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Created May 14, 2018 16:15
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from collections import defaultdict as dd
from itertools import product
# 2SAT linear solver START
def strongly_connected(graph):
""" From Cormen: Strongly connected components chapter. """
l = len(graph)
normal = [list(graph[i]) for i in xrange(l)]
reverse = [[] for _ in xrange(l)]
for fr, tos in enumerate(normal):
for to in tos:
finishing = [0 for _ in xrange(l)]
was = [False] * l
cf = 0
for i in xrange(l):
if was[i]:
was[i] = True
stack = [(i, 0)]
while stack:
curr, index = stack.pop()
if index == len(normal[curr]):
finishing[curr] = cf
cf += 1
stack.append((curr, index + 1))
nxt = normal[curr][index]
if not was[nxt]:
was[nxt] = True
stack.append((nxt, 0))
order = sorted(range(l), key=lambda i: finishing[i], reverse=True)
cc = 0
components = [-1] * l
was = [False] * l
for el in order:
if was[el]:
was[el] = True
stack = [el]
components[el] = cc
while stack:
fr = stack.pop()
for to in reverse[fr]:
if was[to]:
components[to] = cc
was[to] = True
cc += 1
return components
def calc_strong_graph(graph, components):
n = max(components) + 1
ret = [[] for _ in xrange(n)]
for fr, tos in enumerate(graph):
for to in tos:
cfr = components[fr]
cto = components[to]
if cfr != cto:
return ret
def topological_order(graph):
n = len(graph)
need = [0] * n
for tos in graph:
for to in tos:
need[to] += 1
stack = [i for i in xrange(n) if need[i] == 0]
order = 0
ret = [None] * n
while stack:
fr = stack.pop()
ret[fr] = order
order += 1
for to in graph[fr]:
need[to] -= 1
if need[to] == 0:
return ret
def two_sat_solve(conj_normal_form):
""" Expects the input as a list of tuples
each having 2 elements. If an element is
i then we assume x_i and if it's -i
we assume ~x_i. For example if we have
(i, -j) it would mean x_i V ~x_j.
The solution is a dict, mapping the variable
index to True and False."""
# Transform the variables
fmap, rmap = {}, {}
c = 0
for els in conj_normal_form:
for el in els:
if abs(el) not in fmap:
fmap[abs(el)] = c
rmap[c] = abs(el)
c += 1
n = len(fmap)
for key in rmap.keys():
val = rmap[key]
rmap[key + n] = -val
fmap[-val] = key + n
# Create the associated graph
graph = [[] for _ in xrange(2 * n)]
for i, j in conj_normal_form:
for fr, to in ((-i, j), (-j, i)):
# Compute the connected components
components = strongly_connected(graph)
# Compute the reverse map from component to node
rev_map = dd(set)
for i, comp in enumerate(components):
# Check if any variable is in the same component as its negative
for values in rev_map.itervalues():
for value in values:
if ((value + n) % (2 * n)) in values:
return False, {}
# Calculate the gaph consisting of the strong components
strong_graph = calc_strong_graph(graph, components)
ns = len(strong_graph)
# Get the topological order of the component graph
top_order = topological_order(strong_graph)
rev_order = sorted(range(ns), key=lambda i: top_order[i], reverse=True)
values = [None] * 2 * n
# Traverse the components in reverse topological order and
# fill out the variables accordingly.
for comp in rev_order:
first = next(iter(rev_map[comp]))
if values[first] is not None:
other_comp = components[(first + n) % (2 * n)]
for el in rev_map[comp]:
values[el] = True
for el in rev_map[other_comp]:
values[el] = False
# Calculate the return value
ret = {}
for i in xrange(n):
ret[rmap[i]] = values[i]
return True, ret
# 2SAT linear solver END
H, V = range(2)
L, R, U, D = range(4)
def show(case, possible, sol):
if possible:
print "Case #%s: POSSIBLE" % case
for row in sol:
print "".join(row)
print "Case #%s: IMPOSSIBLE" % case
def is_in(x, y, r, c):
return 0 <= x and x < r and 0 <= y and y < c
def get_next(x, y, di):
dxd = {
L: (0, -1),
R: (0, 1),
U: (-1, 0),
D: (1, 0)
dx, dy = dxd[di]
return x + dx, y + dy
def turn(di, val):
did = {
L: {
"/": D,
"\\": U,
".": L,
R: {
"/": U,
"\\": D,
".": R
U: {
"/": R,
"\\": L,
".": U
D: {
"/": L,
"\\": R,
".": D
return did[di][val]
def trace(grid, r, c, orient):
rows = len(grid)
cols = len(grid[0])
ret = set()
if orient == V:
stack = [(r, c, U), (r, c, D)]
stack = [(r, c, L), (r, c, R)]
while stack:
cr, cc, di = stack.pop()
nr, nc = get_next(cr, cc, di)
if not is_in(nr, nc, rows, cols) or grid[nr][nc] == "#":
if grid[nr][nc] in ("|", "-"):
if di in (L, R):
ret.add((nr, nc, H))
ret.add((nr, nc, V))
ndi = turn(di, grid[nr][nc])
stack.append((nr, nc, ndi))
return ret
def show_grid(grid):
for row in grid:
print " ".join(row)
t = int(raw_input().strip())
for case in xrange(1, t + 1):
rows, cols = map(int, raw_input().strip().split())
grid = []
for _ in xrange(rows):
free = {}
bad_beam = set()
beam_map = dd(int)
bad = False
for r, c in product(xrange(rows), xrange(cols)):
if grid[r][c] == ".":
free[(r, c)] = set()
for orient in (H, V):
res = trace(grid, r, c, orient)
free[(r, c)] |= res
elif grid[r][c] in ('-', '|'):
beam_map[(r, c)] = len(beam_map) + 1
for orient in (H, V):
res = trace(grid, r, c, orient)
bad_beam |= res
if bad_beam:
beam_check = dd(int)
for r, c, _ in bad_beam:
beam_check[(r, c)] += 1
if max(beam_check.values()) == 2:
show(case, False, [])
# Without this there can be more than
# 2 good beams for a free field
# although if you have more
# than 2(x) beams for a free field
# then there are at least x - 2
# bad beams
for el in bad_beam:
for values in free.values():
if el in values:
if any(map(lambda x: len(x) not in (1, 2), free.values())):
show(case, False, [])
conj_normal_form = []
for value in free.itervalues():
vals = []
for el in value:
vals.append((-1 if el[2] == H else 1) * beam_map[el[:2]])
conj_normal_form.append((vals[0], vals[1 % len(vals)]))
for r, c, orient in bad_beam:
sign = (-1 if orient == V else 1) # We need to negate here
val = sign * beam_map[(r, c)]
conj_normal_form.append((val, val))
possible, solution = two_sat_solve(conj_normal_form)
if possible:
for (r, c), val in beam_map.iteritems():
if val in solution:
if solution[val]: # Means it's vertical
grid[r][c] = "|"
grid[r][c] = "-"
else: # Means this is isolated
grid[r][c] = "-"
show(case, True, grid)
show(case, False, [])
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