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Last active February 21, 2020 10:06
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Bash shell scripting




  • Bash (AKA Bourne Again Shell) is a type of interpreter that processes shell commands.
  • A shell interpreter takes commands in plain text format and calls Operating System services to do something.
  • Bash is the improved version of Sh (Bourne Shell).
  • A shell scripting is writing a program for the shell to execute and a shell script is a file or program that shell will execute.
  • Terminal is the interface to the shell interpreter.
  • A shell script is a fully-fledged programming language in itself. It can define variables, functions and we can do conditional execution of shell commands as well.
  • When we enter a command like ls or touch, the shell interpreter first checks for an alias present in .bash_profile file in wer home directory. If alias is not present, then it looks for a binary executable file in the PATH.
  • Normally, a Bash script file has .sh extension to make it clear that it is a shell script file.
  • we can also directly execute it like a binary but we need to put a shebang or hashbang line at the top of the file to declare the interpreter.
  • #! /usr/bin/env bash
  • When we run a script file in the terminal, terminal issues a new session for the script to run.

Declare Variables

  • To declare a variable and assign with a value, use VARIABLE_NAME=VALUE expression (with no spaces in between)
  • Bash does not have a type system, it can only save string values. Hence internally, Bash saves them as a string.
  • However, based on operations, Bash might convert them to a suitable data type on the fly.
  • echo adds a space automatically between two adjacent arguments (in the output) by default.
  • read user input in the terminal using 'read' command. When the user input the text and hit enter, that entire text will be saved in a variable.
  • echo command with -n flag, will prevent adding a newline to the terminal so that user can input text on the same line.
  • read command blocks the script execution until the user presses enter in the terminal.

Save command output to variable

  • VARIABLE_NAME=$(cmd) or VARIABLE_NAME=<backtick>cmd<backtick>
  • The newline in Bash is a command separator but we can also use ;. If we want to write multiple commands on a single line, then use ; as the command separator. For example, echo $PWD; echo $BASH_VERSION.

String Interpolation

  • We can concatenate two variable by just placing them side by side.
  • Bash also supports += operator to concatenate two strings.
  • We can also substitute a variable in a string defined by double-quotes by directly putting it in with $ prefix as we would use outside or with ${VARIABLE_NAME}
  • FIRST_NAME='JOHN' ; LAST_NAME='DOE' ; echo Hello ${FULL_NAME}!
  • Bash supports both single-quotes (‘) and double-quotes (“) to define a string. But only double quotes are capable of string interpolation.
  • But if we need to put single or double quote as a character in a string, we need to escape it with a backslash character.
  • FIRST_NAME='JOHN' ; echo "Hello ${FIRST_NAME}!" ; echo 'Hello ${FIRST_NAME}!'
  • When we reference a string variable and pass it as an argument to a command like echo, Bash breaks it into different words (separated by a space) and pass them as individual arguments.
  • args command prints the number of arguments passed to it.
  • Use string interpolation by wraping a variable in double-quotes.

Arithmetic commands

  • We can perform arithmetic operations in Bash even though Bash does not support number data type.

let command

  • let RESULT=1+1; echo $RESULT
  • let would evaluate the expression in a string. So if we want to use interpolation to generate a string, it’s possible.
  • We can use any arithmetic operation like +, -, * or /. +=, -= , *=, /= and %=
  • We can also calculate the modulus using % operator. We can also increment or decrement a variable using VAR++ , ++VAR, VAR-- or --VAR expression.
  • NUMBER=1; let RESULT="++NUMBER"; echo $RESULT; echo $NUMBER
  • We can also declare a variable inside the expression using let or perform an arithmetic operation. Using this, we can also add spaces in the expression.

expr command

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