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Last active March 25, 2022 01:43
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Music Visualizer with Processing and a Kinect - demo πŸ‘‰
import ddf.minim.*;
import controlP5.*;
import ddf.minim.*;
import ddf.minim.analysis.*;
import org.openkinect.processing.*;
Minim minim;
BeatDetect beat;
FFT fftLog;
Kinect kinect;
AudioInput input;
ControlP5 cp5;
// Setup params
color bgColor = color(0, 0, 0);
static int SCREEN_WIDTH = 512;
static int SCREEN_HEIGHT = 424;
// Modifiable parameters
float spectrumScale = 2;
float STROKE_MAX = 10;
float STROKE_MIN = 2;
float strokeMultiplier = 1;
float audioThresh = .9;
float[] circles = new float[29];
float DECAY_RATE = 2;
float hue = random(255);
float[] wave = new float[512];
int count = 0;
void setup() {
size(512, 424, P3D);
minim = new Minim(this);
cp5 = new ControlP5(this);
input = minim.getLineIn();
fftLog = new FFT( input.bufferSize(), input.sampleRate());
fftLog.logAverages( 22, 3);
beat = new BeatDetect();
kinect = new Kinect(this);
void draw() {
// Push new audio samples to the FFT
// Loop through frequencies and compute width for ellipse stroke widths, and amplitude for size
for (int i = 0; i < 29; i++) {
// What is the average height in relation to the screen height?
float amplitude = fftLog.getAvg(i);
// If we hit a threshhold, then set the circle radius to new value
if (amplitude<audioThresh) {
circles[i] = amplitude*(SCREEN_HEIGHT/2);
} else { // Otherwise, decay slowly
circles[i] = max(0, min(SCREEN_HEIGHT, circles[i]-DECAY_RATE));
// What is the centerpoint of the this frequency band?
float centerFrequency = fftLog.getAverageCenterFrequency(i);
// What is the average width of this freqency?
float averageWidth = fftLog.getAverageBandWidth(i);
// Get the left and right bounds of the frequency
float lowFreq = centerFrequency - averageWidth/2;
float highFreq = centerFrequency + averageWidth/2;
// Convert frequency widths to actual sizes
int xl = (int)fftLog.freqToIndex(lowFreq);
int xr = (int)fftLog.freqToIndex(highFreq);
// Calculate the gray value for this circle
// stroke(amplitude*255);
float gue = random(255);
stroke(gue, 255, 255, amplitude);
strokeWeight(map(amplitude, 0, 1, STROKE_MIN, STROKE_MAX));
// strokeWeight((float)(xr-xl)*strokeMultiplier);
// Draw an ellipse for this frequency
ellipse(0, 0, circles[i], circles[i]);
//if (count>1) {
// background(0);
// count = 0;
PImage img = kinect.getDepthImage();
int pixelSkip = 3;
for (int q = 0; q < img.width; q+=pixelSkip) {
for (int f = 0; f< img.height; f+=pixelSkip) {
int index = q+f * img.width;
int col = img.pixels[index];
if (red(col) > 150) {
fill(hue, hue, 150);
rect(q, f, pixelSkip, pixelSkip);
if (beat.isOnset()) {
hue = random(255);
fill(hue+150, hue, hue-10);
rect(q, f, random(40), random(40));
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