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Created January 28, 2015 22:22
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Prototype of dtype compatibility check
from __future__ import division, print_function
from numpy import object_
from fractions import gcd
def get_object_offsets(dtype, base_offset=0):
offsets = []
if dtype.fields is not None:
for field in dtype.fields.values():
sub_dtype = field[0]
sub_offset = field[1] + base_offset
offsets.extend(get_object_offsets(sub_dtype, sub_offset))
if dtype.shape:
sub_offsets = get_object_offsets(dtype.base, base_offset)
count = 1
for dim in dtype.shape:
count *= dim
offsets.extend(off + dtype.base.itemsize*j for j in range(count)
for off in sub_offsets)
elif dtype.type == object_:
return offsets
def dtype_view_is_safe(newtype, oldtype):
new_size = newtype.itemsize
new_offsets = get_object_offsets(newtype)
old_size = oldtype.itemsize
old_offsets = get_object_offsets(oldtype)
# Unless their sizes are equal, old_num occurrences of oldtype will
# be replaced by new_num of newtype.
if old_size == new_size:
new_num = old_num = 1
gcd_new_old = gcd(new_size, old_size)
new_num = old_size // gcd_new_old
old_num = new_size // gcd_new_old
# There must be the same total number of objects before and after
if len(new_offsets)*new_num != len(old_offsets)*old_num:
return False
# Is there a smarter way of doing this than actually constructing
# both sets of tiled object offsets?
new_offsets = set(off + new_size*j for j in range(new_num)
for off in new_offsets)
old_offsets = set(off + old_size*j for j in range(old_num)
for off in old_offsets)
return new_offsets == old_offsets
if __name__ == '__main__':
import numpy as np
obj_size = np.dtype(object_).itemsize
# Some tests for get_object_offsets
dta = np.dtype(('O', (3,)))
dtb = np.dtype((dta, (2,)))
dtc = np.dtype([('', 'i2'), ('', 'i1'), ('', dtb), ('', 'i1'), ('', 'O')])
dta_offsets = [obj_size*j for j in range(3)]
dtb_offsets = [obj_size*j for j in range(3*2)]
dtc_offsets = [off+3 for off in dtb_offsets] + [dtb.itemsize+4]
assert dta_offsets == sorted(get_object_offsets(dta))
assert dtb_offsets == sorted(get_object_offsets(dtb))
assert dtc_offsets == sorted(get_object_offsets(dtc))
# Some tests for dtype_view_is_safe
dt_base = np.dtype([('', 'O'), ('', 'i2')])
for n in range(1, 10):
for m in range(1, 10):
assert dtype_view_is_safe(np.dtype(dt_base, (n,)),
np.dtype(dt_base, (m,)))
assert dtype_view_is_safe(np.dtype('O', (m,)), np.dtype('O', (n,)))
dta = np.dtype([('', 'i1'), ('', 'i1'), ('', 'O'), ('', 'i4'), ('', 'O'),
('', 'i2')])
dtb = np.dtype([('', 'i2'), ('', 'O'), ('', 'i2'), ('', 'i2'), ('', 'O'),
('', 'i4'), ('', 'O'), ('', 'i1'), ('', 'i1')])
assert dtype_view_is_safe(dta, dtb)
dta = np.dtype([('', 'O'), ('', 'O'), ('', 'i1')])
dtb = np.dtype([('', 'O'), ('', 'O'), ('', 'i1'), ('', 'O'), ('', 'O')])
assert not dtype_view_is_safe(dta, dtb)
dtb = np.dtype([('', 'O'), ('', 'O'), ('', 'i1'), ('', 'O')])
assert not dtype_view_is_safe(dta, dtb)
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