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Created July 14, 2012 13:53
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a small simple stop watch program, you specify a time and when started it will decrease the time by 1 a second
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.JTextField;
this is my little stop watch program, it uses a game loop that I use for some video games I have made, modified to update 100 times a
second instead of 60 times a second, I used my timer instead of the built in swing timer, because I hate the swing timer, it sucks.
I went a little comment happy on this one, I tried to explain what everything is & what everything does, just cause I could.
public class StopWatch extends JFrame//extends JFrame so that you don't have to type out JFrame all the time like a chump
//swing components
private JPanel panel = new JPanel();//will be added to the frame and the other components will be added to this panel
private JTextField text = new JTextField();//time will be entered and displayed here
private JLabel label = new JLabel();//prompts the user
private JLabel whiteLabel = new JLabel();//purely decorative
private JButton button = new JButton();//the button that stops/starts the stop watch
static final int WIDTH = 66;//width of the window
static final int HEIGHT = 120;//height of the window
static final int FPS = 100; //fps of the game loop or amount of updates a second
static final long OPTIMAL_TIME = 1000000000 / FPS;//sets the amount of time each loop should take
private boolean running = true;//if made false the game loop will end
private boolean countStart = false;//true if the count down has started
private boolean countOver = false;//true just for a brief moment when the counter hits 0
private double counter = 0;//the stop watch counter, will be dropped 1.0 a second when the stop watch is started
private Font font = new Font("Verdana", 0, 8);//label font, unnecessary but pimp
private DecimalFormat numFormat = new DecimalFormat();//the display format, set so the text field displays a number with 2 decimal places
public static void main(String args[]){new StopWatch();}//compact main method just the way I like it
public StopWatch()//constructor
setSize(new Dimension(WIDTH, HEIGHT));//sets the window size to the predetermined width/height, obviously
setDefaultCloseOperation(3);//EXIT_ON_CLOSE is an int that = 3, so I put 3 because it's cooler that way
getContentPane().add(panel);//creates a pane for this JFrame and adds the panel to that pane
setLocationRelativeTo(null);//starts the window in the middle of the screen
setResizable(false);//we don't want anyone messing with the size of the window just cause there is no reason for them to mess with it
setVisible(true);//what use would this program be if it wasn't visible?...not very
panel.setLayout(null);//null layout is my favourite, it let's you set the location of each component manually
makeGui();//lays out the initial states of the swing components before the game loop takes over
repaint();//this stops the GUI from doing weird stuff
long lastLoopTime = System.nanoTime();//used in the loop
while(running)//my awesome game loop, it's smooth and simple. there are better game loops but I like this one
long now = System.nanoTime();//now = the current time in nanoseconds
long updateLength = now - lastLoopTime;//updateLength = difference between the last loop's time and the current time
lastLoopTime = now;
double delta = updateLength / ((double)OPTIMAL_TIME);
try{Thread.sleep((lastLoopTime-System.nanoTime())/1000000 + 10 );}
catch(Exception ex){}//this catch is thrown every once and a while but that does not matter much
public String customFormat(String pattern, double value) //returns a number set to to specified number format
return numFormat.format(value);
private void makeGui()
whiteLabel.setBounds(WIDTH/2-2, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT);
label.setBounds(WIDTH/2-2, 8, WIDTH, 10);
text.setBounds(WIDTH/2-2, 33, WIDTH, 21);
button.setBounds(WIDTH/2-2, 62, WIDTH, 18);
text.setText("0.00");//sets the text field to display "0.00"
label.setText("ENTER TIME");//prompts the user to enter a time
button.setText("start");//the button will either have "start" or "stop" on its face
label.setFont(font);//sets the label font to my pimp font
panel.setBackground(;//the sides are black
whiteLabel.setBackground(Color.white);//the white decorative stripe
whiteLabel.setOpaque(true);//has to be opaque to have a non transparent background
new ActionListener()//class within a class(class inception)
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
if(countStart) countStart = false; //stops the countdown if the countdown isn't already stopped
countStart = true;//starts the count down
try//if you try to parse a non number from the text field an exception will be thrown
counter = Integer.parseInt(text.getText());
catch(NumberFormatException ex) {text.setText("0.00");}//this catch will set the text field to "0.00"
private void update(double delta) //update & paintGui will be called by the game loop over and over 100x a second
counter -= delta*.01;//delta*.01 will subtract 1.0 a second from the counter
if(counter <= 0)
counter = 0;//in case the counter dips below 1 it is now made to be zero.
countStart = false;
countOver = true;
private void paintGui() //this will be called right after the update method, if this was a video game this would be my render method
if(countStart)//if the count down is triggered
text.setText(customFormat("0.00", counter));//makes it so that the display of the counter will have 2 decimal points only
text.setEnabled(false);//prevents you from messing with the text field while it's doing it's thing
button.setText("stop");//indicates that the stop watch can be paused, because it can, you know?
text.setEnabled(true);//allows you to modify the text field again
button.setText("start");//indicates that the timer can be started again
if(countOver) text.setText(customFormat("0.00", counter));
countOver = false;
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where is the main method?

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