VEC shader parameter to alter 2D shadow computations in custom shaders.
  • Filter search box in the remote scene tree dock.
  • Ability to expand/collapse nodes recursively in the scene tree dock by holding Shift and clicking on a folding arrow.
  • Support for depth of field, glow and BCS in the GLES2 renderer.
  • MSAA support in the GLES2 renderer.
  • Ability to render viewports directly to the screen in the GLES2 renderer.
    • This can be faster on low-end devices, but it comes at a convenience cost.
  • Project settings to set the maximum number of lights and reflections in the GLES3 renderer.
    • Decreasing these values can lead to faster shader compilations, resulting in lower loading times.
  • Heightmap collision shape for efficient terrain collisions.
  • AStar2D class, making A* use easier in 2D.
  • Disabled collision shapes can now be added directly, without having to disable them manually after one step.
  • Context menu options to close other scene tabs, scene tabs to the right, or all scene tabs.
  • The audio bus volumes can now be snapped by holding Ctrl while dragging the slider.
  • Hovering an audio bus' volume slider now displays its volume in a tooltip.
  • Values in the Gradient and Curve editors can now be snapped by holding Ctrl.
    • Precise snapping can be obtained by holding Shift as well.
  • Precise snapping in the 3D editor when holding Shift.
  • "Align Rotation with View" in the 3D editor.
    • Unlike "Align Transform with View", only the selected node's rotation will be modified.
    • "Align Selection with View" has been renamed to "Align Transform with View".
  • All 3D gizmos now make use of snapping if enabled.
  • CSG shapes are now highlighted with a translucent overlay when selected.
    • Shapes in Union mode will use a blue overlay color by default.
    • Shapes in Subtraction mode will use an orange overlay color by default.
    • Shapes in Intersection mode will use a white overlay color.
  • Ability to move a vertex along a single axis when holding Shift in polygon editors.
  • Support for binary literals in GDScript (e.g. 0b101010 for 42).
  • AutoLoads can now be used as a type in GDScript.
  • Ability to define script templates on a per-project basis.
    • Template files should be placed into a script_templates/ directory in the project and have an extension that matches the language (.gd for GDScript, .cs for C#).
    • The path to the script templates directory can be changed in the Project Settings.
  • Ability to limit the minimum and maximum window size using OS.set_min_window_size() and OS.set_max_window_size().
  • editor_description Node property for documentation purposes.
    • When hovering a node with a description in the scene tree dock, the description will be displayed in a tooltip.
  • keep_pressed_outside Button property to keep a button pressed when moving the pointer outside while pressed.
  • expand_icon Button property to make a button's icon expand/shrink with the button's size.
  • Popup.set_as_minsize() to shrink a popup to its minimum size.
  • Tree.get_icon_modulate() and Tree.set_icon_modulate() to change an icon's color in a Tree.
  • use_gi_probe Light property to exclude specific lights from GIProbe computations.
  • TranslationServer method get_loaded_locales() to retrieve the list of languages with a translation loaded.
  • FRUSTUM 3D camera mode to create tilted frustums for mirror or portal effects.
  • Camera.project_position() now accepts and optional depth parameter.
  • CanvasItem.draw_rect() now has width and antialiased properties to match draw_line()'s functionality.
  • Engine.get_physics_interpolation_fraction() to get the fraction through the current physics tick at the time of the current frame.
    • This can be used to implement fixed timestep interpolation.
  • Support for shadow-to-opacity in 3D to render shadows in augmented reality contexts.
  • Ability to change a Position2D gizmo's size.
  • New Vector2 and Vector3 methods:
    • move_toward() to retrieve a vector moved towards another by a specified number of units.
    • direction_to() to retrieve a normalized vector pointing from a vector to another.
      • This is a shorter alternative to (b - a).normalized().
  • AStar functions set_point_disabled() and is_point_disabled() to selectively disable points.
  • Tween now emits a tween_all_completed signal when all tweens are completed.
  • Input.get_current_cursor_shape() to retrieve the current cursor shape.
  • InputEventAction now has a strength property to simulate analog inputs.
  • String.repeat() method to repeat a string several times and return it.
  • String.count() method to count the number of occurrences of a substring in a string.
  • String.strip_escapes() to strip non-printable escape characters from a string, including tabulations and newlines (but not spaces).
  • String.sha1_text() and String.sha1_buffer() methods to return a string's SHA-1 hash.
  • Line2D clear_points() method to clear all points.
  • Line2D now has a "Width Curve" property to make its width vary at different points.
  • assert() now accepts an optional second parameter to display a custom message when the assertion fails.
  • posmod() built-in GDScript function that behaves like fposmod(), but returns an integer value.
  • smoothstep() built-in GDScript function for smooth easing of values.
  • lerp_angle() built-in GDScript function to interpolate between two angles.
  • ord() built-in GDScript function to return the Unicode code point of an 1-character string.
  • PoolByteArray.hex_encode() method to get a string of hexadecimal numbers.
  • Font.get_wordwrap_string_size() method to return the rectangle size needed to draw a word-wrapped text.
  • Camera.get_camera_rid() method to retrieve a Camera's RID.
  • Array.slice() method to duplicate a subset of an Array and return it.
  • Toggleable HSV mode for ColorPicker.
  • ColorPicker properties to toggle the visibility and editability of presets.
  • The default ColorPicker mode (RGB, HSV, RAW) can now be changed in the Editor Settings.
  • ColorPicker now displays an indicator to denote "overbright" colors (which can't be displayed as-is in the preview).
  • Color.transparent constant (equivalent to Color(1, 1, 1, 0)).
  • VehicleWheel.get_rpm() method to retrieve a vehicle wheel's rotations per minute.
  • Per-wheel throttle, brake and steering in VehicleBody.
  • GeometryInstance.set_custom_aabb() to set a custom bounding box (used for view frustum culling).
  • FuncRef.call_funcv() to call a FuncRef with an array containing arguments.
    • In contrast to FuncRef.call_func(), only a single array argument is expected.
  • ProjectSettings.load_resource_pack() now features an optional replace_files argument (defaulting to true), which controls whether the loaded resource pack can override existing files in the virtual filesystem.
  • OS.execute() now returns the process' exit code when blocking mode is enabled.
  • Ability to override how scripted objects are converted to strings by defining a _to_string() method.
  • Export hints for 2D and 3D physics/render layers.
  • Editor plugins can now add new tabs to the Project Settings.
  • Variable shadowing warning in GDScript.
    • Will be displayed if:
      • a block variable shadows a member variable,
      • a subclass variable shadows a member variable,
      • a function argument shadows a member variable.
  • Script reflection methods are now exposed to GDScript.
    • See Script.get_script_property_list(), Script.get_script_method_list(), Script.get_script_signal_list(), Script.get_script_constant_map() and Script.get_property_default_value().
  • randfn(mean, deviation) method to generate random numbers following a normal Gaussian distribution.
  • Ability to read the standard error stream when using OS.execute() (disabled by default).
  • Option to disable boot splash filtering (nearest-neighbor interpolation).
  • The GridMap editor now offers a search field and size slider.
  • Minimap in the script editor.
  • Bookmarks in the script editor for easier code navigation.
  • Filter search box for the script list and member list.
  • Singletons and class_name-declared classes are now highlighted with a separate color in the script editor.
  • The editor help now displays class properties' default and overridden values.
  • The script editor's Find in Files dialog can now search in user-defined file types (editor/search_in_file_extensions in the Project Settings).
  • The script editor search now displays the number of matches.
  • The script editor search now selects the current match for easier replacing.
  • "Evaluate Expression" contextual option in the script editor.
    • This option evaluates the selected expression and replaces it (e.g. 2 + 2 becomes 4).
  • Autocompletion support for change_scene().
  • Ability to skip breakpoints while debugging.
  • Drag-and-drop support in the TileSet editor.
  • Ability to attach scripts to nodes by dragging a name from the script list to a node in the scene tree.
  • Icons are now displayed next to code completion items, making their type easier to distinguish.
  • "Ignore" flag to ignore specific tiles when autotiling in the TileMap editor.
  • Keyboard shortcuts to rotate tiles in the TileMap editor.
    • Default shortcuts are A (rotate left), S (rotate right), X (flip horizontally), Y (flip vertically).
  • Ability to keep a node's local transform when reparenting it by holding Shift.
  • Basis constants IDENTITY, FLIP_X, FLIP_Y, FLIP_Z.
  • Ability to create sprite frames in AnimatedSprite from a sprite sheet.
  • frame_coords property in Sprite and Sprite3D to set/get the coordinates of the frame to display from the sprite sheet.
  • billboard property in Sprite3D.
  • Reimplemented support for editing multiple keys at once in the animation editor.
  • Support for FPS snapping in the Animation editor.
  • Autokeying in the Animation editor.
    • Keyframes will be created automatically when translating, rotating or scaling nodes if a track exists already.
    • Keys must be inserted manually for the first time.
  • AnimationNodeBlendTreeEditor improvements.
    • Ability to exclude multiple selected nodes at once.
    • Context menu to add new nodes (activated by right-clicking).
  • The AnimationPlayer Call Method mode is now configurable.
    • Method calls can be "deferred" or "immediate", "deferred" being the default.
  • OccluderPolygon2D is now draggable in the editor.
  • The tooltip position offset is now configurable.
  • The default cursor used when hovering RichTextLabels can now be changed.
  • "Dialog Autowrap" property in AcceptDialog to wrap the label's text automatically.
  • The 2D editor's panning shortcut can now be changed.
  • The shortcuts to quit the editor can now be changed.
  • Support for emission masks in CPUParticles2D.
  • direction property in CPUParticles and ParticlesMaterial.
  • lifetime_randomness property in CPUParticles and ParticlesMaterial.
  • CPUParticles now uses a different gizmo icon to distinguish them from Particles.
  • "Restart" button to restart particle emission in the editor.
  • AnimatedSprites' animations can now be played backwards.
  • TextureRects can now have their texture flipped horizontally or vertically.
  • StyleBoxFlat shadows can now have an offset.
  • StyleBoxFlat now computes UV coordinates for its canvas_item vertices, which can be used in custom shaders.
  • Profiler data can now be exported to a CSV file.
  • The 2D polygon editor now displays vertex numbers when hovering vertices.
  • RectangleShapes now have a third handle to drag both axes at once.
  • Global class resources are now displayed in the Resource property inspector.
  • Double-clicking an easing property in the inspector will now make the editor display a numeric field.
    • This makes it easier to enter precise values for properties such as light attenuation.
  • interface/editor/default_float_step editor setting to configure floating-point values' default step in the Inspector.
  • Audio buses are now stylized to look like boxes that can be dragged.
  • The default audio bus layout file path can now be changed in the Project Settings.
  • The LineEdit and TextEdit controls now display their contextual menu when pressing the Menu key.
  • shortcut_keys_enabled and selecting_enabled LineEdit and TextEdit properties to disable keyboard shortcuts and selecting text.
  • The LineEdit "disabled" font color can now be changed.
  • The TextEdit "readonly" font color can now be changed.
  • LineEdit can now have its right_icon set in scripts.
  • The nine_patch_stretch TextureProgress property now enables stretching when using a radial fill mode.
  • Support for loading and saving encrypted files in ConfigFile.
  • get_path() and get_path_absolute() are now implemented in FileAccessEncrypted.
  • "Disabled" attenuation model for AudioStreamPlayer3D, making the sound not fade with distance while keeping it positional.
  • AudioEffectPitchShift's FFT size and oversampling are now adjustable.
  • Capture methods are now exposed to GDScript and GDNative in AudioServer.
  • AudioServer now emits the audio_mix_callback and audio_update_callback signals when mixing or updating audio.
  • TextEdit's tab drawing and folding is now exposed to GDScript.
  • Orphan node monitor in the Performance singleton.
    • Counts the number of nodes that were created but aren't instanced in the scene tree.
  • Ability to change eye height in VR.
  • CSV files can now be imported as non-translation files.
  • Scene resources such as materials can now be imported as .tres files.
  • Support for importing 1-bit, 4-bit and 8-bit BMP files.
    • Size dimensions must be a multiple of 8 for 1-bit images and 2 for 4-bit images.
  • use_lld=yes flag to link with LLD on Linux when compiling with Clang.
    • This results in faster iteration times when developing Godot itself or modules.
  • use_thinlto=yes flag to link with ThinLTO when using Clang.
  • Multicast support in PacketPeerUDP.
  • Automatic timeout for TCP connections (defaults to 30 seconds, can be changed in the Project Settings).
  • timeout property for HTTPRequest (defaults to 0, which is disabled).
  • Button to remove all missing projects in the Project Manager.
  • Reimplemented support for embedding project data in the PCK file.
  • Ability to take editor screenshots by pressing Ctrl + F12.
  • Editor plugins can now set the current active editor as well as toggle the distraction-free mode.
  • Android: Support for the Oculus Mobile SDK.
  • Android: NOTIFICATION_APP_PAUSED and NOTIFICATION_APP_RESUMED notifications are now emitted when the app is paused and resumed.
  • Android/iOS: Support for vibrating the device.
  • HTML5: Partial clipboard support.
  • iOS: Support for ARKit.
  • Windows/macOS: OS.set_native_icon() method to set an .ico or .icns window/taskbar icon at run-time.
  • Windows: Ability to toggle the console window in the Editor Settings.
  • macOS: LineEdit now supports keyboard shortcuts commonly available on macOS.
  • macOS: Multiple instances of the editor can now be opened at once.
  • macOS: Recent and favorite projects are now listed in the project manager dock menu.
  • macOS: The list of open scenes is now displayed in the editor dock menu.
  • macOS: Support for modifying global and dock menus.
  • X11: The instance PID is now set as the _NET_WM_PID window attribute, so that external programs can easily access it.
  • Mono: Support for exporting to Android.
  • Mono: New DynamicGodotObject class to access dynamic properties from scripts written in GDScript.
  • Mono: Support for resource type hints in exported arrays.
  • Mono: New mono/unhandled_exception_policy project setting to keep running after an unhandled exception.
  • Mono: New Godot constants to conditionally react to system variables at compile-time.
  • Mono: Support for Visual Studio 2019's MSBuild.


  • Tween and Timer now display an error message if they are started without being added to the scene tree first.
  • Tabs and space indentation can no longer be mixed in the same GDScript file.
    • Each file must now use only tabs or spaces for indentation (not both).
  • The "Trim" and "Normalize" WAV import options are now disabled by default.
    • This makes the default behavior more consistent with Ogg import.
  • Camera2D drag margins are now disabled by default.
    • If porting a project from Godot 3.1 where drag margins were used, these must be enabled manually again.
  • Improved the Project Manager user interface.
    • New, simpler design with more space available for the project list.
    • Improved reporting of missing projects.
    • The search field is now focused when starting the Project Manager if there is at least one project in the list.
    • The search field now searches in both the project name and path.
      • If the search term contains a /, the whole path will be used to match the search them. Otherwise, only the last path component will be searched in.
  • Refactored the Project Manager to be more efficient, especially with large project lists.
  • Images in the Project Manager and Asset Library are now resized with Lanczos filtering for a smoother appearance.
  • The editor now uses the font hinting algorithm that best matches the OS' default.
    • Hinting is set to "None" on macOS, and set to "Light" on Windows and Linux.
    • This can be changed in the Editor Settings.
  • The editor window dimming when a popup appears is now less intense (60% → 50%).
    • The animation was also removed as it made the editor feel sluggish at lower FPS.
  • Several editor menus have been reorganized for consistency and conciseness.
  • Undo/Redo now supports more actions throughout the editor.
  • The script editor's "Auto Brace Complete" setting is now enabled by default.
  • Folder icons in FileDialog can now be displayed with a different color using the folder_icon_modulate constant, making them easier to distinguish from files.
    • Folder icons in editor file dialogs are now tinted with the accent color.
  • Improved colors in the light editor theme for better readability and consistency.
  • Improved A* performance significantly by using a binary heap and OAHashMap.
  • Tweaked the AABB transform algorithm to be ~1.2 times faster.
  • Optimized the variant reference function, making complex scripts slightly faster.
  • Disabled high-quality voxel cone tracing by default.
    • This makes GIProbe much faster out of the box, at the cost of less realistic reflections.
  • Lowered the default maximum directional shadow distance (200 → 100).
    • This makes directional shadow rendering consistent between the editor and running project when using the default Camera node settings.
  • Tweaked the default depth fog maximum distance to be independent of the Camera's far value (0..100).
    • This makes fog display consistent between the editor and a running project.
  • Tweaked the default height fog values to be more logical (0..100 → 10..0).
    • This means height fog will be drawn from top-to-bottom, instead of being drawn from bottom-to-top.
  • Significantly improved SSAO performance by using a lower sample count.
    • SSAO now uses 3×3 blurring by default, resulting in less visible noise patterns.
  • When "Keep 3D Linear" is enabled, colors are no longer clamped to [0, 1] when using Linear tonemapping.
    • This allows rendering HDR values in floating-point texture targets for further processing or saving HDR data into files.
  • The lightmap baker now calculates lightmap sizes dynamically based on surface area.
  • Improved 3D KinematicBody performance and reliability.
  • Keys and actions are now released when the window loses focus.
  • Tweens can now have a duration of 0.
  • Particles and CPUParticles' Sphere emission shape now uses an uniform density sphere.
  • Viewport's size_override_stretch is now exposed as a property (rather than just setter/getter methods).
  • One-click deploy to Android now requires just one click if only one device is connected.
  • The Project Manager will now infer a project name from the project path if the name was left to the default value.
  • The WebSockets implementation now uses the smaller wslay library instead of libwebsockets.
  • Box selections in the editor now use a subtle outline for better visibility.
  • Most 2D lines are now antialiased in the editor.
  • CheckButtons now use a simpler design in the editor.
  • Messages originating from the editor are now faded in the editor log.
    • This makes messages printed by the project stand out more.
  • Folding arrows in the editor inspector are now displayed at the left for consistency with other foldable elements.
  • Hovering or dragging guides in the 2D editor will now turn the cursor into a "resizing" shape.
  • The editor update spinner is now hidden by default.
    • It can be enabled again in the Editor Settings.
  • The "Update Always" option is now editor-wide instead of being project-specific.
  • ColorPicker, OptionButton and MenuButton now use toggle mode, making them appear pressed when clicked.
  • Increased the Light2D height range from -100..100 to -2048..2048.
    • Lower and higher values can be entered manually too.
  • Decreased the rotation_degrees range in various nodes to -360..360 to be easier to adjust using the slider.
    • Lower and higher values can still be entered manually, which is useful for animation purposes.
  • The default RichTextLabel color is now #ffffff, matching the default Label color for better consistency.
  • SpinBoxes now calculate the entered value using the Expression class.
    • For example, writing 2 + 2 in a SpinBox then pressing Enter will result in 4.
  • Saved resources no longer contain dependency indices and metadata such as node folding, resulting in more VCS-friendly files.
  • The script editor state (such as breakpoints or the current line) is now preserved across editor sessions.
  • Editor plugins can now be enabled without having an init script defined.
  • Custom nodes added by plugins now have a translucent script icon in the scene tree dock.
  • EditorInterface.get_current_path() to get the full path currently displayed in the FileSystem dock in an editor plugin.
  • weakref(null) is now allowed in GDScript.
    • This makes checking for a valid reference more concise, as if my_ref.get_ref() is now sufficient (no need for if my_ref and my_ref.get_ref()).
  • The number of signal connections and groups is now displayed in a tooltip when hovering the associated buttons in the scene tree dock.
  • The right mouse button can now be used to pan in the 2D editor.
    • This is to improve usability when using a touchpad.
    • The middle mouse button can still be used to pan in the 2D editor.
  • When the "Scroll To Pan" editor setting is enabled, the 2D editor can now be zoomed in by holding Ctrl and scrolling the mouse wheel.
  • The 2D editor now displays the current zoom percentage.
    • The zoom percentage can be clicked to reset the zoom level to 100%.
  • Improved sorting options in the Asset Library.
  • Images now load faster in the Asset Library.
  • A loading placeholder is now displayed while icons are loading in the Asset Library.
  • Images failing to load in the Asset Library display a "broken file" icon.
  • Improved the Asset Library page loading transitions.
  • Tweaked the Asset Library detail page layout for better readability.
  • Audio mixer faders now use a non-linear algorithm to better fit human hearing.
  • Tooltips now appear faster when hovering elements in the editor (0.7 seconds → 0.5 seconds).
  • Increased the low-processor usage mode's default maximum refresh rate (125 FPS → 144 FPS).
    • This makes the editor feel slightly smoother on 144 Hz displays.
  • Tree scrolling when dragging now uses a larger drag margin, making drag-and-drop more convenient.
  • Improved the timeline's appearance in the animation editor.
  • Improved snapping in the animation editor.
    • Snapping can be toggled temporarily by holding the Ctrl key.
    • Snapping can be made more precise by holding the Shift key.
    • Timeline snapping is now toggled by the Snap setting (like when moving keyframes).
  • Keyframes are now easier to select in the animation editor.
  • Selected keyframes now appear slightly larger in the animation editor.
  • Boolean and color keyframe icons are now aligned to other keyframes in the animation editor.
  • The Animation editor's line widths are now resized to match the editor scale.
  • BPTC compression is now available for all HDR image formats.
  • Image.save_exr() to save an image in EXR format, which supports high bit depths.
  • Improved path and polygon editors.
    • New handle icons for path and polygon points.
    • Smooth path point and curve tangents now use different icons to be distinguished from sharp points.
    • Tangent lines are now gray in the Path2D and Path editors.
    • Path2D lines are now antialiased.
  • 3D collision shapes and RayCasts are now drawn in gray when disabled.
  • Improved RayCast2D and one-way collision drawing.
    • Disabled RayCast2Ds are now displayed in gray.
    • One-way collision arrows are now orange by default, making them easier to distinguish them from RayCast2Ds.
    • Tweaked RayCast2D and one-way collision line shapes to look more like arrows.
  • Improved rendering in the curve editor.
    • The grid is now rendered correctly when using a light theme.
    • The main line and edge line colors have been swapped for better visibility.
    • Tangent line widths are now resized to match the editor scale.
  • Improved rendering in the performance monitor.
    • Dark colors are now used on light backgrounds for better visibility.
    • Graph lines are now thinner and opaque.
    • Graph line widths are now resized to match the editor scale.
    • Rounded values now display trailing zeroes to make their precision clearer.
  • Some TileMap editor options were moved to the toolbar.
  • Brackets are now only inserted when necessary when autocompleting methods in the script editor.
  • Improved dialogs when saving or removing an editor layout.
  • Whitespace-only selections no longer cause the script editor to highlight all occurrences.
  • Saving a script will now add a newline at the end of file if none was present already.
  • The editor help now uses horizontal margins if the screen is wide enough.
    • This makes sure lines keep a reasonable length for better readability.
  • Increased line spacing in the editor help and asset library descriptions.
  • The editor help now displays bold text using a bold font (instead of using a monospace font).
  • The editor help now displays types after parameter names to follow the GDScript static typing syntax.
  • Editor help is now accessed using Shift + F1, for consistency with other applications.
    • Contextural help is now accessed using Alt + F1 to accommodate for this change.
  • The script editor's Find in Files dialog is now always available, even when no script is opened.
  • Pressing Shift + Enter in the script editor Find dialog will now go to the previous match.
  • Improved the node deletion confirmation message.
    • If there is only one node to delete, its name is displayed in the message.
    • If there is more than one node to delete, the number of nodes to delete is displayed.
  • Improved the "Snap Object to Floor" functionality in the 3D editor.
    • An error message is now displayed if no nodes could be snapped.
    • Increased the maximum snapping height (10 → 20).
    • Increased the maximum snapping tolerance (0.1 → 0.2).
  • 2D/3D selections, rotations and selected texts are now highlighted with the editor theme's accent color.
  • Improved the 3D light and AudioStreamPlayer3D gizmos to better represent their depth in the 3D world.
  • Tweaked the 3D manipulator gizmo's colors for better visibility.
  • Tweaked the 2D and 3D axis colors for consistency with gizmo colors.
  • Increased the default 3D manipulator gizmo opacity (0.2 → 0.4).
  • The multiline text editor popup dialog's width is now capped on large displays.
    • This prevents lines from becoming very long, which could hamper text readability.
  • Non-printable escape characters are now stripped when pasting text into a LineEdit.
  • The TextEdit caret color now matches the default font color, making it easier to see.
  • Empty exported NodePath properties now return null instead of self.
  • Built-in scripts are no longer allowed to use class_name as it wasn't working properly.
  • The second parameter of substr() is now optional and defaults to -1.
  • More editor actions can now have shortcuts assigned (such as Revert Scene or Export).
  • The project export path may now be written in a relative path.
    • Directories will be created recursively if the target directory doesn't exist.
  • Items in the FileSystem dock can now be deselected by clicking empty space.
  • Warning-ignore comments now allow whitespace after the # character.
  • Improved error reporting in the Particles emission point creation dialog.
  • The number of warnings and errors that can be received in the remote debugger is now capped per second rather than per frame.
    • The default limit is 100 errors and 100 warnings per second, making it possible for the script editor to report up to 100 warnings before having messages hidden.
  • UTF-8 characters are now supported in input action names.
  • Updated FreeType to 2.10, which changes how font metrics are calculated.
    • This may affect the appearance of some Controls, see this issue for details.
  • The SCons build system now automatically detects the host platform.
    • platform=<platform> is no longer required when compiling for the host platform.
    • platform=list can be used to list the supported target platforms.
  • Windows: Drive letters in file paths are now capitalized.
  • macOS: Control + H and Control + D in TextEdit now delete the character at the left and right of the cursor (respectively).
  • macOS: Command + Left in TextEdit now moves the cursor to the first non-whitespace character.
  • macOS: Non-resizable windows are now allowed to enter fullscreen mode.
  • macOS: The editor's title bar now uses dark mode on Mojave.
  • X11: OS.set_window_postion() now takes window decorations into account.


  • Unused Panel panelf and panelnc styles.
  • thekla_atlas dependency, as light baking now relies on xatlas for UV unwrapping.
  • Rating icons in the Asset Library, as this feature isn't implemented in the backend.
  • Some editor languages are no longer available due to missing support for RTL and text shaping in Godot:
    • Affected languages are Arabic, Bengali, Persian, Hebrew, Hindi, Malayalam, Sinhalese, Tamil, Telugu and Urdu.
    • These languages will be re-added once Godot supports RTL and text shaping.
  • Android: ARMv6 support.


  • The Project Manager now remembers the sorting option that was previously set.
  • The editor and project manager now have a minimum window size defined.
    • This prevents controls from overlapping each other by resizing the window to a very small size.
  • Fixed radiance map generation, resulting in improved 3D performance and visual quality.
  • Depth of field now affects transparent objects.
  • Radiance is now generated when using a clear color sky.
  • Contact shadows no longer display when shadow casting is disabled.
  • Larger data types can now be constructed by swizzling in the shader language.
    • For instance, vec2 test2 = vec2(0.0, 1.0); vec3 test3 =; now works as in GLSL.
  • The AMBIENT_LIGHT_DISABLED and SHADOWS_DISABLED flags now work when using the GLES2 renderer.
  • Several fixes to the GLES2 renderer:
    • Fixed transparency order.
    • Fixed vertex lighting being too bright.
    • Fixed occasional light flickering.
    • Fixed shadows cast from transparent materials.
    • Fog is no longer computed on unshaded materials.
      • This matches the GLES3 renderer's behavior.
    • GLES2 shader uniforms now use highp precision by default.
      • This prevents linking issues on some Android devices.
    • Negative OmniLights and SpotLights now work as expected.
    • The 3D editor's View Information pane now displays statistics correctly when using the GLES2 renderer.
  • Fixed several inconsistencies between Particles and CPUParticles.
  • Fixed particles scale randomization.
  • Particles are now set to emit correctly when restarting.
  • CheckBox and CheckButton now use the check_vadjust custom constant to adjust the icon Y position as intended.
  • Fixed various issues with tab-related icons.
  • Fixed issues in WebM colorspace corrections, resulting in better color output.
  • CSG is now taken into account when generating navigation meshes.
  • Curve2D and Curve3D interpolated values now behave as expected.
  • Numeric slider grabbers in the editor inspector now update when scrolling using the mouse wheel.
  • Scene modifications are no longer lost when renaming a file in the FileSystem dock.
  • "Show in FileSystem" now clears the current search, so that the selected item can be seen immediately.
  • LineEdit and TextEdit's context menus no longer display editing options if they are read-only.
  • SpinBox mouse events are now correctly triggered by its LineEdit part.
  • Per-word navigation in LineEdit and TextEdit now handles UTF-8 characters correctly.
  • LineEdit placeholders, Tabs' names and WindowDialog titles now react correctly to translation changes.
  • Fixed UI navigation when using gamepad analog sticks.
  • Buttons' state is now reset when they exit the scene tree.
    • This prevents them from lingering in a "hovered" or "pressed" state.
  • Tooltips now disappear when hiding the node they belong to.
  • Encoded packet flags are no longer sent in the ENet multiplayer protocol, as ENet itself already sends that data.
    • This saves 4 bytes per packet.
  • Audio trimming is now less aggressive, cutting at -50 dB instead of -30 dB.
  • Audio trimming now has a small fade-out period, preventing audible pops.
  • Audio mix rate and output latency settings are now consistently applied on all platforms.
  • Fixed multichannel panning for AudioStreamPlayer3D.
  • Opening a recent built-in script will now load the associated scene automtaically since doing so is required to edit the script.
  • Declaring a class with class_name that has the same name as a singleton will now display a clearer error message.
  • The Label font shadow now draws the font outline as well (if the base font has one).
  • Font.draw_char() now draws the font outline as well (if the base font has one).
  • The editor no longer redraws continuously when selecting a Control in a Container.
  • Added some missing feature tags to the Project Settings "Override For..." menu.
  • The low_processor_mode_sleep_usec project setting no longer affects the editor.
  • Typed arrays and dictionaries no longer have their values shared across instances.
  • self and object types can now be indexed as a dictionary again (like in Godot 3.0 and prior).
  • Fixed to_lower() conversion with Cyrillic characters.
  • The Find in Files replace dialog now allows empty replacement texts.
  • The bottom panel no longer disappears when opening the theme editor on small displays.
  • The script editor's color picker now changes only one color if multiple colors are present on the same line.
  • The script editor's line length guideline is now drawn behind text.
  • The script editor's line length guideline is now drawn at the correct position when font hinting is disabled.
  • Warnings no longer count towards the "Too many errors!" message.
  • AnimationTrackEdit now displays invalid value keys again (as it did in 3.0).
  • The editor's performance monitor now displays memory/file sizes larger than 2 GB correctly.
  • The editor debugger now displays keyboard shortcuts when hovering the "Step Into", "Step Over", "Break" and "Continue" buttons.
  • The editor debugger now always handles connections.
    • Subsequent connections will be dropped immediately to avoid locking.
  • Large rotation offset/snap values no longer appear to be cut off in the Configure Snap dialog.
  • Fixed autocompletion in the script editor.
    • The script editor can now autocomplete enum values.
    • The script editor can now autocomplete node paths starting with $" or $'.
  • Custom script editor templates can now use type hints.
  • Documentation tooltips in the editor now wrap to multiple lines correctly.
  • Locked 3D nodes are now unselectable in the 3D viewport, matching the 2D editor's behavior.
  • All 3D gizmos now notify changes correctly, which means the inspector now displays up-to-date properties after using them.
  • The 3D manipulator gizmo's size is now capped at low viewport heights, preventing it from outgrowing the viewport's bounds.
  • The editor filesystem now refreshes on file changes if the project is located on an exFAT filesystem.
  • The Show in File Manager context menu option now works with files marked as favorite.
  • The random number generator's seed is now properly set up.
  • Antialiased and rounded StyleBoxFlat corners now handle different border widths correctly.
  • Text resources no longer contain an extraneous line break at the end of file.
  • Transform's FLIP_Y and FLIP_Z constants now work as expected.
  • Fixed importing BMP images.
  • The --audio-driver and --video-driver command-line arguments are now validated; an error message will be printed if an invalid value is passed.
  • Android: Gamepads are now correctly detected when the application starts.
  • Android: Fix some keyboards being detected as gamepads and not working as a result.
  • HTML5: Fixed the pointer position on hiDPI displays.
  • HTML5: OS.get_system_time_msec() now returns the correct value like on other platforms.
  • iOS: On iOS 11 or later, gestures near screen edges are now handled by Godot instead of the OS.
  • Windows: Line endings are now converted to CRLF when setting clipboard content.
  • Windows: Getting the path to the Downloads directory using OS.get_system_dir() now works correctly.
    • This fixes line endings being invisible when pasting into other applications.
  • macOS: OS.get_real_window_size() and OS.set_window_size() are now handled correctly on hiDPI displays.
  • X11: OS.get_window_position() now returns absolute coordinates.
  • X11: Fixed audio playing on the wrong speakers when using PulseAudio on 5.1 setups.
  • X11: OS.set_window_maximized() now gives up after 0.5 seconds.
    • This makes the editor no longer freeze on startup when using fvwm.
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