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Created December 3, 2018 15:50
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  • Save jake-westfall/4c2149152a04fa65cc74879b3af161f8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Illustration of the concept of conditioning on a random variable
path <- "/Users/jakewestfall/Desktop/"
# simulate data from gaussian copula
covmat <- matrix(.9, nrow=3, ncol=3)
diag(covmat) <- 1
dat <- pnorm(mvrnorm(n=3000, mu=c(0,0,0), Sigma=covmat))
# pairs(dat)
# set up the plot params
png(paste0(path, "3d.png"), height=8, width=16,
units="in", res=200, pointsize=20)
# scatterplot3d -----------------------------------------------------------
# draw the points under the plane
s3d <- scatterplot3d(
dat[dat[,3] < .8,], pch=20, color=rgb(0, 0, 0, .4),
xlim=0:1, ylim=0:1, zlim=0:1,
xlab="X", ylab="", zlab="Y",
main="Draws from joint distribution\nP(X, Y, Z)"
# draw the plane
Intercept = .8, x.coef = 0, y.coef = 0,
lty = 1, lwd = 0.25, draw_polygon = TRUE, draw_lines = FALSE,
polygon_args = list(col = scales::alpha("cornsilk2", 0.5), lty = 1, lwd = 0.5)
# draw the points above the plane
s3d$points3d(dat[dat[,3] > .8,], pch=20, col=rgb(0, 0, 0, .4))
# Add rotated axis label
p2 <- s3d$xyz.convert(x = 1.3, y = .2, z = 0)
text(p2$x, p2$y, "Z", adj = 0.5, srt = 40, xpd = TRUE)
# 2D ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# scatterplot3d messes with the margins, so set them back...
# simulate even more data from the same copula
bigdat = pnorm(mvrnorm(n=1000000, mu=c(0,0,0), Sigma=covmat))
# empty plot
plot(x=0:1, y=0:1, cex=0, mgp=2:0, ylab="Z", xlab="X",
main="Draws from conditional distribution\nP(X, Z | Y = 0.8)")
# background color
rect(xleft=-1, xright=2, ybottom=-1, ytop=2, col=scales::alpha("cornsilk2", 0.5))
# add the points
points(x=bigdat[abs(bigdat[,1] - .8) < .0005, 2],
y=bigdat[abs(bigdat[,1] - .8) < .0005, 3],
pch=19, col=rgb(0, 0, 0, .4))
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