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Forked from anonymous/JOptionPane Example
Created July 10, 2012 09:27
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na Example of how to use the JOptionPane to make GUIs.
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
///-_-_- JOPTIONPANE TUTORIAL -_-_-\\\
Hello this is my very first programming tutorial, what is up, this is a tutorial on how to use JOptionPane!
up to now you have been using System.out.print() to output messages & you've been using java.util.Scanner
to receive input but now I'll tell you how to use JOptionPane's showMessageDialog() & showInputDialog() methods.
JOptionPane programs are little pop up windows that either have a dialog box that has a message and asks for input that is
the showInputDialog() the other is showMessageDialog, it is just a little message with a Icon if you want, both pop up window
types can have a title & both need to have null for the container usually like probably too early for you for me to talk about that.
JOptionPane Programs are a lot more easy to use and to work with than the console type programs you have made so far,
you will have to import javax.swing.JOptionPane; to use JOptionPane and it's methods.
///-_-_- JOPTIONPANE TUTORIAL -_-_-\\\
public class JOpExample {
public static void main(String args[])
//OK first up is the showInputDialog() it gives prompt and returns user input
String input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "what up", "text box prompt");//Equivalent to java.utilScanner but shows a message, & a title
String titleLess = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "no prompt!");//you don't need the prompt but you need the null at the start
//showInputDialog and showInputDialog both require the null at the beginning
if(input == null)System.exit(0);//if the input ends up being null that means you pressed cancel so adding System.exit(0); will close the program
//what ever string that is receiving input needs this afterward so that the cancel button will always work right
//and only closing the program sometimes it will close the program all the time if you add this
//if you want your input to be a number you will have to parse a String, because showInputDialog only works with Strings
int numInput = Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "enter an integer", "numInput"));//I use this parse method the most
double decInput = Double.parseDouble(JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "enter a double", "decInput"));//I use this the 2nd most
float floInput = Float.parseFloat(JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "enter a float", "floInput"));//I've seen people use floats to save memory
long longInput = Long.parseLong(JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "enter a long", "longInput"));//I use sometimes for really big nums
byte byteInput = Byte.parseByte(JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "enter a byte", "byteInput"));//I haven't really used byte much
//if you parse in a non-number an exception will be thrown a NumberFormatExcption Exception
//you can use a try and catch block so that you can decide what to do when someone inputs either a non number or the wrong type
int safeInput = Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "enter an integer or whatever, who cares", "safeInput"));
catch(NumberFormatException e)
//if the the inputDialog's input in this case is not a integer then a NumberFormatException will be thrown and caught by this catch
// you can have nothing, return; or System.exit(0); or main(null); or whatever
//OK what if you just want to out put some information? showMessageDialog();
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "I'm a message");//just a simple message
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "I'm a message", "I got a title", JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE);//message with title
//the regular icon for your Message Dialog is JOptionPane.Plain_Message but you usually don't need it
//showMessageDialog have icon messages like a warning message or a question message to indicate the type of information you are displaying
//icons aren't that important but they can convey a little extra information than just a PLAIN_MESSAGE can
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "I'm an error message", "", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "I'm an informative message", "", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "I'm a question message", "", JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE);
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "I'm a warning message", "", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE);
//you don't need to import JOptionPane to use JOptionPane
javax.swing.JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "I'm not imported");
javax.swing.JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "non-Imported input dialog");
//compact non-imported parsed input dialog
double wow;
String text;
try {wow = Double.parseDouble(text = javax.swing.JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "non-imported parsed input dialog", "sup"));
if(text == null) System.exit(0);}//makes cancel work
catch(NumberFormatException e){return;}//makes sure you input a number
//you can also have your class extend JOptionPane for extra compactness
new ExtendsExample();
static class ExtendsExample extends JOptionPane
public ExtendsExample()
//instead of JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "long input"); you can have
showInputDialog(null, "short input");
//instead of JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "long message"); you can have
showMessageDialog(null, "short message");
//you also don't need the JOptioPane in front of the ERROR_MESSAGE part
showMessageDialog(null, "short error message", "no JOptionPane.", ERROR_MESSAGE);
//in conclusion you don't need to write out JOptionPane all the time if you are in a class that is a subclass of JOptionPane
//you can make methods so that you don't need to write out as much the methods Input() and Msg() that I'm calling are down
//below & they shorten are simply the making of JOptionPane Windows
String input = Input("tiny input");
input = Input("I got a", "message in the text box");
Msg("tiny message");
Msg("tiny message", "with a title");
//message dialog with icon
Msg("tiny plain message", "with title", 0);//plain
Msg("tiny error message", "with title", 1);//error
Msg("tiny info message", "with title", 2);//info
Msg("tiny question message", "with title", 3);//question
Msg("tiny warning message", "with title", 4);//warning
////short little return statements with parameters////
public String Input(String msg)
return showInputDialog(null, msg);
public String Input(String msg, String start)
return showInputDialog(null, msg, start);
public void Msg(String msg)
showMessageDialog(null, msg);
public void Msg(String msg, String title)
showMessageDialog(null, msg, title, PLAIN_MESSAGE);
public void Msg(String msg, String title, int icon)
if(icon == 0)showMessageDialog(null, msg, title, PLAIN_MESSAGE);
else if(icon == 1)showMessageDialog(null, msg, title, ERROR_MESSAGE);
else if(icon == 2)showMessageDialog(null, msg, title, INFORMATION_MESSAGE);
else if(icon == 3)showMessageDialog(null, msg, title, QUESTION_MESSAGE);
else if(icon == 4)showMessageDialog(null, msg, title, WARNING_MESSAGE);
////short little return statements with parameters////
//OK as you may notice you can have a humble JOptionPane message box written out like this:
//javax.swing.JOptionPane.showMessage(null, "sup", "title"); or...
//JOptionPane.showMessage(null, "sup", "title"); or...
//showMessage(null, "sup", "title"); or even...
//Msg("sup", "title");
//that's JOptionPane, it's not that fancy but it is definitely better than the console.
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