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Last active June 1, 2020 03:09
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A quick example to spec a tree-like data structure consisting of leafs, recursive nodes, and an empty list
(ns spec-intro.core
[clojure.spec.alpha :as s]))
(s/def ::tree (s/or
:empty (s/and coll? empty?)
:node (s/cat :left (s/? ::tree)
:right (s/? ::tree))
:leaf (complement coll?)))
(def tree [0 [1 [2 [3 []]]]])
[(s/conform ::tree tree)
(s/conform ::tree [1 0])
(s/conform ::tree [])
(s/conform ::tree 1)]
;; =>
{:left [:leaf 0],
{:left [:leaf 1],
{:left [:leaf 2],
:right [:node {:left [:leaf 3], :right [:empty []]}]}]}]}]
[:node {:left [:leaf 1], :right [:leaf 0]}]
[:empty []]
[:leaf 1]]
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