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Forked from yssk22/redis.js
Created November 22, 2017 11:10
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Redis sample program (retwis) ported to node.js
* retwis-js.js
* Description:
* redis tutorial program impelmented by node.js
* Usage:
* node redis.js
* Refernce:
* - Python implementation:
* Limitations:
* - need more strict error handling.
* - We use only one client to connect redis. It works well under multi request environment,
* but we do not confirm it is efficient or not.
var util = require('util'),
path = require('path'),
http = require('http'),
crypto = require('crypto');
var express = require('express'),
redis = require('redis').createClient();
function getrand(){
var bitstr = "";
for(var i=0; i<16; i++){
bitstr += String.fromCharCode(Math.random() * 256);
return crypto.createHash('md5').update(bitstr).digest('hex');
function Application(routes, settings){
var app = express.createServer();
if( settings.staticPath ){
if( settings.templatePath ){
app.set('views', settings.templatePath);
if( settings.loginUrl ){
app.set('loginUrl', settings.loginUrl);
logout: function(req, res){
return req.currentUser != null;
// mount routes
for(var i=0, len=routes.length; i<len; i++){
var map = routes[i];
var path = map[0];
var handler = map[1];
['get', 'post', 'put', 'del'].forEach(function(method){
if( typeof handler[method] === 'function' ){
app[method](path, handler[method]);
return app;
http.IncomingMessage.prototype.getCurrentUser = function(callback){
var self = this;
var authcookie = self.cookies.auth;
if( authcookie ){
redis.get("auth:" + authcookie, function(err1, userid){
if( userid ){
redis.get("uid:" + userid + ":auth", function(err2, authsecret){
if( authsecret == authcookie ){
redis.get("uid:" + userid + ":username", function(err3, username){
self._currentUser = {
id: userid.toString(),
name: username.toString()
callback(null, self._currentUser);
callback(null, null);
callback(null, null);
callback(undefined, null);
http.IncomingMessage.prototype.__defineGetter__('currentUser', function(){
return this._currentUser;
function authenticated(fun){
return function(req, res){
req.getCurrentUser(function(err, user){
if( user ){
fun(req, res);
// app.set(name) returns the value of name ...
var url ='loginUrl');
var WelcomeHandler = {
get: function(req, res){
res.render('welcome.ejs', {
locals: {
loginError: null,
registerError: null
post: function(req, res){
var username = req.param('username');
var password = req.param('password');
if( !username || !password ){
res.render('welcome.ejs', {
locals: {
loginError: "You need to enter both username and password to login",
registerError: null
redis.get("username:" + username + ":id", function(err, userid){
if( !userid ){
res.render('welcome.ejs', {
locals: {
loginError: "Wrong username or password",
registerError: null
redis.get("uid:" + userid + ":password", function(err, realpassword){
if( realpassword != password ){
res.render('welcome.ejs', {
locals: {
loginError: "Wrong username or password",
registerError: null
redis.get("uid:" + userid + ":auth", function(err, authsecret){
res.cookie("auth", authsecret, {expires: new Date( + 31536000000)});
var RegisterHandler = {
post: function(req, res){
var username = req.param('username');
var password = req.param('password');
var password2 = req.param('password2');
var errorMessage;
if( !username || !password || !password2 ){
errorMessage = "Every field of the registration form is needed!";
}else if( password !== password2 ){
errorMessage = "The two password fileds don't match!";
if( errorMessage ){
res.render('welcome.ejs', {
locals: {
loginError: null,
registerError: errorMessage
redis.get("username:" + username + ":id", function(err, userid){
if( userid ){
res.render('welcome.ejs', {
locals: {
loginError: null,
registerError: "Sorry the selected username is already in use."
redis.incr("global:nextuserId", function(err, userid){
redis.set("username:" + username + ":id", userid);
redis.set("uid:" + userid + ":username", username);
redis.set("uid:" + userid + ":password", password);
var authsecret = getrand();
redis.set("uid:" + userid + ":auth", authsecret);
redis.set("auth:" + authsecret, userid);
redis.sadd("global:users", userid);
res.cookie("auth", authsecret, {expires: new Date( + 31536000000)});
res.render('register.ejs', {
locals: {
username: username
var HomeHandler = {
get: authenticated(function(req, res){
var userid =;
var start = parseInt(req.param('start')) || 0;
var path = req.url.split("?")[0];
var formatter = new PostFormatter();
formatter.userPostWithPagenation(path, null, userid, start, 10, function(){
redis.scard("uid:" + userid + ":followers", function(err, followers){
redis.scard("uid:" + userid + ":following", function(err, following){
res.render('home.ejs', {
locals : {
followers: followers,
following: following,
var LogoutHandler = {
get: authenticated(function(req, res){
var userid =;
var newauthsecret = getrand();
redis.get("uid:" + userid + ":auth", function(err, oldauthsecret){
redis.set("uid:" + userid + ":auth", newauthsecret);
redis.set("auth:" + newauthsecret, userid);
redis.del("auth:" + oldauthsecret);
var PostHandler = {
post: authenticated(function(req, res){
var self = this;
var userid =;
var status = req.param('status').replace(/\n/g, " ");
var post = [userid,, status].join("|");
redis.incr("global:nextPostId", function(err, postid){
// related resources pushed into redis withought blocking
redis.set("post:" + postid, post);
redis.smembers("uid:" + userid + ":followers", function(err, followers){
if( !followers ){
followers = [];
redis.lpush("uid:" + fid + ":posts", postid);
redis.lpush("global:timeline", postid);
redis.ltrim("global:timeline", 0, 1000);
var TimelineHandler = {
get: function(req, res){
var formatter = new PostFormatter();
formatter.showUserPosts(null, 0, 50, function(err){
res.render('timeline.ejs', {
locals: {
var ProfileHandler = {
get: authenticated(function(req, res){
var username = req.param('u');
redis.get("username:" + username + ":id", function(err, userid){
if( !userid ){
redis.sismember("uid:" + + ":following", function(err, isfollowing){
res.render("profile.ejs", {
locals: {
isfollowing: isfollowing !== undefined,
userid: userid,
username: username
var FollowHandler = {
get: authenticated(function(req, res){
var userid = req.param("uid");
var flag = req.param("f");
if( userid && flag ){
var myuserid =;
if( userid != myuserid ){
var command = (flag == "0") ? "sadd" : "srem";
redis[command]("uid:" + userid + ":followers", myuserid);
redis[command]("uid:" + myuserid + ":following", userid);
function PostFormatter(){
this._posts = [];
this._links = [];
this._isLast = false;
PostFormatter.prototype.__defineGetter__("post", function(){
return this._posts.join("\n");
PostFormatter.prototype.__defineGetter__("link", function(){
if( this._links ){
return '<div class="rightlink">' +
this._links.join(" | ") +
return '';
PostFormatter.prototype._elapsed = function(t){
var d = - t;
if( d < 60000 ){
return parseInt(d/1000) + " seconds";
}else if( d < 120000 ){
return "1 minute";
}else if( d < 3600000 ){
return parseInt(d/60000) + " minutes";
}else if( d < 7200000 ){
return "1 hour";
}else if( d < 3600000 * 24 ){
return parseInt(d/3600000) + " hours";
}else if( d < 3600000 * 48 ){
return "1 day";
return parseInt(d/3600000/24) + " days";
PostFormatter.prototype.showPost = function(id, callback){
var self = this;
redis.get("post:" + id, function(err, postdata){
if( postdata ){
postdata = postdata.toString();
var s = postdata.split('|');
var userid = s.shift(), time = s.shift(), post = s.join('|');
redis.get("uid:" + userid + ":username", function(err, username){
self._posts.push('<div class="post">' +
'<a class="username" href="/profile?u=' + encodeURIComponent(username) + '">' + username + '</a>' + post + '<br>' +
'<i>posted ' + self._elapsed(parseInt(time)) + ' ago via web</i>' +
callback(null, userid, time, post);
callback(null, null, null, null);
PostFormatter.prototype.showUserPosts = function(userid, start, count, callback){
var self = this;
if( userid ){
var key = "uid:" + userid + ":posts";
var key = "global:timeline";
redis.lrange(key, start, start+count, function(err, posts){
var len = posts == null ? 0 : posts.length;
self._isLast = (len != count + 1);
// recursive call for PostFormatter#showPost
function showPost(i){
if( i == len ){
callback(null); // finally call the callback
var post = posts[i];
self.showPost(post, function(){
PostFormatter.prototype.userPostWithPagenation = function(path, username, userid, start, count,
var self = this;
if( username ){
var userstr = '&u=' + encodeURIComponent(username);
var userstr = "";
this.showUserPosts(userid, start, count, function(){
if( start > 0 ){
self._links.push('<a href="' + path + '?start=' + Math.max(start-10, 0) + userstr + '">&laquo; Newer posts</a>');
if( !self._isLast ){
self._links.push('<a href="' + path + '?start=' + (start + 10) + userstr + '">Older posts &raquo;</a>');
var settings = {
staticPath : path.join(__dirname, "static"),
templatePath : path.join(__dirname, "template"),
loginUrl: "/welcome"
var app = Application([
["/", HomeHandler],
["/welcome", WelcomeHandler],
["/logout", LogoutHandler],
["/register", RegisterHandler],
["/post", PostHandler],
["/timeline", TimelineHandler],
["/profile", ProfileHandler],
["/follow", FollowHandler]
], settings);
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