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Created March 25, 2019 17:18
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(ns project.swipe
(:require [bacon :as bacon]))
(defn do-when
[source f]
(if f (.doAction source f) source))
(defn bind-event
(fn [binder listener]
(binder event-name listener #js {:passive false})))
(defn normalize-touch
(as-> event $
(.-changedTouches $)
(.from js/Array $)
(nth $ 0)
(hash-map :x (.-pageX $)
:y (.-pageY $))))
(defn events->gesture
[el [start end]]
(let [width (.-clientWidth el)
{start-y :y start-x :x} (normalize-touch start)
{end-y :y end-x :x} (normalize-touch end)
h (- end-x start-x)
v (- end-y start-y)
direction (if (> h 0) :prev :next)]
{:events [start end]
:el el
:h (.abs js/Math h)
:v (.abs js/Math v)
:ratio (.abs js/Math (/ v h))
:scale (max (min (/ (.abs js/Math h) 100) 1) 0)
:direction direction
:selector (str "." (name direction))}))
(defn swiping?
[{:keys [v h]}]
(or (> h 0)
(> v 0)))
(defn swipe?
([{:keys [v h ratio]}]
(and (> h v)
(< ratio 1)
(>= h 100))))
(defn touch-end
[{:keys [el on-end] :as opts}]
(-> (.fromEvent bacon js/window (bind-event "touchend"))
(.take 1)
(.map opts)
(do-when on-end)))
(defn touch-move
[{:keys [el on-move]} start]
(-> (.fromEvent bacon js/window (bind-event "touchmove"))
(.map #(events->gesture el [start %]))
(.doAction #(println "move " (select-keys % [:h :v :ratio])))
(.skipWhile #(not (swiping? %)))
(.doAction #(println "swipe detected"))
(do-when on-move)))
(defn touch-start
[{:keys [el on-start]}]
(-> (.fromEvent bacon el (bind-event "touchstart"))
(do-when on-start)))
(defn swipe
[{:keys [el on-start on-move on-end] :as opts}]
(-> (touch-start opts)
(.flatMapFirst #(-> (touch-move opts %)
(.takeUntil (touch-end opts))
(.filter swipe?)))
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