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Last active June 23, 2016 09:50
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Sample of Nittro usage in a basic datagrid-like setting
use Nittro\Bridges\NittroUI\Presenter,
class PeoplePresenter extends Presenter {
/** @var \Dibi\Connection */
private $dibi;
/** @var array */
private $entries = null;
public function getEntries() {
if ($this->entries === null) {
$this->entries = $this->dibi->fetchAll('SELECT * FROM [people] ORDER BY [name]');
return $this->entries;
public function handleRemove($id) {
$this->dibi->query('DELETE FROM [people] WHERE [id] = %i', $id);
$this->flashMessage('Entry deleted');
// no need to render the template as Nittro removes the corresponding snippet for us
public function renderDefault() {
$this->template->entries = $this->getEntries();
public function doSaveEntry(Form $form, array $entry) {
if (empty($entry['id'])) {
$this->dibi->query('INSERT INTO [people] %v', $entry);
$entry['id'] = $this->dibi->getInsertId();
} else {
$this->dibi->query('UPDATE [people] SET %a WHERE [id] = %i', array_diff_key($entry, ['id' => 1]), $entry['id']);
$this->flashMessage('Your changes have been saved');
// this is needed so that only the edited entry is rendered
$this->entries = [ (object) $entry ];
// redraw the dynamic snippet container
public function createComponentEntryForm() {
$form = new Form();
$form->addText('name', 'Name:')->setRequired();
$form->addTextArea('address', 'Address:')->setRequired();
$form->addText('phone', 'Phone:')->setRequired();
$form->addSubmit('save', 'Save');
$form->onSuccess[] = [$this, 'doSaveEntry'];
return $form;
{* the n:dynamic macro is essentially the same as typing 'class="snippet-container" data-dynamic-mask="{snippetId entry-\d+}"' *}
<tbody n:snippet="entries" n:dynamic="entry-\d+" data-dynamic-element="tr" data-dynamic-sort=".name asc">
{foreach $entries as $entry}
<tr n:snippet="entry-$entry->id">
<td class="name">{$entry->name}</td>
{* edit button needs the whole entry data *}
<a href="#" class="btn-edit" data-entry="{json_encode($entry)}">Edit</a>
{* remove button needs to link to the appropriate signal;
the "nittro-confirm" class uses the AutoConfirm widget
to ask confirmation before following through with deleting
the entry; the "data-dynamic-remove" attribute tells Nittro
which dynamic snippet to remove when the link is clicked *}
<a n:href="remove! id => $entry->id"
data-prompt="Are you sure you want to remove {$entry->name}?"
data-dynamic-remove="#{snippetId entry-$entry->id}">Remove</a>
{capture $form}
{form entryForm}
<th>{label name /}</th>
<td>{input name}</td>
<th>{label address /}</th>
<td>{input address}</td>
<th>{label phone /}</th>
<td>{input phone}</td>
{input save class => 'hide'} {* the dialog has its own buttons *}
<script type="application/javascript">
_stack.push(function(di, Utils) {
var dlg = null;
function handleEdit(evt) {
var btn = Utils.DOM.closest(, 'a', 'btn-edit');
if (btn) {
dlg.setValues(Utils.DOM.getData(btn, 'entry'));;
di.getService('page').getSnippet({snippetId entries})
.setup(function(elem) {
dlg = di.create('formDialog', {
options: {
html: {$form}
Utils.DOM.addListener(elem, 'click', handleEdit);
.teardown(function(elem) {
dlg && dlg.destroy();
dlg = null;
Utils.DOM.removeListener(elem, 'click', handleEdit);
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