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frabert / COPYING
Last active December 21, 2023 13:35
Favicons for HN
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or
distribute this software, either in source code form or as a compiled
binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any
In jurisdictions that recognize copyright laws, the author or authors
of this software dedicate any and all copyright interest in the
software to the public domain. We make this dedication for the benefit
aidik / Query
Last active January 24, 2022 17:20 — forked from lukecav/Query
Improved MySQL/Maria script to get all WooCommerce orders including more metadata and better data types
SELECT `p`.`id` AS `order_id`,
Cast(`p`.`post_date` AS datetime) AS `order_date`,
SUBSTRING(`p`.`post_status`, 4) AS `order_status`,
Max(CASE WHEN `pm`.`meta_key` = '_billing_email' AND `p`.`id` = `pm`.`post_id` THEN `pm`.`meta_value` end) AS `billing_email`,
Max(CASE WHEN `pm`.`meta_key` = '_billing_first_name' AND `p`.`id` = `pm`.`post_id` THEN `pm`.`meta_value` end) AS `_billing_first_name`,
Max(CASE WHEN `pm`.`meta_key` = '_billing_last_name' AND `p`.`id` = `pm`.`post_id` THEN `pm`.`meta_value` end) AS `_billing_last_name`,
Max(CASE WHEN `pm`.`meta_key` = '_billing_company' AND `p`.`id` = `pm`.`post_id` THEN `pm`.`meta_value` end) AS `_billing_company`,
Max(CASE WHEN `pm`.`meta_key` = '_billing_address_1' AND `p`.`id` = `pm`.`post_id` THEN `pm`.`meta_value` end)
jasonbahl / functions.php
Created July 27, 2021 04:27
Create new posts with unique authors
add_action( 'init', function() {
$users = graphql([
'query' => '
users(first:100) {
nodes {
kidunot89 / apollo-client.js
Last active July 10, 2020 05:43
useCartMutations - React Hook that use "@apollo-react-hooks", and "uuid" to bundle WooGraphQL cart mutations in a modular tool.
// Node modules
import { ApolloClient } from 'apollo-client';
import { HttpLink } from 'apollo-link-http';
import { InMemoryCache, defaultDataIdFromObject } from 'apollo-cache-inmemory';
import { ApolloLink } from 'apollo-link';
import { onError } from 'apollo-link-error';
import { get, isEmpty } from 'lodash';
// Local imports
import { typeDefs, resolvers } from './schema';
2shrestha22 / cloudflare-worker-edge-cache.js
Last active June 29, 2024 12:16
Cloudflare workers script to enable edge-cache. Use Official cloudflare wordpress pulgin for auto cache purge management
// Stop CF edge from caching your site when specific wordpress cookies are present
// script found in
addEventListener('fetch', event => {
async function noCacheOnCookie(request) {
// Determine which group this request is in.
const cookie = request.headers.get('Cookie')
jake-101 / gist:5c930e5af129ecd9f003cac9c7f13273
Last active July 11, 2019 03:57
Add ACF field to WPGraphQL WooCommerce
add_action( 'graphql_register_types', function() {
register_graphql_field( 'Product', 'tech_specs', [
'type' => 'String',
'description' => __( 'tech specs', 'wp-graphql' ),
'resolve' => function( $post ) {
$id = $post->ID;
$specs = get_field( "tech_specs",$id);
$enc = strip_tags($specs,"<p>,<br>,<ul>,<li>");
esamattis / graphql.php
Last active May 11, 2020 10:43
wp-graphql cache
// UPDATE! Checkout this plugin
// Requires some persistent object cache such as wp-redis.
define( 'WP_GRAPHQL_CACHE_AGE', 10 ); // in seconds
add_action( 'do_graphql_request', function () {
woogists / wc-dont-allow-po-box-shipping.php
Last active November 30, 2021 10:37
[General Snippets] Don’t allow PO BOX shipping
* Prevent PO box shipping
add_action('woocommerce_after_checkout_validation', 'deny_pobox_postcode');
function deny_pobox_postcode( $posted ) {
global $woocommerce;
$address = ( isset( $posted['shipping_address_1'] ) ) ? $posted['shipping_address_1'] : $posted['billing_address_1'];
$postcode = ( isset( $posted['shipping_postcode'] ) ) ? $posted['shipping_postcode'] : $posted['billing_postcode'];
iansltx /
Last active April 7, 2024 15:44
Safari iframe cookie workaround
kloon / gist:4541017
Last active January 26, 2024 18:14
WooCommerce Clear Cart via URL
// check for clear-cart get param to clear the cart, append ?clear-cart to any site url to trigger this
add_action( 'init', 'woocommerce_clear_cart_url' );
function woocommerce_clear_cart_url() {
if ( isset( $_GET['clear-cart'] ) ) {
global $woocommerce;