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Created June 6, 2023 07:50
Identity of an Object in JS
//Concept: Object Identity
//Analogy: Quantum Entanglement of two Objects
particle_a = {
state: 'equilibrium'
particle_b = particle_a; //both particles are entangled
//Imagine vast seperation between particle 'a' & 'b'. I'm talking lots of lines of statements.
particle_b.state = 'excited'; //Let's induce a change to particle 'b' now.
//Check if the change induced to 'b' occurs in 'a'.
console.log(particle_a.state); //output: excited, hence QEntanglement proved.
//Keeping the analogy aside.
//Object 'particle_a' & 'particle_b' grasp the same object which is why changing property of 'a' reflect in 'b'.
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