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Last active March 13, 2019 08:19
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React Cheatsheet


Error Boundaries

Lifecycle method componentDidCatch() for catching every error in the component or subcomponent rendering In React <16 the UI stayed untouched when such an error happend But in React >=16 the Component is getting unmounted from the UI completely when there is no componentDidCatch() which results in a blank page

componentDidCatch receives 2 arguments:

  • error - the error object that has been thrown
  • info - contains the stacktrace
import sendToErrorReporting from './sendToErrorReporting'

class Foo extends Component {
  state = { hasError: false }

  componentDidCatch(error, info) {
    this.setState({ hasError: true })
    // send the error to a reporting service to investigate it
    sendToErrorReporting(error, info)

  render() {
    if (this.state.hasError) {
      return <div>Sorry, something went wrong</div>
    return (
        <Bar baz="foo" />

Reusable ErrorBoundary React Component

import sendToErrorReporting from './sendToErrorReporting'

class ErrorBoundary extends Component {
  state = { hasError: false }

  componentDidCatch(error, info) {
    this.setState({ hasError: true })
    // send the error to a reporting service to investigate it
    sendToErrorReporting(error, info)

  render() {
    if (this.state.hasError) {
      return <div>Sorry, something went wrong</div>
    return this.props.children

Render multiple Elements without a wrapping Element

const Fruits = props => [
  <li key="1">Apple</li>,
  <li key="2">Banana</li>,
  <li key="3">Strawberry</li>



export const isProd = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production';
export const devAndProd = (dev, prod) => (isProd ? prod : dev);
export const isDev = !isProd;

Responsive Design with emotion

export const breakpoints = {
  large: 1030,
  medium: 850,
  phone: 450

export const smaller = width => `@media screen and (max-width: ${width}px)`;
export const smallerHeight = height => `@media screen and (max-height: ${height}px)`;
export const widerThan = width => `@media screen and (min-width: ${width}px)`;

export const isHorizontal = smaller(769);
export const Subtitle = emotion.div({
  fontSize: 25,
  fontWeight: 300,
  lineHeight: '40px',
  [smaller(950)]: {
    fontSize: 20
  [smaller(breakpoints.medium)]: {
    fontSize: 18
  [isHorizontal]: {
    fontSize: 18,
    lineHeight: '30px'


export const ELEMENTS = {
  MENUBAR: 'menubar',
  COMPOSE: 'compose',
  OVERLAY: 'overlay',
  MAIN_SECTION: 'main-section',
  FOOTER: 'footer',
  CONTENT: 'content',
  DESERT: 'desert'

const order = [

export const zIndexFor = (element, yolo) => ({ zIndex: yolo ? 999999 : order.indexOf(element) });

Usage of zindex.js with emotion

export const MainSection = emotion.div({
  position: 'relative',
  width: '100%',
  minHeight: '100vh',
  flex: 1,


react-pose - "A truly simple animation library for React, React Native, and Vue"

Cancel state changes in useEffect e.g. by making async calls to an API

React.useEffect(() => {
  let didCancel = false
  // ...
  // you can check didCancel
  // before running any setState
  // ...
  return () => {
    didCancel = true
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