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Install openstack controller using chef cookbooks
** Proxy configuration at the end of document. Make sure you have it in case if you internet is routed from proxy
Installation of chef server:
1) Install pre-requisites:
$ apt-get update
$ apt-get install build-essential
$ apt-get install ruby1.9.3
$ apt-get install ruby-dev
1) Download the .deb package required from
$ wget
2) Install the package
$ dpkg -i chef-server_11.1.6-1_amd64.deb
3) Configure the chef server:
$ /usr/bin/chef-server-ctl reconfigure
Install the workstation:
**We used the same chef server as workstation here**
1) Install the chef client from
$ wget
2) Make sure ruby and the prerequisites mentioned are installed.
3) Install the package as:
$ dpkg -i chef_11.16.4-1_amd64.deb
4) Copy the chef-validator.pem and admin.pem to the chef client.
$ cp /etc/chef-server/chef-validator.pem /etc/chef
$ cp /etc/chef-server/admin.pem /etc/chef
5) Download the chef-repo and put in a directory.Currently chef-repo is in [/opt/openstack-chef-repo]
$ cd /opt
$ git clone
6) Run the initial knife configuration:
$ knife configure initial
7) Verify the knife configured properly by checking the command:
$ knife client list
Configure on workstation:
openstack cookbooks, roles, environments and data bags
1) Switch the repo content to the branch required. In this case "stable/icehouse"
$ cd /opt/openstack-chef-repo
$ git checkout "stable/icehouse"
2) In the chef-repo directory, run the following command to install the ruby gems needed.
$ bundle install --path=.bundle
3) Download the cookbooks and dependency cookbooks using the following command:
$ bundle exec berks install --path=cookbooks
* The berkshelf gem initally copies the cookbooks to the /root/.berkshelf/cookbooks directory. The bundle gem will fetch them to the current path specified, in this case "cookbooks" directory present in your chef-repo directory.
* In case if you are getting non http proxy is not supported, change the https proxy to point to http proxy itself.
4) Now upload the cookbooks to the chef-server.
$ knife cookbook upload -a
In case if you get errors like maintainer_email is incorrect.
Add "maintainer_email ''" to metadata.rb of :
5) Upload the roles given to the servers
$ cd /opt/openstack-chef-repo/roles
$ knife role from file *.json
Verify the roles using the command:
$ knife role list
6) Upload the environements required.
$ knife environment from file vagrant-aio-nova.json
7) Upload the data bags which store the passowrds required for mysql, rabbit mq and other openstack services.
Before creating databags , create a encrypted secret key. We need to copy this secret key to the node that we bootstrap in the future in order to decrypt.
$ openssl rand -base64 512 |tr -d '\r\n' > /etc/chef-server/encrypted_data_bag_secret
We need 4 data bags:
run the bash snippet given for each of the databags
1) user_passwords
user_passwords ITEM example : {"id" : "admin", "admin" : "mypass"}
bash snipppet:
for p in admin guest ; do
knife data bag create user_passw $p --secret-file ~/.chef/openstack_data_bag_secret;
2) db_passwords
bash snippet:
for p in nova horizon keystone glance ceilmeter neutron cinder heat dash ; do
knife data bag create db_passwords $p --secret-file ~/.chef/openstack_data_bag_secret;
3) service_passwords
bash snippet:
for item in openstack-image openstack-compute openstack-block-storage openstack-orchestration openstack-network rbd ; do
knife data bag create service_passwords $p --secret-file ~/.chef/openstack_data_bag_secret;
4) secrets
bash snippet:
for item in openstack_identity_bootstrap_token neutron_metadata_secret ; do
knife data bag create secrets $p --secret-file ~/.chef/openstack_data_bag_secret;
Bootstrap the node:
1) Make sure the proxy variables are set as required. [See the proxy section below this document to configure]
2) Make sure node is ssh accesible.
3) Run the bootstrap command from workstation.
$ knife bootstrap --run-list "role[allinone-compute]" -N controller2 -x ks --sudo --environment vagrant-aio-nova
Errors encountered while bootstrap running:
* Mysql Gem installation times out. Manually go and install the mysql gem on the node.
$ /opt/chef/embedded/bin/gem install mysql -q --no-rdoc --no-ri -v ""
* Glance doesnot support the proxy, and hence it throws 400 Bad request while uploading an image from the recipe.
glance --debug --insecure --os-username glance --os-password openstack-image --os-tenant-name service --os-image-url --os-auth-url image-create --name cirros --is-public true --container-format bare --disk-format qcow2 --location
Solution: Change the recipe, to support file upload and copy the image to some local directory in the node.
On the node :
$ cd /tmp
$ wget
On the workstation:
Edit , /opt/openstack-chef-repo/cookbooks/openstack-image/providers/image.rb and change line 72 as :
localfile = '/tmp/cirros-0.3.0-x86_64-disk.img'
command "#{glance_cmd} image-create --name #{name} --is-public true #{c_fmt} #{d_fmt} --file #{localfile}"
Upload the cookbooks once again to the server. Run
$ knife cookbook upload -a
[[ proxy configuration ]]
export http_proxy=""
export https_proxy=""
export no_proxy=",localhost,public ip,fqdn,private ip"
export EDITOR=$(which vim)
git config --global url."https://".insteadOf git://
Also change the following configuration in /etc/wgetrc
# If you do not want to use proxy at all, set this to off.
use_proxy = on
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