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Last active November 10, 2023 22:16
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Good ideas I have found to implement or configure in Home Assistant


Clean entities by using “Services” and select “Purge Entities”:


Notify when sensor is above some value:




Rolling shutter blinds

Broadlink (IR codes)

Software Sensors


Disk usage notification

Alexa media-player and Text-to-speech (TTS)

Hardware sensors

Washing machine

UX and Lovelace

Hack firmware

Under Linux

2-steps authentication


MQTT and Home Assistant

Integration with Xiaomi Vacuum

Integration with hardware

Integration with Amazon Alexa

Integration with Amazon Fire TV and Android TV.

Integration with Samsung TVs

Integration with Telegram

Web Access

Integration with Midas Connect (Xee)

Integration with Yi Cameras

Integration with Pi-Hole

Integration with Tuya devices

The old library is being replaced with the new one:


Public HA configurations


Datetime in template:

- data_template:
      message: >-
        {{ now().strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S") }}

Low battery sensor

- platform: template
      friendly_name: Bateria Baja
      icon_template: '{% if states.sensor.baterias_bajas.state %}mdi:alert{% else %}mdi:approval{% endif %}'
      value_template: >-
        {%- for state in states if state.attributes.battery_level or state.attributes.battery -%} #(1)Para utilizar cuando el nivel de bateria esta como atributo
          {%- set battery = state.attributes.battery_level or state.attributes.battery -%} #(2)Nivel de bateria como atributo
          {%- if battery == 'High' -%}
            {%- set battery = 100 -%}
          {%- endif -%}
          {%- if battery | int < 15 -%}
            - {{state.attributes.friendly_name}} --> {{ state.attributes.battery_level or state.attributes.battery }} % #(3)Muestra el nombre y el nivel de bateria

          {%- endif -%}
        {%- endfor -%}

## Ejemplos de posibles variaciones:
#(1)        {%- for state in states if ('battery' in state.attributes.device_class and state.domain in ['sensor']) -%} ##Solo indicaria si es un sensor y tiene clase battery
#(1)        {%- for state in states if ('battery' in state.attributes.device_class) -%} ##Indicaria cualquier entity con clase battery
#(2)          {%- set battery = state.state -%}  ##Cuando el nivel de bateria es el propio estado como cuando se crean sensores para ello
#(3)            - {{state.attributes.friendly_name}} --> {{ state.state }} % ##Utilizar con device_class

Cover with real-time status bar

 - platform: mqtt
name: "Persiana"
availability_topic: "psm/marcos/persiana/LWT"
payload_available: "Online"
payload_not_available: "Offline"
position_topic: "psm/marcos/persiana/RESULT"
value_template: >
 {% if ('Shutter1' in value_json) and ('Position' in value_json.Shutter1) %}
 {{ value_json.Shutter1.Position }}
 {% else %}
 {% if is_state('cover.persiana_marcos', 'unknown') %}
 {% else %}
 {{ state_attr('cover.persiana_marcos','current_position') }}
 {% endif %}
 {% endif %} 
position_open: 100
position_closed: 0
set_position_topic: "psm/marcos/persiana/cmnd/ShutterPosition1"
command_topic: "psm/marcos/persiana/cmnd/Backlog"
payload_open: "ShutterOpen1"
payload_close: "ShutterClose1"
payload_stop: "ShutterStop1"
retain: false
optimistic: false
qos: 1

Another ideas for Domotic

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