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Leadership and Communication Skills for Software Engineers

Leadership and Communication Skills for Software Engineers

Communication is where leadership leaves and breaths

Effective communication is the most critical skill a leader can posses when working with others.

The leader is the message.

First Steps

  • Establish the team way of work ahead of time.
  • Set and clarify goals.
  • Don't be afraid of overcommunicate.

Lead and they follow

Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want to be done because they want to do it


How do you get people to follow you?

  • Trust: Delivers quality results, integrity, etc.
  • Comparison.
  • Stability.
  • Hope.

How do leaders build trust?

  • Have clear and consistent goals.
  • Be open, fair and listen.
  • Be decisive.
  • Admit mistakes.
  • Respect opinions of others.
  • Create a climate that allows empowerment.

How leaders build team trust?

  • Support all team members.
  • Take responsability for team actions.
  • Give credit to team members.

Leadership qualities

  • Embrace change
  • Build trust
  • Strategic planning skills
  • Earn credibility
  • String negotiation skills
  • Strong communication skills
  • Project and team managment skills
  • Strong interpersonal skills

From Software Engineer to Leader

  • Software Engineer: Success is all about growing YOURSELF.
  • Leader: Success if all about growing OTHERS.

The Art Of Delegation

  • Determine tasks to delegate
  • Provide clear instructions
  • Empower your team
  • Avoid micromanagment

Practical team managment

Align team goals to business goals

  • Understand the broader business goals
  • Identify stakeholders

Determining tasks and priorities.

Tracking and manage tasks

  • Measures your team capacity
  • Enhances prioritization of tasks
  • Affects the quality of your estimates


  • Standards and polices
  • Standard and processes
  • Tools
  • Architecture
  • Processes (Builds, releases, etc.)

Know your ABCs

Why written skills are important:

  • Communication
  • Credibility
  • Sucess

The 5 Cs

  • CLEAR: Transparent and able to see through
  • CONCISE: Use as few words as possible
  • COURTEOUS: Show consideration of others
  • CONSISTENT: Able to maintain a particular standard
  • COMPELLING: Attracting strong interest and attention

Effective Presentations



  • Have the outcome in mind
  • Who is your audience
  • Research your topic
  • Organize the main points


  • Open with something intriguing
  • Minimize the number of slides
  • No paragraphs
  • Write script
  • Display one thing at a time

Productive Meetings



  • Purpose
  • Agenda
  • Attendes
  • Date and time
  • Meeting request notice
  • Required or optional
  • Location

No agenda? NO MEETING!

  • Know your expected outcome
  • Send out the agenda

Managing the meeting outcome

  • Write everything down

Let's talk

Effective Communication

  • Delivery is critical
  • Your audience usually don't differentiate the message from the messenger
  • Say what you mean in as few words as possible
  • Concentrate on being real
  • Show your people that you are engaged and interested in their work
  • Focus in using your voice and body language

5 Cs

  • Clear
  • Concise
  • Courteous
  • Consistent
  • Compelling


The 4 Ps to successful presentations -> Plan -> Prepare -> Practice ->Present


  • Stand in front of the mirror
  • Hear yourself speak
  • Project your voice
  • Do not memorice


  • Know your audience
  • Maintain good eye contact
  • Engage your audience
  • Speak clearly and with confidence
  • Manage stress
  • Vary strength, tone and pitch
  • Always show what you are talking about
  • Ask for feedback
  • Q&A at the end
  • Ask questions


-> Plan -> Prepare -> Lead ->Follow up


  • Begin in time
  • Welcome everyone
  • Hand out the agenda
  • Ensure they understand why they are there
  • Step your way through the agenda
  • Promote discussions
  • Be inclusive
  • End on time

Follow up

The Commitment Trilogy

  • Who: Ownder

  • Will do that: Deliverable

  • When: Delivery

  • Agree on next steps and stablish specific commitments.

  • Let people know they can negotiate.

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