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Created December 19, 2020 08:11
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(ns etaoin-play.core
(:require [etaoin.api :refer :all]
[etaoin.keys :as k]))
(defonce drivers (atom {}))
(defmacro a [action _ & body]
`(for [[_# driver#] @drivers]
(future (~action driver# ~@body))))
;; You can try evaluating individual expressions in steps instead of calling the function `steps` by itself.
(defn steps []
(swap! drivers assoc :chrome (chrome #_{:capabilities {:chromeOptions {:args ["--headless"]}}}))
(swap! drivers assoc :firefox (firefox))
(a go drivers "")
(a wait-visible drivers [{:id :simpleSearch} {:tag :input :name :search}])
(a fill drivers {:tag :input :name :search} "Clojure programming language")
(a fill drivers {:tag :input :name :search} k/enter)
(a wait-visible drivers {:class :mw-search-results})
(a click drivers [{:class :mw-search-results} {:class :mw-search-result-heading} {:tag :a}]))
(map deref (a get-url driver))
(a quit driver)
(reset! drivers {})
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