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Last active August 18, 2016 16:42
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JavaScript Cheatsheet
// Activate ES5 Strict-Mode in whole file
"use strict";
// Activate ES5 Strict-Mode just for a specific function
function() {
"use strict";
// HINT: Do not mix strict and non-strict code: file concatination can break the code.
// Alternativly create two files: one with strict mode code and one with non-strict code
// BETTER: Use IIFEs that wrap the file content
// ES5 Strict-Mode with IIFEs (Immediatly Invoked Function Expression)
// file1.js
(function() {
"use strict"
function withStrictMode() { ... }
// file2.js
(function() {
function withoutStrictMode() { ... }
// Unary + Operator casts a value to a number (equals the Number(value) constructor)
var value = "4";
typeof +value === 4; // true
// 64-Bit Double precision floating point numbers (IEEE 754)
0.1 + 0.2; // 0.30000000000000004
0.1 + 0.3; // 0.4
// Floating point operations are not associative
(0.1 + 0.2) + 0.3; // 0.6000000000000001
0.1 + (0.2 + 0.3); // 0.6
// Bitwise operations turn 64-Bit floating point numbers into 32-Bit Integers
// 8 -> 00000000000000000000000000001000
// 1 -> 00000000000000000000000000000001
// 8 | 1 -> 00000000000000000000000000001001
8 | 1; // 9
// Instant type failure cases: 1. Not defined function call 2. Non existing property access
"hello"(1); // Uncaught TypeError: "hello" is not a function
null.x; // Uncaught ReferenceError: abc is not defined
// Check NaN by checking unequality to the variable itself
var a = NaN;
a !== a; // true
// Overriding toString() method on objects
var o = {};
"Before: " + o; // "Before: [object Object]"
o.toString = function() {
return "huhu";
"Now: " + o; // "Now: huhu"
// Overriding valueOf method to return a number
var o = {
valueOf: function() { return 3; }
o + 3; // 6
// Falsy values
[false, 0, -0, "", NaN, null, undefined]
// Truthy values
[true, {}]
// Primitive data types
true, false
1, 2, 4.33
// Object wrapper for primitive data types
var s = new String("hello");
typeof "hello"; // "string"
typeof s; // "object"
// JavaScript casts strings implicitly into String wrapper objects
"hello".toUpperCase(); // "HELLO"
// Automatic semicolon insertion: 1. Only after a line break 2. When the next token can't be parsed
a = b
// can be parsed as a single statement:
a = b(f());
// These two lines
a = b
// are interpreted as two statements
// as the interpretation as a single statement
a = b f();
// would result in a parse failure
// -> It depends on the begin of the next line whether a semicolon is inserted or not
// "Restricted Productions": Cases where semicolons are inserted by force
[return, throw, break, continue, i++, i--]
// i.e.
// is interpreted as three single statements:
// JavaScript uses 16-Bit-Unicode (UTF-16 encoded)
// It stores 16-Bit Unicode "Code Units" not "Code Points"
// So that G-Clef π„ž takes two 16-Bit "Code Units"
| 'π„ž' | ' ' | 'c' | 'l' | 'e' | 'f' |
| 0xd834 | 0xdd1e | 0x0020 | 0x0063 | 0x006c | 0x0065 | 0x0066 |
"π„ž clef".length; // 7
"G clef".length; // 6
"π„ž clef".charAt(1) === " "; // false
"π„ž clef".charAt(2) === " "; // true
// This results in problems with RegExp operations
/^.$/.test("π„ž"); // false
/^..$/.test("π„ž"); // true, as the G-Clef is defined as a "Code Point" with more than 2^16 Bits
// and JavaScript allocates two 16-Bit "Code Units" (called "Surrogate Pairs" in UTF-16)
// for "Code Points" like this
// To work with "Code Points" instead of "Code Units" use a library
// Unicode Escape Sequences
// U+0000 -> U+00FF
"\x41\x42\x43"; // "ABC"
// U+0000 -> U+FFFF
"\u0041\u0042\u0043"; // "ABC"
// ES5 U+000000 -> U+10FFFF
// Using punycode.js (counts the "Code Points"):
countSymbols('πŸ’©'); // 1
// ES6 U+000000 -> U+10FFFF
"\u{1F4A9}"; // "πŸ’©" U+1F4A9
// Define a setter method on an objects property
var user = {
name: 'klaus'
// The deprecated way:
user.__defineSetter__('name', function(value) { = value;
// Using the set operator:
var user = {
set name(value) { = value;
// Using Object.defineProperty:
var user = {};
Object.defineProperty(user, 'name', {
set: function(value) { = value;
// Inheritance
var Rectangle = function(color, width, heigth) {
this.color = color;
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
Figure.prototype.area = function() {
return this.width * this.heigth;
var Square = function(color, length) {, color, length, length);
Square.prototype = Object.create(Figure.prototype);
// Execute synchronous for each on array
[2, 5, 9].forEach(function(element, index, array) {
// Map functions
var squares = => n*n); // ES6
var squares = {return n*n});
var ints = ['1', '2', '3'].map(Number);
var results = ['Charlie', 'Peter', 'Marry'].map((name, index) => ++index +'.'+ name); // ES6
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