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Last active July 6, 2024 23:09
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Pretty Desktop Linux

How to get a pretty Linux desktop but free software

Nerd font for ZSH

Install files from:

To: ~/.local/share/fonts/

Propietary Fonts

Tahoma font

A free and almost identical alternative from Wine project is available for Archlinux in AUR, but you can install in other distros like Ubuntu.

It's recommended to enable full hinting for this font. Edit your ~/.config/fontconfig/fonts.conf by adding these lines:

 <match target="font">
    <test name="family" qual="any">
    <edit name="hintstyle" mode="assign">

Helvetica, Helvetica Neue, Cambria and Calibri fonts

In Ubuntu/Debian:

apt install fonts-freefont-otf fonts-liberation fonts-croscore fonts-crosextra-caladea fonts-crosextra-carlito

Add fonts-open-sans to the above list if you are in Ubuntu 17.10 or download the package manually from Ubuntu Packages if your are in previous versions.

Edit your ~/.config/fontconfig/fonts.conf file to config your alias. For example:

    <family>Segoe UI</family>
  • Arial → Liberations Sans or Arimo

  • Helvetica → Liberation Sans or Arimo

  • Helvetica Neue → Arimo, Liberation Sans or FreeSans

  • Verdana → DejaVu Sans

  • Cambria → Caladea

  • Calibri → Carlito

  • Segoe UI → Selawik, Open Sans

  • Trebuchet → Fira Sans (available Ubuntu PPA)

Note that FreeSans has ligatures in "fi" or "fl" letter combinations but Helvetica Neue have not.

Some fonts have no metric compatible opensource font, so you should install the freeware Microsoft Core fonts, available in the ttf-mscorefonts-installer Ubuntu package, if you need improved compatibility with the Microsoft world but the fonts are not libre (free as freedom), only free as beer.

Fonts substitution in Libreoffice

In LibreOffice, you are able to exchange Calibri and Cambria with Carlito and Caladea:

  • Open the "Extras" menu
  • Go to "Options"
  • Choose "LibreOffice"
  • Choose "Fonts"
  • Define a substitution for each of the two fonts (Calibri -> Carlito, Cambria -> Caladea). Remember to check "Always" in the substitution lines.

More equivalent fonts

Check the Arch Linux wiki to get a complete reference of metric compatible fonts but free. For example, Chrome OS.

WPS fonts

Check the wps-fonts installer for Wingdings fonts required from many WPS Office and MS Office documents. I think the fonts are propietary.

KDE Plasma global themes

Untar the file for your Plasma version in:


Recommended package to install: kvantum

Uniform GTK and Qt style

Install Arc and KArc themes: styles, icons, firefox addon, etc.

Pretty Icons theme

Papirus icon theme provides cool icon themes for all your Desktop applications, especially for Libreoffice. If you configure a dark theme, is a must, because dark themes looks ugly with Libreoffice. Papirus icons looks nice with Arc/KArc/Breeze styles also. Repos for several distributions are available.

Kora Icons theme

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