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Created March 14, 2014 09:33
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<textarea id="editor" placeholder="Enter text ..." autofocus>Hemingway makes your writing bold and clear.
Hemingway highlights long, complex sentences and common errors; if you see a yellow highlight, shorten the sentence or split it. If you see a red highlight, your sentence is so dense and complicated that your readers will get lost trying to follow its meandering, splitting logic &mdash; try editing this sentence to remove the red.
Adverbs are helpfully shown in blue. Get rid of them and pick verbs with force instead.
You can utilize a shorter word in place of a purple one. Mouse over it for hints.
Phrases in green have been marked to show passive voice.
Paste in something you're working on and edit away. Or, click the Write button to compose something new.</textarea>
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not both", "impacted", "affected, harmed, changed", "implement", "install, put in place; tool", "in a timely manner", "on time", "in accordance with", "in addition", "also, besides, too", "in all likelihood", "probably", "in an effort to", "in between", "between", "in excess of", "more than", "in lieu of", "instead", "in light of the fact that", "in many cases", "often", "in order to", "in regard to", "about, concerning, on", "in some instances ", "sometimes", "in terms of", "omit; for, as, with", "in the near future", "soon", "in the process of", "omit", "inception", "start", "incumbent upon", "must", "indicate", "say, state, or show", "indication", "sign", "initiate", "is applicable to", "applies to", "is authorized to", "may", "is responsible for", "handles", "it is essential", "must, need to", "magnitude", "size", "maximum", "greatest, largest, most", "methodology", "method", "minimize", "cut", "minimum", "least, smallest, small", "modify", "change", "monitor", "check, watch, track", "multiple", "many", "necessitate", "cause, need", "nevertheless", "still, besides, even so", "not certain", "uncertain", "not many", "few", "not often", "rarely", "not unless", "only if", "not unlike", "similar, alike", "notwithstanding", "in spite of, still", "null and void", "use either null or void", "numerous", "objective", "aim, goal", "obligate", "bind, compel", "obtain", "get", "on the contrary", "but, so", "on the other hand", "omit; but, so", "one particular", "one", "optimum", "best, greatest, most", "overall", "owing to the fact that", "participate", "take part", "particulars", "details", "pass away", "die", "pertaining to", "about, of, on", "point in time", "time, point, moment, now", "portion", "part", "possess", "have, own", "preclude", "prevent", "previously", "before", "prior to", "prioritize", "rank, focus on", "procure", "buy, get", "proficiency", "skill", "provided that", "if", "purchase", "buy, sale", "put simply", "readily apparent", "clear", "refer back", "refer", "regarding", "relocate", "move", "remainder", "rest", "remuneration", "payment", "require", "must, need", "requirement", "need, rule", "reside", "live", "residence", "house", "retain", "keep", "satisfy", "meet, please", "shall", "must, will", "should you wish", "if you want", "similar to", "like", "solicit", "ask for, request", "span across", "span, cross", "strategize", "subsequent", "later, next, after, then", "substantial", "large, much", "successfully complete", "complete, pass", "sufficient", "enough", "terminate", "end, stop", "the month of", "therefore", "thus, so", "time period", "time, period", "took advantage of", "preyed on", "transmit", "transpire", "happen", "until such time as", "until", "utilization", "use", "utilize", "validate", "confirm", "various different", "various, different", "very", "whether or not", "whether", "with respect to", "with the exception of", "except for", "witnessed", "saw, seen", "awoken", "awoke", "beaten", "beat", "begun", "began", "bent", "bitten", "bit", "bled", "blown", "blew", "broken", "broke", "brought", "built", "bought", "caught", "chosen", "chose", "dealt", "done", "did", "drawn", "drew", "driven", "drove", "eaten", "ate", "fed", "felt", "fought", "found", "forbidden", "forbade", "forgotten", "forgot", "forgiven", "forgave", "frozen", "froze", "gotten", "got", "given", "gave", "ground", "ground, grinded", "hung", "heard", "hidden", "hid", "hit", "held", "hurt", "kept", "known", "knew", "laid", "led", "left", "let", "lost", "made", "meant", "met", "paid", "proven", "proved", "put", "read", "ridden", "rode", "rung", "rang", "run", "ran", "said", "seen", "saw", "sold", "sent", "shaken", "shook", "shaved", "shot", "shown", "shut", "sung", "sunk", "slain", "slew", "slid", "spoken", "spoke", "spent", "spun", "split", "spread", "stolen", "stole", "struck", "swept", "swung", "taken", "took", "taught", "torn", "tore", "told", "thought", "thrown", "threw", "undergone", "underwent", "understood", "upset", "woken", "woke", "worn", "wore", "won", "withdrawn", "withdrew", "written", "wrote", "<i>$1</i>$2<i>$3</i>", "replace", "match", "log", "", "<br/>", "$1$3", "</span></p><p>$1<span>", "<s>$1</s> ", "<s>$1</s>$3$4$5", ".$1</span><span>$2", "?$1</span><span>$2", "!$1</span><span>$2", "</span></p><p class=\"tab-graph\"><span>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;", "$1&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;", "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;", "<br/>&nbsp;", "</span><br/><span>", "<u> </u><u>$1</u>", "<b>$1</b>", "<q>$1$2$3$5</q>", "<i>$2</i>y", "$1<em class=\"alert alert-info\">$2</em>$3", "<p><span>", "</span></p>", "html", "#editor-highlighter p", "children", "words", "data", "chars", "removeData", "#editor-highlighter span", "text", "alert", "addClass", "alert-error", "removeClass", "remove", "round", "toLowerCase", "charAt", "s", "word", "grep", "push", "sort", "slice", "empty", "#wordFreq", "<strong>Most common words:</strong><br/>", " (", ")<br>", "append", "span.alert-error", "span.alert", "#sentenceYellow", "#sentenceRed", "span.sentenceCount", "not", "hideHighlight", "em", "#adverbCount", "#adverbTarget", "b", "q", "#readability-score", "Not enough text", "hide", "#readability-word", "color", "#951e26", "Bad", "#readability-word-score", "border-color", "transparent transparent #951e26 transparent", "#readability-arrow", "#cecc22", "OK", "transparent transparent #cecc22 transparent", "#178c3a", "Good", "transparent transparent #178c3a transparent", "%", "<strong>Paragraphs: </strong>", "<br><strong>Sentences: </strong>", "<br><strong>Words: </strong>", "<br><strong>Characters: </strong>", "#stats", "#yellowSentenceToggle", "#redSentenceToggle", "#adverbToggle", "#stuffyToggle", "#passiveToggle", "#editor-highlighter b", "#stuffyCount", "#editor-highlighter q", "#passiveCount", "#passiveGoal", "pageX", "pageY", "offset", "top", "outerWidth", "outerHeight", "trim","e", "d", "Change to Active Voice Someone [", "] something.", "orig", " ", "title", "attr", "destroy", "Stayed", "Stayed 30 Seconds", "Stayed 120 Seconds"];
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readabilityUI(_0x2c3ax1a[4], _0x2c3ax1a[2]);
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var _0x2c3ax22 = _0x2c3ax21[0][words[579]](/\n/);
var _0x2c3ax23 = words[612];
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_0x2c3ax23 += words[613];
_0x2c3ax18 = _0x2c3ax18[words[609]](/^(\n)+/, _0x2c3ax23);
_0x2c3ax18 = _0x2c3ax18[words[609]](/(\n\n)( )+(\n\n)/g, words[614]);
_0x2c3ax18 = _0x2c3ax18[words[609]](/((\n\n)*)(\n\n)/g, words[615]);
_0x2c3ax18 = _0x2c3ax18[words[609]](/\b(Mr|Ms|Mrs|Dr|U\.S|Col|Sgt|Lt|Adm|Maj|Sen|Rep|Jan|Feb|Apr|Mar|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Sept|Oct|Nov|Dec|Pvt|Cpl|Capt|Gen|Ave|St|inc|ft|Gov|Jr|Sr|ltd|Rev|M|Mme|Prof|Pres|Hon|[A-Z])(\.)\s/g, words[616]);
_0x2c3ax18 = _0x2c3ax18[words[609]](/(etc|vs|\.\.|e\.g|i\.e|a\.m|p\.m)(\.)(\"|\â€)?(\s)?([a-z])/g, words[617]);
_0x2c3ax18 = _0x2c3ax18[words[609]](/\.(\)|\"|\â€|\')?( |\n)/g, words[618]);
_0x2c3ax18 = _0x2c3ax18[words[609]](/\?(\)|\"|\â€|\')?( |\n)/g, words[619]);
_0x2c3ax18 = _0x2c3ax18[words[609]](/!(\)|\"|\â€|\')?( |\n)/g, words[620]);
_0x2c3ax18 = _0x2c3ax18[words[609]](/\n\t/g, words[621]);
_0x2c3ax18 = _0x2c3ax18[words[609]](/(•)\t/g, words[622]);
_0x2c3ax18 = _0x2c3ax18[words[609]](/\t/g, words[623]);
_0x2c3ax18 = _0x2c3ax18[words[609]](/\n$/, words[624]);
_0x2c3ax18 = _0x2c3ax18[words[609]](/\n/g, words[625]);
_0x2c3ax18 = _0x2c3ax18[words[609]](/\s(\s)/g, words[626]);
_0x2c3ax18 = _0x2c3ax18[words[609]](/\b(a number of|abundance|accede to|accelerate|accentuate|accompany|accomplish|accorded|accrue|acquiesce|acquire|additional|adjacent to|adjustment|admissible|advantageous|adversely impact|advise|aforementioned|aggregate|aircraft|all of|alleviate|allocate|along the lines of|already existing|alternatively|ameliorate|anticipate|apparent|appreciable|as a means of|as of yet|as to|as yet|ascertain|assistance|at this time|attain|attributable to|authorize|because of the fact that|belated|benefit from|bestow|by virtue of|cease|close proximity|commence|comply with|concerning|consequently|consolidate|constitutes|demonstrate|depart|designate|discontinue|due to the fact that|each and every|economical|eliminate|elucidate|employ|endeavor|enumerate|equitable|equivalent|evaluate|evidenced|exclusively|expedite|expend|expiration|facilitate|factual evidence|feasible|finalize|first and foremost|for the purpose of|forfeit|formulate|honest truth|however|if and when|impacted|implement|in a timely manner|in accordance with|in addition|in all likelihood|in an effort to|in between|in excess of|in lieu of|in light of the fact that|in many cases|in order to|in regard to|in some instances|in terms of|in the near future|in the process of|inception|incumbent upon|indicate|indication|initiate|is applicable to|is authorized to|is responsible for|it is essential|magnitude|maximum|methodology|minimize|minimum|modify|monitor|multiple|necessitate|nevertheless|not certain|not many|not often|not unless|not unlike|notwithstanding|null and void|numerous|objective|obligate|obtain|on the contrary|on the other hand|one particular|optimum|overall|owing to the fact that|participate|particulars|pass away|pertaining to|point in time|portion|possess|preclude|previously|prior to|prioritize|procure|proficiency|provided that|purchase|put simply|readily apparent|refer back|regarding|relocate|remainder|remuneration|require|requirement|reside|residence|retain|satisfy|shall|should you wish|similar to|solicit|span across|strategize|subsequent|substantial|successfully complete|sufficient|terminate|the month of|therefore|time period|took advantage of|transmit|transpire|until such time as|utilization|utilize|validate|various different|very|whether or not|with respect to|with the exception of|witnessed)\b/gi, words[627]);
_0x2c3ax18 = _0x2c3ax18[words[609]](/\b(is|are|was|were|be|been|being)(\s)(([a-z]+ed)|awoken|beaten|begun|bent|bitten|bled|blown|broken|brought|built|bought|caught|chosen|cut|dealt|done|drawn|driven|eaten|fed|felt|fought|found|flown|forbidden|forgotten|forgiven|frozen|gotten|given|ground|hung|heard|hidden|hit|held|hurt|kept|known|laid|led|left|let|lost|made|meant|met|paid|proven|put|read|ridden|rung|run|said|seen|sold|sent|shaken|shaved|shot|shown|shut|sung|sunk|slain|slid|spoken|spent|spun|split|spread|stolen|struck|swept|swung|taken|taught|torn|told|thought|thrown|undergone|understood|upset|woken|worn|won|withdrawn|written)(\sby)?\b/gi, words[628]);
_0x2c3ax18 = _0x2c3ax18[words[609]](/(\b)(famil|ugl|onl|definitel|unfortunatel|friendl|especiall|finall|likel|sill|lonel|earl|exactl|recentl|ital|jul|latel|immediatel|shortl|chill|currentl|allegedl|dail|nightl|weekl|hourl|monthl|yearl|quarterl|rarel|additionall|roughl|deadl|completel|all|anomal|assembl|bell|rall|repl|appl|timel|previousl|bel|elderl|compl|impl|multipl|rel|repl|exclusivel|suppl|tall|bull|hol|doll|doil|alternativel|gull|hillbill|consequentl|holl|homil|jell|lil|monopol|mentall|panopl|potbell|underbell|butterfl|dragonfl|firefl|gadfl|horsefl|moll|troll|foll|bubbl|worldl|bristl|crinkl|crumbl|cuddl|luckil|giggl|jiggl|smell|sparkl|wrinkl|presumabl|approximatel|usuall|particularl|emil|ashel|ashl|bail|bradl|bill|carl|charl|karl|doll|ell|hill|sill|dill|hall|hail|harl|holl|jill|joll|kell|karl|lill|loll|lil|moll|poll|pual|paull|shell|sall|shirl|tall|waverl|will)(y)(\b)/gi, words[629]);
_0x2c3ax18 = _0x2c3ax18[words[609]](/(\b)([a-z]{2,}ly)(\b)/gi, words[630]);
$(words[11])[words[633]](words[631] + _0x2c3ax18 + words[632]);
function analyze(_0x2c3ax19) {
var _0x2c3ax26 = _0x2c3ax19[1],
_0x2c3ax27 = _0x2c3ax19[0];
var _0x2c3ax28 = _0x2c3ax19[2];
var _0x2c3ax29 = $(words[634]);
var _0x2c3ax2a = _0x2c3ax29[words[107]];
var _0x2c3ax2b = null;
if (_0x2c3ax27 > 0) {
_0x2c3ax2b = getReadingLevel(_0x2c3ax2a, _0x2c3ax28, _0x2c3ax26, _0x2c3ax27);
if (_0x2c3ax2b < 0 || _0x2c3ax2b === null) {
_0x2c3ax2b = 0;
var _0x2c3ax1a = [_0x2c3ax27, _0x2c3ax26, _0x2c3ax28, _0x2c3ax2a, _0x2c3ax2b];
return _0x2c3ax1a;
function analyzeP() {
var _0x2c3ax29 = $(words[634]);
for (var _0x2c3ax24 = 0; _0x2c3ax24 < _0x2c3ax29[words[107]]; _0x2c3ax24++) {
var _0x2c3ax2d = $(_0x2c3ax29[_0x2c3ax24])[words[635]]();
var _0x2c3ax2e = 0,
_0x2c3ax2f = 0;
for (var _0x2c3ax30 = 0; _0x2c3ax30 < _0x2c3ax2d[words[107]]; _0x2c3ax30++) {
_0x2c3ax2f += $(_0x2c3ax2d[_0x2c3ax30])[words[637]](words[636]);
_0x2c3ax2e += $(_0x2c3ax2d[_0x2c3ax30])[words[637]](words[638]);
$(_0x2c3ax29[_0x2c3ax24])[words[637]](words[636], _0x2c3ax2f);
$(_0x2c3ax29[_0x2c3ax24])[words[637]](words[638], _0x2c3ax2e);
function analyzeS() {
s = $(words[640]);
var _0x2c3ax32 = 0,
_0x2c3ax33 = 0,
_0x2c3ax34 = s[words[107]];
for (var _0x2c3ax24 = 0; _0x2c3ax24 < s[words[107]]; _0x2c3ax24++) {
var _0x2c3ax35 = $(s[_0x2c3ax24])[words[641]]();
var _0x2c3ax36 = _0x2c3ax35[words[609]](/['";:,.?¿\-\—!¡]+/g, words[612])[words[610]](/\S+/g);
if (_0x2c3ax36) {
_0x2c3ax36 = _0x2c3ax36[words[107]];
var _0x2c3ax37 = _0x2c3ax35[words[609]](/\s/g, words[612])[words[107]];
_0x2c3ax32 += _0x2c3ax36;
_0x2c3ax33 += _0x2c3ax37;
var _0x2c3ax38 = getReadingLevel(1, 1, _0x2c3ax36, _0x2c3ax37);
if (_0x2c3ax38 > 12 && _0x2c3ax38 <= 16 && _0x2c3ax36 > 14) {
} else {
if (_0x2c3ax38 > 16 && _0x2c3ax36 > 14) {
} else {
if ($(s[_0x2c3ax24])[words[33]](words[642])) {
if ($(s[_0x2c3ax24])[words[33]](words[644])) {
}; if (_0x2c3ax36 === null) {
if (_0x2c3ax24 != s[words[107]] - 1) {
return [_0x2c3ax33, _0x2c3ax32, _0x2c3ax34];
function getReadingLevel(_0x2c3ax29, s, _0x2c3ax3a, _0x2c3ax3b) {
var _0x2c3ax3c = Math[words[647]]((4.75 * (_0x2c3ax3b / _0x2c3ax3a)) + (0.5 * (_0x2c3ax3a / s)) - 21.43);
return _0x2c3ax3c;
function wordFreq(_0x2c3ax3e) {
var _0x2c3ax3a = _0x2c3ax3e[words[609]](/['";:,.?¿\-!¡]+/g, words[612])[words[610]](/\S+/g);
var _0x2c3ax3f = [];
if (_0x2c3ax3a === null) {
_0x2c3ax3a = 0;
for (var _0x2c3ax24 = 0; _0x2c3ax24 < _0x2c3ax3a[words[107]]; _0x2c3ax24++) {
var _0x2c3ax40 = _0x2c3ax3a[_0x2c3ax24];
_0x2c3ax40 = _0x2c3ax40[words[648]]();
if (_0x2c3ax40[words[649]](_0x2c3ax40[words[107]] - 1) == words[650]) {
_0x2c3ax40 = _0x2c3ax40[words[19]](0, _0x2c3ax40[words[107]] - 1);
if (_0x2c3ax40[words[107]] > 3) {
var _0x2c3ax21 = $[words[652]](_0x2c3ax3f, function (_0x2c3axc) {
return _0x2c3axc[words[651]] == _0x2c3ax40;
if (_0x2c3ax21[words[107]] > 0) {
} else {
_0x2c3ax3f[words[653]](new wordObj(_0x2c3ax40, 1));
var _0x2c3ax41 = _0x2c3ax3f[words[655]](0, 10);
for (_0x2c3ax24 = 0; _0x2c3ax24 < _0x2c3ax41[words[107]]; _0x2c3ax24++) {
$(words[657])[words[661]](_0x2c3ax41[_0x2c3ax24][words[651]] + words[659] + _0x2c3ax41[_0x2c3ax24][words[243]] + words[660]);
function wordObj(_0x2c3ax43, _0x2c3ax44) {
this[words[651]] = _0x2c3ax43;
this[words[243]] = _0x2c3ax44;
function compare(_0x2c3ax46, _0x2c3ax47) {
if (_0x2c3ax46[words[243]] < _0x2c3ax47[words[243]]) {
return 1;
if (_0x2c3ax46[words[243]] > _0x2c3ax47[words[243]]) {
return -1;
return 0;
function sentenceUI(_0x2c3ax34) {
var _0x2c3ax49 = $(words[662])[words[107]];
var _0x2c3ax4a = $(words[663])[words[107]] - _0x2c3ax49;
function hideYellowSentences() {
var _0x2c3ax4c = $(words[663])[words[667]](words[662]);
if (_0x2c3ax4c === null) {
_0x2c3ax4c = 0;
for (var _0x2c3ax24 = 0; _0x2c3ax24 < _0x2c3ax4c[words[107]]; _0x2c3ax24++) {
function showYellowSentences() {
var _0x2c3ax4c = $(words[663])[words[667]](words[662]);
if (_0x2c3ax4c === null) {
_0x2c3ax4c = 0;
for (var _0x2c3ax24 = 0; _0x2c3ax24 < _0x2c3ax4c[words[107]]; _0x2c3ax24++) {
if ($(_0x2c3ax4c[_0x2c3ax24])[words[33]](words[668])) {
function hideRedSentences() {
var _0x2c3ax4f = $(words[662]);
if (_0x2c3ax4f === null) {
_0x2c3ax4f = 0;
for (var _0x2c3ax24 = 0; _0x2c3ax24 < _0x2c3ax4f[words[107]]; _0x2c3ax24++) {
function showRedSentences() {
var _0x2c3ax4f = $(words[662]);
if (_0x2c3ax4f === null) {
_0x2c3ax4f = 0;
for (var _0x2c3ax24 = 0; _0x2c3ax24 < _0x2c3ax4f[words[107]]; _0x2c3ax24++) {
if ($(_0x2c3ax4f[_0x2c3ax24])[words[33]](words[668])) {
function adverbUI(_0x2c3ax29) {
var _0x2c3ax52 = $(words[669])[words[107]];
var _0x2c3ax53 = _0x2c3ax29;
if (_0x2c3ax52 === null) {
_0x2c3ax52 = 0;
if (_0x2c3ax53 === null) {
_0x2c3ax53 = 0;
var _0x2c3ax54 = Math[words[647]](_0x2c3ax53 / 3);
function hideAdverbs() {
var _0x2c3ax56 = $(words[669]);
if (_0x2c3ax56 === null) {
_0x2c3ax56 = 0;
for (var _0x2c3ax24 = 0; _0x2c3ax24 < _0x2c3ax56[words[107]]; _0x2c3ax24++) {
function showAdverbs() {
var _0x2c3ax56 = $(words[669]);
if (_0x2c3ax56 === null) {
_0x2c3ax56 = 0;
for (var _0x2c3ax24 = 0; _0x2c3ax24 < _0x2c3ax56[words[107]]; _0x2c3ax24++) {
if ($(_0x2c3ax56[_0x2c3ax24])[words[33]](words[668])) {
function hideStuffy() {
var _0x2c3ax59 = $(words[672]);
if (_0x2c3ax59 === null) {
_0x2c3ax59 = 0;
for (var _0x2c3ax24 = 0; _0x2c3ax24 < _0x2c3ax59[words[107]]; _0x2c3ax24++) {
function showStuffy() {
var _0x2c3ax59 = $(words[672]);
if (_0x2c3ax59 === null) {
_0x2c3ax59 = 0;
for (var _0x2c3ax24 = 0; _0x2c3ax24 < _0x2c3ax59[words[107]]; _0x2c3ax24++) {
if ($(_0x2c3ax59[_0x2c3ax24])[words[33]](words[668])) {
function hidePassive() {
var _0x2c3ax5c = $(words[673]);
if (_0x2c3ax5c === null) {
_0x2c3ax5c = 0;
for (var _0x2c3ax24 = 0; _0x2c3ax24 < _0x2c3ax5c[words[107]]; _0x2c3ax24++) {
function showPassive() {
var _0x2c3ax5c = $(words[673]);
if (_0x2c3ax5c === null) {
_0x2c3ax5c = 0;
for (var _0x2c3ax24 = 0; _0x2c3ax24 < _0x2c3ax5c[words[107]]; _0x2c3ax24++) {
if ($(_0x2c3ax5c[_0x2c3ax24])[words[33]](words[668])) {
function readabilityUI(_0x2c3ax2b, _0x2c3ax28) {
if (_0x2c3ax28 > 1) {
$(words[674])[words[633]](words[109] + _0x2c3ax2b);
} else {
function hideReadWord() {
function setReadColor(_0x2c3ax2b) {
if (_0x2c3ax2b > 16) {
$(words[674])[words[37]](words[678], words[679]);
$(words[684])[words[37]](words[682], words[683]);
} else {
if (_0x2c3ax2b > 10) {
$(words[674])[words[37]](words[678], words[685]);
$(words[684])[words[37]](words[682], words[687]);
} else {
$(words[674])[words[37]](words[678], words[688]);
$(words[684])[words[37]](words[682], words[690]);
function positionArrow(_0x2c3ax2b) {
var _0x2c3ax62 = (_0x2c3ax2b - 4) * 5;
if (_0x2c3ax62 < 0) {
_0x2c3ax62 = 0;
if (_0x2c3ax62 > 100) {
_0x2c3ax62 = 100;
var _0x2c3ax63 = (_0x2c3ax62 / 100) * 76;
var _0x2c3ax64 = _0x2c3ax63 + words[691];
$(words[684])[words[37]](words[542], _0x2c3ax64);
function statsUI(_0x2c3ax1a) {
var _0x2c3ax27 = _0x2c3ax1a[0];
var _0x2c3ax26 = _0x2c3ax1a[1];
var _0x2c3ax28 = _0x2c3ax1a[2];
var _0x2c3ax2a = _0x2c3ax1a[3];
$(words[696])[words[633]](words[692] + _0x2c3ax2a + words[693] + _0x2c3ax28 + words[694] + _0x2c3ax26 + words[695] + _0x2c3ax27);
function showYellowToggle() {
function hideYellowToggle() {
function showRedToggle() {
function hideRedToggle() {
function showAdverbToggle() {
function hideAdverbToggle() {
function showStuffyToggle() {
function hideStuffyToggle() {
function showPassiveToggle() {
function hidePassiveToggle() {
function stuffyUI() {
var _0x2c3ax71 = $(words[702])[words[107]];
function passiveUI(_0x2c3ax28) {
var _0x2c3ax73 = $(words[704])[words[107]];
if (_0x2c3ax73 === null) {
_0x2c3ax73 = 0;
var _0x2c3ax74 = 0;
if (_0x2c3ax73 != 0 && _0x2c3ax28 != 0) {
_0x2c3ax74 = Math[words[647]](_0x2c3ax28 / 5);
function checkHover(_0x2c3ax76) {
var _0x2c3ax30 = _0x2c3ax76[words[707]];
var _0x2c3ax77 = _0x2c3ax76[words[708]];
var _0x2c3ax78 = $(words[702]);
var _0x2c3ax79 = $(words[704]);
checkLongHover(_0x2c3ax78, _0x2c3ax30, _0x2c3ax77);
checkPassiveHover(_0x2c3ax79, _0x2c3ax30, _0x2c3ax77);
function checkLongHover(_0x2c3ax78, _0x2c3ax30, _0x2c3ax77) {
for (var _0x2c3ax24 = 0; _0x2c3ax24 < _0x2c3ax78[words[107]]; _0x2c3ax24++) {
var _0x2c3ax7b = $(_0x2c3ax78[_0x2c3ax24])[words[709]]();
var _0x2c3ax7c = _0x2c3ax7b[words[542]];
var _0x2c3ax7d = _0x2c3ax7b[words[710]];
var _0x2c3ax7e = $(_0x2c3ax78[_0x2c3ax24])[words[711]]();
var _0x2c3ax7f = $(_0x2c3ax78[_0x2c3ax24])[words[712]]();
var _0x2c3ax80 = _0x2c3ax7c + _0x2c3ax7e;
var _0x2c3ax81 = _0x2c3ax7d + _0x2c3ax7f;
if (_0x2c3ax77 > _0x2c3ax7d && _0x2c3ax77 < _0x2c3ax81 && _0x2c3ax30 > _0x2c3ax7c && _0x2c3ax30 < _0x2c3ax80) {
} else {
if (_0x2c3ax24 == _0x2c3ax78[words[107]] - 1) {
purpleTooltipActive = false;
function checkPassiveHover(_0x2c3ax79, _0x2c3ax30, _0x2c3ax77) {
for (var _0x2c3ax24 = 0; _0x2c3ax24 < _0x2c3ax79[words[107]]; _0x2c3ax24++) {
var _0x2c3ax7b = $(_0x2c3ax79[_0x2c3ax24])[words[709]]();
var _0x2c3ax7c = _0x2c3ax7b[words[542]];
var _0x2c3ax7d = _0x2c3ax7b[words[710]];
var _0x2c3ax7e = $(_0x2c3ax79[_0x2c3ax24])[words[711]]();
var _0x2c3ax7f = $(_0x2c3ax79[_0x2c3ax24])[words[712]]();
var _0x2c3ax80 = _0x2c3ax7c + _0x2c3ax7e;
var _0x2c3ax81 = _0x2c3ax7d + _0x2c3ax7f;
if (_0x2c3ax77 > _0x2c3ax7d && _0x2c3ax77 < _0x2c3ax81 && _0x2c3ax30 > _0x2c3ax7c && _0x2c3ax30 < _0x2c3ax80) {
} else {
if (_0x2c3ax24 == _0x2c3ax79[words[107]] - 1) {
greenTooltipActive = false;
function showPassiveTooltip(_0x2c3ax84) {
var _0x2c3ax85 = $(_0x2c3ax84)[words[641]]();
_0x2c3ax85 = _0x2c3ax85[words[610]](/(\b)(\s)(\w)+(by)?/i)[0][words[648]]();
_0x2c3ax85 = $[words[713]](_0x2c3ax85);
if (_0x2c3ax85[words[649]](_0x2c3ax85[words[107]] - 2) == words[714] && _0x2c3ax85[words[649]](_0x2c3ax85[words[107]] - 1) == words[715]) {
var _0x2c3ax86 = words[716] + _0x2c3ax85 + words[717];
showGreenTooltip(_0x2c3ax86, _0x2c3ax84);
} else {
for (var _0x2c3ax24 = 0; _0x2c3ax24 < passiveList[words[107]]; _0x2c3ax24++) {
var _0x2c3ax87 = passiveList[_0x2c3ax24][words[718]];
if (_0x2c3ax85 == _0x2c3ax87) {
var _0x2c3ax86 = passiveList[_0x2c3ax24][words[609]];
var _0x2c3ax88 = words[716] + _0x2c3ax86 + words[717];
showGreenTooltip(_0x2c3ax88, _0x2c3ax84);
function showSimple(_0x2c3ax84) {
var _0x2c3ax18 = $(_0x2c3ax84)[words[641]]();
_0x2c3ax18 = _0x2c3ax18[words[648]]();
for (var _0x2c3ax24 = 0; _0x2c3ax24 < simpleList[words[107]]; _0x2c3ax24++) {
var _0x2c3ax87 = simpleList[_0x2c3ax24][words[718]];
_0x2c3ax87 = $[words[713]](_0x2c3ax87);
_0x2c3ax87 = _0x2c3ax87[words[648]]();
if (_0x2c3ax87 == _0x2c3ax18) {
var _0x2c3ax86 = simpleList[_0x2c3ax24][words[609]];
_0x2c3ax86 = $[words[713]](_0x2c3ax86);
var _0x2c3ax88 = words[719] + _0x2c3ax86;
showPurpleTooltip(_0x2c3ax88, _0x2c3ax84);
function showPurpleTooltip(_0x2c3ax8b, _0x2c3ax84) {
if (purpleTooltipActive == false) {
$(_0x2c3ax84)[words[721]](words[720], _0x2c3ax8b);
purpleTooltipActive = true;
function showGreenTooltip(_0x2c3ax8b, _0x2c3ax84) {
if (greenTooltipActive == false) {
$(_0x2c3ax84)[words[721]](words[720], _0x2c3ax8b);
greenTooltipActive = true;
function hideTooltip(_0x2c3ax84) {
function stayed30Secs() {
ga(words[24], words[25], words[26], words[723], words[724]);
function stayed120Secs() {
ga(words[24], words[25], words[26], words[723], words[725]);
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